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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 12, 2024. It is now read-only.

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390 lines (242 loc) Β· 15.6 KB

File metadata and controls

390 lines (242 loc) Β· 15.6 KB



  • Update dependencies postcss-html-filter, scroll-restorer, postcss, postcss-csso and postcss-url
  • Update snapshot create-webpack-config-base.test.js to reflect new deps


  • update jsxtreme-markdown dependencies to 3.0.2


  • fix static-sitemap vendored package (#377)
  • update jsxtreme-markdown dependencies to 3.0.1


  • use node 18/npm 9 (#376)
  • various dependency updates


  • Fix: Update postcss plugins to skip hashes when adding a relative path.
  • Revert: Skip urls that begin with %23clip in postcss-absolute-urls plugin.


  • Skip urls that begin with %23clip in postcss-absolute-urls plugin.


  • Update dependencies.


  • Update caniuse-lite.
  • Update devBrowserslist default list: ['Edge >= 88', 'Firefox >= 85', 'Chrome >= 88', 'Safari >= 14', 'iOS >= 14.4'].
  • Add ignoreFile option to sitemap Batfish configuration object. The value of ignoreFile is the pathname to a JavaScript file that exports an array of file paths or directories that you do not want Batfish to include in the sitemap.
  • Update some devDependencies: react-helmet, husky, lint-staged, prettier, react, react-dom, react-test-renderer.


  • Update dependencies with security updates.


  • Fix crash when watching files with batfish start.


  • Upgrade all dependencies. This can affect you in a few ways:
    • You will need to upgrade your react-helmet peer dependency to ^6.0.0.
    • Batfish now uses Babel v7. If you are adding your own Babel plugins, you need to check whether they are compatible with Babel v7, and upgrade them if not.
    • Babel's preset-env has changed significantly, so when upgrading you should double-check that your website continues to work in all the browsers you support.


  • Upgrade to Node 10 and npm 6.
  • Update dependencies with security updates.


  • Fix: Revert increase maxAsyncRequests and maxInitialRequests in splitChunks to prevent JavaScript from running out of memory.
  • Fix: Fix issue where .md and .js files were not being compiled on start.
  • Fix: Prevent .md and .js files from being copied on build since they will be compiled.


  • Fix: Increase maxAsyncRequests and maxInitialRequests in splitChunks to prevent JavaScript from running out of memory.


  • Fix: Prevent temporary build files from being written to the output directory.
  • Feature: Batfish no longer generates a stats.json at build time. Pass the --stats flag with the build command to generate stats.json.


  • Fix: Use core-js@2 and fix core-js modules so that they are required.


  • Fix: Fix undefined Promise in IE 11 by adding core-js (es.promise and es.array.iterator) to the Webpack config entry.


  • Upgrade Webpack to v4.


  • Fix: Fix bug that caused .json files in the pagesDirectory not to be copied to the outputDirectory.
  • Fix: Fix bug that caused some unprocessedPageFiles to sometimes be processed as pages.


  • Fix: Fix Node 10 compatibility by updating cpy dependency.
  • Fix: Update dependencies.


  • Deprecate: Add a deprecation warning when using the spa mode.


  • Fix: Remove ^ from assets-webpack-plugin dependency to avoid regression.


  • Fix: Use webpackPlugins in static HTML build as well as client-side bundle build, as plugins like DefinePlugin can provide information that is depended on for building the HTML. If this breaks a build for you, please open an issue about your use case.


  • Fix: Add electron to list of libraries that Webpack should not try to bundle during the HTML build.


  • Fix: Remove production usage of Prettier. Generated files will not be as pretty, but it's worth removing the large dependency and complications it can introduce.


  • Fix: Fix custom 404 pages on sites with a siteBasePath.


  • Feature: Added a helpful message if the provided port is not available.
  • Feature: Files reference as URLs in CSS then copied into the output directory (via postcss-url) now include the file's original basename as well as the hash.
  • Feature: Expose Batfish's version of Webpack on require('@mapbox/batfish').webpack, so it can be used for custom plugin configuration.
  • Fix: Prevent batfish from entering an unpredictable state if provided port is unavailable.


  • Fix Change the CLI parameter -p/--port to accept number data type.


  • Update jsxtreme-markdown packages, which use a new processing pipeline.


  • Add: Automatically add data about headings to front matter of Markdown pages and id attributes to the heading elements. The headings data can be used to generate a table of contents in the Markdown page wrapper component, as illustrated in the table-of-contents example. (This feature was added to jsxtreme-markdown.)
  • Chore: Unobtrusive dependency updates.


