The queue provides the downloader with the scheduling function and the current limit function. Apply the Schedule/ScheduleSkeleton to request the task to be scheduled, then call the ReserveXXX method to retrieve the scheduled task, and execute it in the thread inside the downloader, and call the DeliverXXX method to send the downloaded data to the queue. Finally, through WaitResults to get the completed tasks. There are also some extra controls for the task in the middle. ExpireXXX is used to control whether the task times out. CancelXXX is used to cancel the task.
The Schedule call requests to perform download scheduling for some block headers. You can see that after doing some legality checks, insert the task into blockTaskPool, receiptTaskPool, receiptTaskQueue, and receiptTaskPool. TaskPool is a Map that records whether the header's hash exists. The TaskQueue is a priority queue, and the priority is the negative of the height of the block. The higher the height of the block, the higher the priority, and the function of scheduling small tasks first is realized.
// Schedule adds a set of headers for the download queue for scheduling, returning
// the new headers encountered.
func (q *queue) Schedule(headers []*types.Header, from uint64) []*types.Header {
// all share variables need mutex
defer q.lock.Unlock()
// Insert all the headers prioritised by the contained block number
inserts := make([]*types.Header, 0, len(headers))
for _, header := range headers {
// Make sure chain order is honoured and preserved throughout
hash := header.Hash()
if header.Number == nil || header.Number.Uint64() != from {
log.Warn("Header broke chain ordering", "number", header.Number, "hash", hash, "expected", from)
//headerHead check hash
if q.headerHead != (common.Hash{}) && q.headerHead != header.ParentHash {
log.Warn("Header broke chain ancestry", "number", header.Number, "hash", hash)
// Make sure no duplicate requests are executed
if _, ok := q.blockTaskPool[hash]; ok {
log.Warn("Header already scheduled for block fetch", "number", header.Number, "hash", hash)
if _, ok := q.receiptTaskPool[hash]; ok {
log.Warn("Header already scheduled for receipt fetch", "number", header.Number, "hash", hash)
// Queue the header for content retrieval
// using hash as key for task pool
q.blockTaskPool[hash] = header
// priority is by height
q.blockTaskQueue.Push(header, -float32(header.Number.Uint64()))
if q.mode == FastSync && header.Number.Uint64() <= q.fastSyncPivot {
// Fast phase of the fast sync, retrieve receipts too
q.receiptTaskPool[hash] = header
q.receiptTaskQueue.Push(header, -float32(header.Number.Uint64()))
inserts = append(inserts, header)
q.headerHead = hash
return inserts
The ReserveXXX method is used to retrieve some tasks from the queue to execute. The goroutine in the downloader will call this method to get some tasks to execute. This method directly calls the reserveHeaders method. All ReserveXXX methods call the reserveHeaders method, except for the parameters passed in.
// ReserveBodies reserves a set of body fetches for the given peer, skipping any
// previously failed downloads. Beside the next batch of needed fetches, it also
// returns a flag whether empty blocks were queued requiring processing.
func (q *queue) ReserveBodies(p *peerConnection, count int) (*fetchRequest, bool, error) {
isNoop := func(header *types.Header) bool {
return header.TxHash == types.EmptyRootHash && header.UncleHash == types.EmptyUncleHash
defer q.lock.Unlock()
return q.reserveHeaders(p, count, q.blockTaskPool, q.blockTaskQueue, q.blockPendPool, q.blockDonePool, isNoop)
// reserveHeaders reserves a set of data download operations for a given peer,
// skipping any previously failed ones. This method is a generic version used
// by the individual special reservation functions.
// Note, this method expects the queue lock to be already held for writing. The
// reason the lock is not obtained in here is because the parameters already need
// to access the queue, so they already need a lock anyway.
