LUYA is a Yii 2 PHP Framework wrapper which provides out of the box functions like an administration interface, a beautiful looking content management system, payment modules, agency workflows and other tools to develop your website pretty fast!
Attention: As of Bootstrap 4, the grid is completely written in FLEX. Check the Browser Support to decide if you want to use Bootstrap 4 for your Project.
We have a made an absolut easy to understand STEP-BY-STEP Guide to install LUYA:
composer create-project luyadev/luya-kickstarter-bootstrap4
These libraries are included and available:
» jQuery (yii\web\JqueryAsset)
» Bootstrap v4 (CSS & JS)
Bootstrap is included as a composer requirement
We have created our own NPM Package that includes our gulp workflow.
Everything is prepared inside the resources/
See zephir/zephir-gulp-workflow for a full documentation of the workflow.
To speed up your local development you can uncomment the following lines in configs/local.php
in order to use symlinking your assets instead of copy them every run.
'assetManager' => [
'class' => 'luya\web\AssetManager',
'linkAssets' => true,
Now all assets will be symlinked and not copied.
This will also enable CSS instant reload provided by
If you have any questions or problems, don't hesitate to create a new issue on the project repository.
We are always looking for people who share their thoughts, code and problems with us. Below the links to the contribution guides: