UPDATE: We have now added our novel CAGI tampering detection algorithm in both Matlab and Java. It is based on JPEG block grid inconsistencies, but also features significant post-processing to improve result quality. Feel free to try it out! (Publication under review)
This is an integrated framework for image forensic analysis. It includes a Java webservice, including seven splicing detection algorithm implementations, plus additional forensic tools, located in the subdirectory java_service and a Matlab algorithm evaluation framework, including implementations of a large number of splicing detection algorithms, located in the subdirectory matlab_toolbox.
Please cite the following paper in your publications if you use the Java implementations:
author = "Markos Zampoglou and Symeon Papadopoulos and Yiannis Kompatsiaris and Ruben Bouwmeester and Jochen Spangenberg",
booktitle = "Social Media In the NewsRoom, {#SMNews16@CWSM}, Tenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media workshops",
title = "Web and Social Media Image Forensics for News Professionals",
year = "2016",
If you use the Matlab implementations, use the following citation:
author = "Markos Zampoglou and Symeon Papadopoulos and Yiannis Kompatsiaris",
title = "A Large-Scale Evaluation of Splicing Localization Algorithms for Web Images",
journal = "Multimedia Tools and Applications",
doi = "10.1007/s11042-016-3795-2"
pages= "Accepted for publication",
In either case, you must also cite the original algorithm publication. The README file within each Matlab algorithm subfolder contains the corresponding citation.
Contact Markos Zampoglou [email protected] for any further information.