  • Fix: Prevent new default 404 page from breaking SPA mode.


  • Fix: Add babel-core to dependencies, since it's a peer dependency of babel-loader.


  • Fix: Replace code that caused Webpack warning about Chunk.modules being deprecated.


  • Add: Improve logging by adding approximate times for build phases.
  • Add: Helpful default 404 page (in development mode only).
  • Fix: If you provide an applicationWrapper in spa mode, it will be included in the static HTML build.
  • Fix: Update postcss-html-filter for CSS-inlining bug fix.


  • Fix: Add several packages to dependencies which were mistakingly added to devDependencies.


  • Chore: Swap out development servers. This should reduce dependency weight and complexity and fix an infrequent bug where start crashed when it tried to print the local URL.


  • Add: Add sitemap option, allowing user to turn off sitemap generation.
  • Fix: Improve error messages when front matter parsing fails.


  • Remove webpack-chunk-hash dependency. Recent versions of Webpack do not require this module for deterministic filename hashing.


  • Add: Add staticHtmlInlineDeferCss option.


  • Add: Add webpackStaticStubReactComponent option.
  • Add: Use Webpack's node option in the client config to stub core Node libraries, resulting in fewer errors buried in users' dependencies.


  • Add: Add devBrowserslist option. This will change the browser support of your development (not production) build.
  • Add: Add -b, --browsers option for batfish start.
  • Add: browserslist and devBrowserslist affect babel-preset-env, not just Autoprefixer.


  • Add: Include babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread by default.
  • Add: Add manageScrollRestoration option.
  • Add: Add experimental spa option. This option might suffer breaking changes on any release until it's no longer "experimental".


  • Add: -i, --include option to batfish start command, and corresponding includePages configuration option, which allows you to speed up your development build by only building the specified pages.
  • Add: batfish write-bablerc command (batfish.writeBabelrc in Node API), which writes a .babelrc file that you can use to tell other process, like a test runner, how to interpret your source files.
  • Add: Add babelInclude option.
  • Fix: Fix bug that could cause builds with unnamed dynamic imports to fail with a cryptic error about a hash-based filename that is too long.
  • Fix: Actually exclude node_modules from Babel compilation, as intended and documented. Warning: this fix makes the functionality fit the documented public API, but if you were accidentally relying on a node_module being accidentally compiled, this could break your build. You'll want to use the new babelInclude option to indicate those node_modules that need to be compiled.
  • Fix: Tweak default babelExclude value to ensure it excludes nested node_modules directories.
  • Chore: Remove json-loader, which Webpack no longer needs to import JSON.
  • Chore: Allow babel-loader to use its default cache location (node_modules/.cache/babel-loader).


  • Fix: Fix bug causing build to fail if you used npm link (or yarn link), with a message about failing to find Babel plugins.


  • Upgrade dependencies. There should not be any user-faces changes, just behind-the-scenes improvements.


  • Fix: Fix bug where changes to recent versions of BrowserSync broke server initialization logging.


  • Fix: Upgrade @mapbox/jsxtreme-markdown-loader to get bug fix related to determining Markdown wrappers with a getWrapper function.


  • No changes. Releasing 1.0 because the library has been stable enough that 1.0 will be good for semver.


  • Fix: Use NamedChunksPlugin to improve long-term caching.


  • Fix: Do not copy files specified by unprocessedPageFiles option if they are also ignored by ignoreWithinPagesDirectory.
  • Fix: Fix bug that caused the static build's Webpack config to look for certain dependencies, like uglify-js, in the wrong place.
  • Fix: Better errors for obscure parse errors from compiled static-render-pages.js.


  • Fix: outputDirectory and temporaryDirectory do not have to exist as part of config validation.


  • Fix: Add Prettier to dependencies, not just devDependencies.
  • Fix: Provide more clear error messages by checking for the existing of files or directories while validating configuration for the following options: applicationWrapperPath, pagesDirectory, outputDirectory, temporaryDirectory, inlineJs.
  • Fix: Fix buggy validation of inlineJs configuration property.


  • Add: Add ignoreWithinPagesDirectory option.


  • Fix: Update jsxtreme-markdown dependencies to get bug fix.


  • Add: Add publicAssetsPath option.
  • Fix: Slight improvement to filename hashing for long-term caching.
  • Fix: Remove strip-color from vendorModules, as it's no longer being used.
  • Chore: Allow for React 16 as peer dependency.
  • Chore: Update all other dependencies.


  • Fix: Fragments in the URL take precedence over scrolling to the top of pages on dynamic route changes.