func (q *queue) reserveHeaders(p *peerConnection, count int, taskPool map[common.Hash]*types.Header, taskQueue *prque.Prque,
pendPool map[string]*fetchRequest, donePool map[common.Hash]struct{}, isNoop func(*types.Header) bool) (*fetchRequest, bool, error) {
// Short circuit if the pool has been depleted, or if the peer's already
// downloading something (sanity check not to corrupt state)
if taskQueue.Empty() {
return nil, false, nil
// already queue
if _, ok := pendPool[]; ok {
return nil, false, nil
// Calculate an upper limit on the items we might fetch (i.e. throttling)
space := len(q.resultCache) - len(donePool)
// substract the number you are downloading
for _, request := range pendPool {
space -= len(request.Headers)
// Retrieve a batch of tasks, skipping previously failed ones
send := make([]*types.Header, 0, count)
skip := make([]*types.Header, 0)
progress := false
for proc := 0; proc < space && len(send) < count && !taskQueue.Empty(); proc++ {
header := taskQueue.PopItem().(*types.Header)
// If we're the first to request this task, initialise the result container
index := int(header.Number.Int64() - int64(q.resultOffset))
// index out of range
if index >= len(q.resultCache) || index < 0 {
common.Report("index allocation went beyond available resultCache space")
return nil, false, errInvalidChain
if q.resultCache[index] == nil { // first time to be scheduled
components := 1
if q.mode == FastSync && header.Number.Uint64() <= q.fastSyncPivot {
// fast sync
components = 2
q.resultCache[index] = &fetchResult{
Pending: components,
Header: header,
// If this fetch task is a noop, skip this fetch operation
if isNoop(header) {
// no transaction in the header block, we can skip it
donePool[header.Hash()] = struct{}{}
delete(taskPool, header.Hash())
space, proc = space-1, proc-1
progress = true
// Otherwise unless the peer is known not to have the data, add to the retrieve list
// Lacks header hash
if p.Lacks(header.Hash()) {
skip = append(skip, header)
} else {
send = append(send, header)
// Merge all the skipped headers back
for _, header := range skip {
taskQueue.Push(header, -float32(header.Number.Uint64()))
if progress {
// Wake WaitResults, resultCache was modified
// Assemble and return the block download request
if len(send) == 0 {
return nil, progress, nil
request := &fetchRequest{
Peer: p,
Headers: send,
Time: time.Now(),
pendPool[] = request
return request, progress, nil
ReserveReceipts can be seen similar to ReserveBodys. However, the queue has changed.
// ReserveReceipts reserves a set of receipt fetches for the given peer, skipping
// any previously failed downloads. Beside the next batch of needed fetches, it
// also returns a flag whether empty receipts were queued requiring importing.
func (q *queue) ReserveReceipts(p *peerConnection, count int) (*fetchRequest, bool, error) {
isNoop := func(header *types.Header) bool {
return header.ReceiptHash == types.EmptyRootHash
defer q.lock.Unlock()
return q.reserveHeaders(p, count, q.receiptTaskPool, q.receiptTaskQueue, q.receiptPendPool, q.receiptDonePool, isNoop)
The Deliver method is called after the data has been downloaded.
// DeliverBodies injects a block body retrieval response into the results queue.
// The method returns the number of blocks bodies accepted from the delivery and
// also wakes any threads waiting for data delivery.
func (q *queue) DeliverBodies(id string, txLists [][]*types.Transaction, uncleLists [][]*types.Header) (int, error) {
defer q.lock.Unlock()
reconstruct := func(header *types.Header, index int, result *fetchResult) error {
if types.DeriveSha(types.Transactions(txLists[index])) != header.TxHash || types.CalcUncleHash(uncleLists[index]) != header.UncleHash {
return errInvalidBody
result.Transactions = txLists[index]
result.Uncles = uncleLists[index]
return nil
return q.deliver(id, q.blockTaskPool, q.blockTaskQueue, q.blockPendPool, q.blockDonePool, bodyReqTimer, len(txLists), reconstruct)
deliver method
func (q *queue) deliver(id string, taskPool map[common.Hash]*types.Header, taskQueue *prque.Prque,
pendPool map[string]*fetchRequest, donePool map[common.Hash]struct{}, reqTimer metrics.Timer,
results int, reconstruct func(header *types.Header, index int, result *fetchResult) error) (int, error) {
// Short circuit if the data was never requested
request := pendPool[id]
if request == nil {
return 0, errNoFetchesPending
delete(pendPool, id)
// If no data items were retrieved, mark them as unavailable for the origin peer
if results == 0 {
// tell this peer has no data
for _, header := range request.Headers {
// Assemble each of the results with their headers and retrieved data parts
var (
accepted int
failure error
useful bool
for i, header := range request.Headers {
// Short circuit assembly if no more fetch results are found
if i >= results {
// Reconstruct the next result if contents match up
index := int(header.Number.Int64() - int64(q.resultOffset))
if index >= len(q.resultCache) || index < 0 || q.resultCache[index] == nil {
failure = errInvalidChain
// build data
if err := reconstruct(header, i, q.resultCache[index]); err != nil {
failure = err
donePool[header.Hash()] = struct{}{}
useful = true
// Clean up a successful fetch
request.Headers[i] = nil
delete(taskPool, header.Hash())
// Return all failed or missing fetches to the queue
for _, header := range request.Headers {
if header != nil {
taskQueue.Push(header, -float32(header.Number.Uint64()))
// Wake up WaitResults
if accepted > 0 {
// If none of the data was good, it's a stale delivery
switch {
case failure == nil || failure == errInvalidChain:
return accepted, failure
case useful:
return accepted, fmt.Errorf("partial failure: %v", failure)
return accepted, errStaleDelivery
The ExpireBodies function gets the lock and then directly calls the expire function.
