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evaluation log

the purpose of this log is to do a microautoethnography of my efforts to implement the six test machines. innovations in the table below denote additions to either actions or rules of thumb, or even to the core language, that i add to taxon to support a workflow with this machine.

Machine Domain Difficulty Innovations
basic 3d printers practice easy comparing work envelopes, drive mechanism types
hot wire cutter practice easy rotary blocks, work envelope orientation, collision voids
wasp clay printer practice easy delta bot block, cylindrical work envelope
pick and place practice hard tool changing, envelope regions, explicit footprint, (camera)
patching research hard multitool, rotary again, regions again
x print research medium tbd

hot wire cutter

i thought about its construction, it seems that there are four actual stages in a reference illustration that i have. i decided to have one redundant linear block for the lower stages, and two separate linear blocks for each upright stage.

the problem with this is that i have no idea how to handle the wire right now, since the kinematic graph now has a cycle. the wire is different than other tools in that it is not a rigid non-rotating tool like every other tool so far. ideally, we would also rotate the wire---or perhaps we just remove a degree of freedom and just say that the upperstages must be parallel... in that case, it's just a 2 DOF wire cutter. okay, let's clarify that.

also the work envelope... if we only can move in the x and z directions, it doesn't make sense to say that the work envelope is a box in this case. but then also, i need to make a vertical 2d work envelope agh.

okay i went ahead and edited work envelope instantiation to account for this. now we can have rectangles of all orientations! #equality

i think i need to come back to this and add a rotary stage.

possible rules of thumb

  • the positions of the stages must not move in such a way that causes the wire to snap, but i think this is avoided by making it a 2 DOF cutter and making it composed of two redundant linear stages.

wasp clay 3D printer

this is the 2040 model, and they have a data sheet from their website, yay. the first thing i notice is that they specify the work envelope (in their words, "building volume") with a height and diameter... so looks like it's time to support cylindrical work envelopes. i knew doing delta bot kinematics was going to be a bit of a challenge, even though we are now working at the block level so we're punting a bunch of the actual forward and inverse kinematics calculations. however, there several forms of delta bot kinematics, even, one with revolute joints and one ... with different ones? i need to look into the kind that the wasp printer has a bit more deeply.

i have to implement a new class to handle a non-moving platform. actually no, i'll just have current platforms be allowed to be non-actuating.

rules of thumb

  • not super innovative, but the way we do bounds checking for work envelopes that are defined cylindrically is different than with cuboid work envelopes, and bounds checking for work envelopes needs to be implemented as a rule of thumb anyway. this makes me think, is the rule of thumb for work envelope checking "polymorphic" over different types (shapes) of work envelopes?

liteplacer open source diy smd pick and place machine

wow have i opened a can of worms with this one. first, the specific design that i will be using is the liteplacer by juha kuusama, which is an open source hardware design that uses another open source software control system for pick and place machines called openpnp. the machine itself is way cooler and more complicated than i originally suspected when i was browing the internet looking for any pick and place machine to add to my slides for my quals talk.

namely, one thing to note is that the tool assembly is pretty complex, and supports tool-changing for pick and place tips. when it comes to the sizes of things it can pick up, the creater talks about different classes of smd parts like 0402, 0603, sot-23, and soic-8. i assume all of these are different profiles of smd footprints and of course nadya is going to be mad at me that i don't know this sort of thing already and that i am not a #realmaker, but alas, i will once again solve this sort of problem by codifying it in the action language! let the programmer deal with it, make a rule of thumb based on tool selection and different type of smd footprint... ooh, i'm good, i'm going to add this below right now.

finally, the actual tool assembly is pretty complicated and includes a precision offset camera with light, alongside the actual up and down actuating assembly, which actually has two drive assemblies: a lead screw for moving the entire assembly up and down off of the crossbar, and a timing belt for quick moves up and down with the tool tip.

yet another issues that the pick and place machine raises (no pun intended) is the notion of a work envelope when raising the tool. this is actually a similar issue that i dodged for the axidraw. the work envelope should be a 2d rectangle, but if we are moving the tool up and down, this is actually a box, or if we try really hard, two 2d planes—although even this is difficult to model because we need to know exactly the distance between the two planes and would have to raise an "out of envelope" issue if we were even slightly off height-wise. pragmatically, for now, we just project the y-coordinate onto the plane and just check the x and z bounds, but it'd be nice to formalize this in some way.

the x-/base gantry has two rails with timing belts (one for each side) but only one motor to control it, where the motor's motion is carried to the other side with an axle. i've never seen any construction like this and this kind of challenges the definition of linear versus redundant linear block—technically it would be a linear block... that's super wide. this also makes me think for when we do collision checks—and this is for any machine, including the axidraw and the wasp printer-any material often gets put within the volume of a block, but this should not result in a collision because it's empty space. i think perhaps at the part level, we would need to indicate sub-bounding boxes of either the actual collision-prone subvolumes, or maybe it would be easier to just designate the voids.

more things actually: regions (tool parking, smd storage area, pcb area) and tool parking logic. in fact, we might want to say that the action language as it is presented in the paper is just a start of a much larger enterprise; you can imagine a region as a class in the language that had to be added because we need to support it with workflows involving a pick and place machine, and then later on people can add functionality to the class, add more rots about it (i'll add some below) and just add more functionality to the action language in general. this is a point that we should be very explicit about in the paper.

instagram update: the size of this machine is way huger than the build volume; i think i should take nadya's advice of including the machine footprint in the metrics and then making the build environment match such a footprint if it exists.

instagram update ii: this thing needs a rotary block. i said it, it's gotta happen, which means we're gonna have a rotary block earlier for the hot wire cutter as well. this is because we need the needle to rotate to align the pcbs.

rules of thumb

  • certain footprints of pcbs can only be picked up with certain tools
  • work envelope checking with a 2dof tool that can be raised and lowered (this includes the axidraw) needs to be handled in a special way (e.g. projecting to the planar work envelope). update: i thought about this longer and i think the answer to this is to say that 2d work envelopes only check for bounds in their two dimensions, while not checking the third dimensions. that means that 2d work envelopes ("shape" : "rectangle") are more permissive than 3d/box work envelopes. in the case of both the axidraw and the pnp machine, but especially the later, it is the case that the tool can actually move in 3d, but we only define bounds checking for two.
  • camera routine somehow—the routine seems to just fire at the beginning when the camera checks the pcb for fiducials to localize/zero its subsequent movement commands.
  • for all machines, designate sub-bounding boxes of blocks that actually would result in collision, versus parts of blocks where material intersecting is not a problem. the most common example of this are redundant linear stages.
  • tool parking and regions—there are rules around where the tool can move when we are in one of these subprocedures
  • the "model" in this case is not a 3d model but instead a bunch of coordinate positions of an uploaded pcb design. the creater of the machine indicates that this is an common output from kicad/eagle etc.
  • there is a metric called footprint (unrelated to pcb footprints) that's optional, but if it's defined, it cannot be smaller than the bounding box of the entire machine