  • Fix: Fragments in the URL take precedence over saved scroll positions in the history.


  • Fix: Development server does not quit the process when there are Webpack compilation errors. Instead, you can just fix them and rebuild.


  • Fix: Remove imports of batfish-internal/context from public modules. These break unit tests, or any other reference to the file outside of Batfish's builds.


  • Add: Add babelPresetEnvOptions option.
  • Add: Enable page-specific CSS. See "Page-specific CSS" documentation.
  • Fix: Prevent two simultaneous Webpack compilations from messing with each other when a page file changes.


  • Fix: Restructure directories to be more friendly for Flow-using consumers.


  • Fix: Don't hijack links that aren't to Batfish routes. Refactoring in 0.10.0 introduced this bug.


  • Fix: Include more files in npm package ...


  • Fix: Include dist/ in npm package. Oops.


  • 🚨 Breaking change: Require Node 6. (Drop support for Node 4.)
  • 🚨 Breaking change: Remove staticDirectory option. The same effect can be accomplished by putting static files in the pages directory.
  • 🚨 Breaking change: with-location now provides the original component at WrappedComponent instead of WrapperComponent.
  • 🚨 Breaking change: change data-no-hijack attribute name to data-batfish-no-hijack. Also, this attribute now blocks link hijacking on the element itself and all its children.
  • 🚨 Breaking change: (maybe, maybe not) Links with fragment URLs (e.g. href="#foo") are not hijacked, just left to their default behavior.
  • Add: Much improved logging!
  • Add: Much improved configuration validation!
  • Add: Much improved error handling!
  • Add: hijackLinks configuration option, defaulting to true.
  • Add: Improve prefixUrl to work with already-prefixed URLs and absolute URLs.
  • Add: Add unprocessedPageFiles option.
  • Add: Include babel-plugin-transform-class-properties by default.
  • Add: start now rebuilds when you change a page's front matter, create a new page, or delete a page.
  • Fix: Update postcss-html-filter to fix bugs inlining CSS with certain pseudo selectors.


  • Fix: Do not rebase URLs in CSS that have protocols.


  • Fix: Fix the url-referenced assets in CSS are copied and rebased for the static build.
  • Fix: Ensure that the user's versions of react, react-dom, and react-helmet are used.


  • Fix: Assets referenced by url() in CSS you include with the stylesheets option are copied into the outputDirectory.


  • 🚨 Breaking change: Revised dataSelectors system. Values returned by dataSelectors can now be used by importing modules from @mapbox/batfish/data/[data-selector-name], instead of using the special injectedData front matter property. For example, the return value from the dataSelectors.watchOutForBees is available with import beeData from '@mapbox/batfish/data/watch-out-for-bees';.


  • Addition: includePromisePolyfill configuration option.
  • Fix: Batfish will inject its specified version of es6-promise even if something about your dependency resolution ends up putting an older version of that polyfill at node_modules/es6-promise.


  • 🚨 Breaking change: Renamed externalStylesheets option to stylesheets.
  • 🚨 Breaking change: CSS is no longer imported or required via Webpack. All stylesheets should be listed in the stylesheets configuration array.
  • 🚨 Breaking change: Renamed wrapperPath option to applicationWrapperPath.
  • 🚨 Breaking change: Removed notFoundPath option. Instead, 404 pages always live as 404.(js|md) in the pagesDirectory.
  • 🚨 Breaking change: 404 pages are no longer index.html files inside directories, e.g. 404/index.html. They are just HTML pages, e.g. 404.html.
  • 🚨 Breaking change: Changed default outputDirectory from _site to _batfish_site.
  • 🚨 Breaking change: Changed default temporaryDirectory from _tmp to _batfish_tmp.
  • 🚨 Breaking change: Upgrade jsxtreme-markdown, which changed modules front matter property in Markdown pages to prependJs.


  • Addition: webpackStaticIgnore configuration option.
  • Fix: Links with fragment identifiers. Only scroll to the top of the page after the URL changes if the location's pathname changes and if there is no fragment identifier in the URL.
  • Fix: Use ES2015 named imports for default modules values in jsxtreme-markdown documents.


  • Changed batfish/md path, for Babel-compiled Markdown in JS pages, to @mapbox/batfish/modules/md.
  • Switched ES2015 module compilation from Webpack's system to Babel's ES2015 preset.
  • Use worker-farm for inlining CSS in static HTML files.
  • Upgrade Webpack to v3.
  • Use external @mapbox/link-to-location package, delete local version.
  • Put BrowserSync in offline mode.
  • Upgrade jsxtreme-markdown to get some bug fixes.


  • It begins.