// ExpireBodies checks for in flight block body requests that exceeded a timeout
// allowance, canceling them and returning the responsible peers for penalisation.
func (q *queue) ExpireBodies(timeout time.Duration) map[string]int {
defer q.lock.Unlock()
return q.expire(timeout, q.blockPendPool, q.blockTaskQueue, bodyTimeoutMeter)
expire method
// expire is the generic check that move expired tasks from a pending pool back
// into a task pool, returning all entities caught with expired tasks.
func (q *queue) expire(timeout time.Duration, pendPool map[string]*fetchRequest, taskQueue *prque.Prque, timeoutMeter metrics.Meter) map[string]int {
// Iterate over the expired requests and return each to the queue
expiries := make(map[string]int)
for id, request := range pendPool {
if time.Since(request.Time) > timeout {
// Update the metrics with the timeout
// Return any non satisfied requests to the pool
if request.From > 0 {
taskQueue.Push(request.From, -float32(request.From))
for hash, index := range request.Hashes {
taskQueue.Push(hash, float32(index))
for _, header := range request.Headers {
taskQueue.Push(header, -float32(header.Number.Uint64()))
// Add the peer to the expiry report along the the number of failed requests
expirations := len(request.Hashes)
if expirations < len(request.Headers) {
expirations = len(request.Headers)
expiries[id] = expirations
// Remove the expired requests from the pending pool
for id := range expiries {
delete(pendPool, id)
return expiries
The Cancle function cancels the assigned task and rejoins the task to the task pool.
// CancelBodies aborts a body fetch request, returning all pending headers to the
// task queue.
func (q *queue) CancelBodies(request *fetchRequest) {
q.cancel(request, q.blockTaskQueue, q.blockPendPool)
// Cancel aborts a fetch request, returning all pending hashes to the task queue.
func (q *queue) cancel(request *fetchRequest, taskQueue *prque.Prque, pendPool map[string]*fetchRequest) {
defer q.lock.Unlock()
if request.From > 0 {
taskQueue.Push(request.From, -float32(request.From))
for hash, index := range request.Hashes {
taskQueue.Push(hash, float32(index))
for _, header := range request.Headers {
taskQueue.Push(header, -float32(header.Number.Uint64()))
The Schedule method passes in a header that has been fetched. Schedule(headers []*types.Header, from uint64)
. The parameter of the ScheduleSkeleton function is a skeleton, and then requests to fill the skeleton. The so-called skeleton means that I first request a block header every 192 blocks, and then pass the returned header to the ScheduleSkeleton. In the Schedule function, only the queue scheduling block and the receipt of the receipt are required. In the ScheduleSkeleton function, the download of the missing block headers needs to be scheduled.
// ScheduleSkeleton adds a batch of header retrieval tasks to the queue to fill
// up an already retrieved header skeleton.
func (q *queue) ScheduleSkeleton(from uint64, skeleton []*types.Header) {
defer q.lock.Unlock()
// No skeleton retrieval can be in progress, fail hard if so (huge implementation bug)
if q.headerResults != nil {
panic("skeleton assembly already in progress")
// Shedule all the header retrieval tasks for the skeleton assembly
q.headerTaskPool = make(map[uint64]*types.Header)
q.headerTaskQueue = prque.New()
q.headerPeerMiss = make(map[string]map[uint64]struct{}) // Reset availability to correct invalid chains
q.headerResults = make([]*types.Header, len(skeleton)*MaxHeaderFetch)
q.headerProced = 0
q.headerOffset = from
q.headerContCh = make(chan bool, 1)
for i, header := range skeleton {
index := from + uint64(i*MaxHeaderFetch)
q.headerTaskPool[index] = header
q.headerTaskQueue.Push(index, -float32(index))
This method will only be called in the skeleton mode. The task used to reserve the header of the fetch block for the peer.
