Starintel server is the new API server for interacting with the starintel system.
- Features:
- rabbitmq
- actor model
- hackable
This repo is a mess! This project is experimental, DO NOT EXPOSE TO THE WEB.
In a future version the consumer that inserts will revert back to cl-gserver actor when I figure a good proto and learn more about sento.
Something along the lines of
(tell *couchdb* (:db "starintel" :id "0HJY....." :document (as-json (spec:create-user :dataset "github" :name "lost-rob0t"))))
I will have to do more research to better utlize the sento system.
For http documentation: Api Documentation
star-server uses nixpkgs to managment the dev shell, which is like a venv for this project.
it is not required
First install the Nix package manager and Direnv.
Also Ensure you have Quicklisp installed also.
git clone --recurse-submodules star-server && cd star-server;
direnv allow .
Now nix should be pulling down everything and you will be placed inside a new shell with everything needed in $PATH.
Ensure you have Quicklisp.
git clone --recurse-submodules star-server && cd star-server;
make build
make install
./star-server start --help