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File metadata and controls

232 lines (179 loc) · 6.92 KB
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A cli interface to build Javascript applications with zero configuration.


  • With yarn: yarn global add malmo
  • With npm: npm install -g malmo

Available commands

  • malmo init Initialize configuration wizard. Remote and locale packages that contain malmo and starter-kit in their names will be listed.
  • malmo dev Launch dev server
  • malmo build Build your application
  • malmo config Print current configuration

Available options

  • -h, --help Print the usage guide
  • -v, --version Print package version
  • -w, --watch Restart compilation on configuration files changes
  • --env [key] Use env[key] configuration from malmo.config.js-


Use this file for overwrite or extend all the settings used by the malmo cli:

Parameter Description Type Required Default Available in the global CONSTANTS object
bootstrapExpressApp Invoke Express.listen method boolean NODE_ENV === 'production' true
clean Clean dist folder before launch dev server boolean true false
dist Name of the dist folder string dist false
publicPath Webpack output.publicPath setting string `` true
port Express application port number first available port true
root The project browser address, opened after malmo dev number {PROTOCOL}://{IP}:{PORT} true
staticFolder The public folder where all the bundled files will be placed string `` false
https.key Key certificate path string `` false
https.cert Cert certificate path string `` false


Each setting is overwritable with the env key:

module.exports = {
    bootstrapExpressApp: true,
    foo: 100, // custom constant, see above
    env: {
        staging: {
            bootstrapExpressApp: false,
            foo: 200,

Global CONSTANTS object

Thanks to webpack.DefinePlugin, those settings are propagated from malmo to each webpack entries in the global CONSTANTS object:

malmo dev

/* global CONSTANTS */
console.log( // 100

malmo dev --env=staging

/* global CONSTANTS */
console.log( // 200


Use this configuration for overwrite or extend all the settings used by the default malmo webpack loaders:

Key Options
cssHot see for all the available options
css see for all the available options
cssNodeModules css-loader settings applied to the node_modules folder
scss see for all the available options
file see for all the available options
js see for all the available options

If you need to add same external folders to the babel transpile, use the js.include option:

const path = require('path');

module.exports = {
    js: {
        include: path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules', 'my-module')


Use this configuration for overwrite or extend all the settings used by the default malmo webpack plugins:

Key Options
miniCssExtractPlugin see for all the available options
uglifyJsPlugin see for all the available options
htmlWebpackPlugin see for all the available options
module.exports = {
    htmlWebpackPlugin: {
        title: "Project Title"


Use this configuration for extend the webpack configuration:

module.exports = {
    module: {
      rules: [
          test: /\.(glsl|frag|vert)$/,
          use: [

Use this configuration for extend the express application used in ssr mode:

const cors = require('cors');

module.exports = (app, options) => {
  return app;

Configuration format

Each configuration can be written as a simple js object, or as a function that returns an object. The object will be merged with the defaults thanks to the webpack-merge package. If you use a function, all the settings are passed as arguments:

  • malmo.loaders-config.js
  • malmo.plugins-config.js
  • malmo.webpack-config.js
module.exports = ({
}) => ({
module.exports = (app, {
}) => ({

Merge strategy

For customize the webpack-merge strategy, export a named variable called strategy:

module.exports = { ... };

module.exports.strategy = { css: 'replace' };

Environment variables

This are the environment variables available in all the configuration files:

Key Description
process.env.SERVER true if the configuration is used by the server.js entry
process.env.NODE_ENV development or production, based on the launched command
process.env.PORT the node process port

Shared node packages

In all the configuration files, these modules are linked from the malmo folder, so it's not necessary to install them:

  • express
  • modernizr
  • html-webpack-plugin
  • mini-css-extract-plugin
  • uglifyjs-webpack-plugin
  • webpack
  • webpack-merge