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75 lines (66 loc) · 3.05 KB

File metadata and controls

75 lines (66 loc) · 3.05 KB


  • more GL object primitives: line, sphere, pyramid
  • Collect ideas/implement Flowskell.Lib.Glitch (distortion effects, etc)
  • Textures
  • Shaders! (local and global (glow, blur))
  • Read
  • make-grid command or so to show the axis (RGB=XYZ) (can be called at top level or after a specific transformation)
  • Look into performance issues (allocating texture, depth buffer, render-to-texture)
  • Fonts? using simple glut fonts for now
  • Option to enforce viewport width/height
  • Ability to change post shader (currently blur) or use multiple post shaders (yay!)
  • Ability to move light source
  • Ability to add texture to sphere and make earth.scm example
    • Probably like this: glHint(GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, GL_NICEST); glNewList(list[0], GL_COMPILE); sphere = gluNewQuadric(); gluQuadricDrawStyle( sphere, GLU_FILL); gluQuadricNormals( sphere, GLU_SMOOTH); gluQuadricOrientation( sphere, GLU_OUTSIDE); gluQuadricTexture( sphere, GL_TRUE);


  • unify (vector 0 0 0) stuff, then implement HSV coloring
  • implement vector functions like vmul, vadd, ...
  • fix float error
  • scheme compilation to Haskell AST instead of evaluation
  • use fluxus-like (every-frame ...) instead of current (define (every-frame) ...)
  • memoize stuff like secs, msecs so that 1) they stay the same for each frame, 2) evaluation is faster due to lazyness
  • maybe add an option to modify lisp tree randomly and use genetic algorithm to weight results (fitness=variance of the output or so)
  • Add (with-color), (with-texture), (with-shader), (preserve-matrix), as (push) ... (pop) is not very Lisp like


  • be able to rotate top level with mouse and cursor keys
  • mouse wheel should be zoom
  • optional code, fps display
  • REPL
    • Bugfix: Do not write to REPL when it is hidden
    • Bugfix: Fix encoding in REPL
    • Funky cursor in REPL instead of pipe
  • Code (re)loading
    • live code reloading, and fix F5 code reloading first
    • Bugfix: Code reloading: do not crash when source does not exist anymore
    • Remember path to all shader sources, and also do a reload of these
    • + more robust error handling (do not exit on Scheme error, or better yet: rewind to old environment)
    • Do not exit on GLSL error
  • Keys
    • F1: show help
    • F2: toggle REPL
    • F3: toggle fps
    • F4: toggle source
    • F5: source reload
    • F6: reset view matrix
    • F7: screenshot
    • F11: fullscreen
    • ?: Skip through presets/examples


  • Audio
    • implement Jack capture
    • make Jack audio input stable
    • fourier analysis/harmonic analysis
  • MIDI
  • Keyboard


  • Write tests for Scheme functions
  • Write functionality that verifies that no example contains errors
  • Write a stress test