A black colorscheme for (neo)vim, real black background, #000000.
Color schemes define colors for syntax groups which are defined by Vim and syntax highlighting plugins. This colorscheme should work even if you don't have the syntax highlighting plugins listed below.
Supported languages/syntaxes:
- Ruby using vim-ruby/vim-ruby
- JavaScript using yuezk/vim-js
- TypeScript using HerringtonDarkholme/yats.vim
- Elixir using elixir-editors/vim-elixir
More on the way!
Using Plug and getting updates when running :PlugUpdate
Plug 'lucasprag/simpleblack'
You can also set a specific version if you want to not receive updates.
Plug 'lucasprag/simpleblack', { 'tag': 'v0.4.0' } " latest version
Notice that you can distinguish between module, class and method endings by color.
Change your ~/.vimrc
or ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
colorscheme simpleblack