// ReserveHeaders reserves a set of headers for the given peer, skipping any
// previously failed batches.
func (q *queue) ReserveHeaders(p *peerConnection, count int) *fetchRequest {
defer q.lock.Unlock()
// Short circuit if the peer's already downloading something (sanity check to
// not corrupt state)
if _, ok := q.headerPendPool[]; ok {
return nil
// Retrieve a batch of hashes, skipping previously failed ones
send, skip := uint64(0), []uint64{}
for send == 0 && !q.headerTaskQueue.Empty() {
from, _ := q.headerTaskQueue.Pop()
if q.headerPeerMiss[] != nil {
if _, ok := q.headerPeerMiss[][from.(uint64)]; ok {
skip = append(skip, from.(uint64))
send = from.(uint64)
// Merge all the skipped batches back
for _, from := range skip {
q.headerTaskQueue.Push(from, -float32(from))
// Assemble and return the block download request
if send == 0 {
return nil
request := &fetchRequest{
Peer: p,
From: send,
Time: time.Now(),
q.headerPendPool[] = request
return request
// DeliverHeaders injects a header retrieval response into the header results
// cache. This method either accepts all headers it received, or none of them
// if they do not map correctly to the skeleton.
// If the headers are accepted, the method makes an attempt to deliver the set
// of ready headers to the processor to keep the pipeline full. However it will
// not block to prevent stalling other pending deliveries.
func (q *queue) DeliverHeaders(id string, headers []*types.Header, headerProcCh chan []*types.Header) (int, error) {
defer q.lock.Unlock()
// Short circuit if the data was never requested
request := q.headerPendPool[id]
if request == nil {
return 0, errNoFetchesPending
delete(q.headerPendPool, id)
// Ensure headers can be mapped onto the skeleton chain
target := q.headerTaskPool[request.From].Hash()
accepted := len(headers) == MaxHeaderFetch
if accepted { //First, the length needs to be matched, and then check whether the block number and the hash value of the last block are the same.
if headers[0].Number.Uint64() != request.From {
log.Trace("First header broke chain ordering", "peer", id, "number", headers[0].Number, "hash", headers[0].Hash(), request.From)
accepted = false
} else if headers[len(headers)-1].Hash() != target {
log.Trace("Last header broke skeleton structure ", "peer", id, "number", headers[len(headers)-1].Number, "hash", headers[len(headers)-1].Hash(), "expected", target)
accepted = false
if accepted {// Check the block number of each block in turn, and whether the link is correct.
for i, header := range headers[1:] {
hash := header.Hash()
if want := request.From + 1 + uint64(i); header.Number.Uint64() != want {
log.Warn("Header broke chain ordering", "peer", id, "number", header.Number, "hash", hash, "expected", want)
accepted = false
// check Hash
if headers[i].Hash() != header.ParentHash {
log.Warn("Header broke chain ancestry", "peer", id, "number", header.Number, "hash", hash)
accepted = false
// If the batch of headers wasn't accepted, mark as unavailable
if !accepted { // mark fail, will not be delivered to this peer
log.Trace("Skeleton filling not accepted", "peer", id, "from", request.From)
miss := q.headerPeerMiss[id]
if miss == nil {
q.headerPeerMiss[id] = make(map[uint64]struct{})
miss = q.headerPeerMiss[id]
miss[request.From] = struct{}{}
q.headerTaskQueue.Push(request.From, -float32(request.From))
return 0, errors.New("delivery not accepted")
// Clean up a successful fetch and try to deliver any sub-results
copy(q.headerResults[request.From-q.headerOffset:], headers)
delete(q.headerTaskPool, request.From)
ready := 0
for q.headerProced+ready < len(q.headerResults) && q.headerResults[q.headerProced+ready] != nil {
// Calculate the header of this arrival can allow headerResults how much data can be delivered.
ready += MaxHeaderFetch
if ready > 0 {
// Headers are ready for delivery, gather them and push forward (non blocking)
process := make([]*types.Header, ready)
copy(process, q.headerResults[q.headerProced:q.headerProced+ready])
// now try to deliver
select {
case headerProcCh <- process:
log.Trace("Pre-scheduled new headers", "peer", id, "count", len(process), "from", process[0].Number)
q.headerProced += len(process)
// Check for termination and return
if len(q.headerTaskPool) == 0 {
// if we receive data from this channel, it means all the header tasks have been completed
q.headerContCh <- false
return len(headers), nil
RetrieveHeaders, the ScheduleSkeleton function is not called when the last schedule has not been completed. So after the last call is completed, this method will be used to get the result and reset the state.
// RetrieveHeaders retrieves the header chain assemble based on the scheduled
// skeleton.
func (q *queue) RetrieveHeaders() ([]*types.Header, int) {
defer q.lock.Unlock()
headers, proced := q.headerResults, q.headerProced
q.headerResults, q.headerProced = nil, 0
return headers, proced