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Releases: mariadb-corporation/mariadb-connector-j

MariaDB connector/j 1.4.2

08 Apr 16:15
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Release information

This version is a bugfix release


  • [CONJ-275] Streaming result without result throw "Current position is before the first row"

MariaDB connector/j 1.4.1

07 Apr 14:47
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Release information

This version is a bugfix release


  • [CONJ-274] support of MySQL 5.1 server connection.
  • [CONJ-273] option rewriteBatchedStatements set to true : correction when using prepareStatement without parameters
  • [misc] option rewriteBatchedStatements set to true : correction of packet separation when query size > max_allow_packet
  • [CONJ-270] permit 65535 parameters to server preparedStatement
  • [CONJ-268] update license header
  • [misc] performance improvement for select result.

MariaDB connector/j 1.4.0

31 Mar 11:59
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Notable changes and additions

Complete implementation of fetch size.

JDBC allows to specify the number of rows fetched for a query, and this number is referred to as the fetch size
Before version 1.4.0, query were loading all results or row by row using Statement.setFetchSize(Integer.MIN_VALUE).
Now it's possible to set fetch size according to your need.
Loading all results for large result sets is using a lot of memory. This functionnality permit to save memory without having performance decrease.

Memory footprint improvement

Buffers have been optimized to reduced memory footprint

CallableStatement performance improvement.

Calling function / procedure performance is now optimized according to query. Depending on queries, difference can be up to 300%.

Authentication evolution

CONJ-251 Permit now new authentication possibility : [[|PAM authentication]], and GSSAPI/SSPI authentication.

GSSAPI/SSPI authentication authentication plugin for MariaDB permit a passwordless login.

On Unix systems, GSSAPI is usually synonymous with Kerberos authentication. Windows has slightly different but very similar API called SSPI, that along with Kerberos, also supports NTLM authentication.
See more detail in [[|GSSAPI/SSPI configuration]]

Connection attributes

Driver information informations are now send to [[|connection attributes tables]](performance_schema must be activated).
A new option "connectionAttributes" permit to add client specifics data.

For example when connecting with the following connection string {{{"jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/testj?user=root&connectionAttributes=myOption:1,mySecondOption:'jj'"}}},
if performance_schema is activated, information about this connection will be available during the time this connection is active :

select * from performance_schema.session_connect_attrs where processList_id = 5
|5               |_client_name     |MariaDB connector/J  |0                 |
|5               |_client_version  |1.4.0-SNAPSHOT       |1                 |
|5               |_os              |Windows 8.1          |2                 | 
|5               |_pid             |14124@portable-diego |3                 |
|5               |_thread          |5                    |4                 |
|5               |_java_vendor     |Oracle Corporation   |5                 |
|5               |_java_version    |1.7.0_79             |6                 |
|5               |myOption         |1                    |7                 |
|5               |mySecondOption   |'jj'                 |8                 |

Minor evolution

  • CONJ-210 : adding a "jdbcCompliantTruncation" option to force truncation warning as SQLException.
  • CONJ-211 : when in master/slave configuration, option "assureReadOnly" will ensure that slaves are in read-only mode ( forcing transaction by a query "SET SESSION TRANSACTION READ ONLY").
  • CONJ-213 : new option "continueBatchOnError". Permit to continue batch when an exception occur : When executing a batch and an error occur, must the batch stop immediatly (default) or finish remaining batch before throwing exception.


  • CONJ-236 : Using a parametrized query with a smallint -1 does return the unsigned value
  • CONJ-250 : Tomcat doesn't stop when using Aurora failover configuration
  • CONJ-260 : Add jdbc nString, nCharacterStream, nClob implementation
  • CONJ-269 : handle server configuration autocommit=0
  • CONJ-271 : ResultSet.first() may throw SQLDataException: Current position is before the first row

MariaDB connector/j 1.3.7

21 Mar 21:35
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This is a correction release.

major correction :

  • CONJ-259 : Server prepare statement failover use the associated connection
  • Performance improvement (avoiding buffer when possible)

minor corrections:

MariaDB connector/j 1.3.6

22 Feb 01:01
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This is a correction release.

major correction :

  • CONJ-252 : Correction of charset parameter on Statement.setCharacterStream() and setClob
  • CONJ-253 : Protocol encoding correction for binary field
  • CONJ-254 : Error in boolean when using scala anorm string interpolation

minor corrections:

  • CONJ-255 : getBoolean() improvement (for field not normally considered as boolean). TinyInt value >= 2 are now considered as true.
  • CONJ-257 Server preparedStatement now used even for query without parameters.
  • CONJ-258 multithreading correction on possible race condition on statement.close()

MariaDB connector/J 1.3.5

04 Feb 09:29
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This is a correction release.

major correction :

  • CONJ-243 : correction getString on tinyInt false value

minor corrections:

  • failover : Assure connection when a failover append during connection initialization.
  • CONJ-246 : permit aurora single node cluster.
  • CONJ-245 Check connection status before executing query
  • prepareStatement() taking column indexes or names return generated keys

MariaDB connector/J 1.3.4

10 Jan 09:30
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This is a correction release.

Main corrections :

major :

  • CONJ-232 : Failover threading improvement
  • CONJ-238 : PreparedStatement use server preparation when possible, client if not

minor :

  • CONJ-237 : closing an already closed statement does not throw an exception anymore
  • CONJ-239 :commit does not throw an exception when in autocommit mode

MariaDB connector/J 1.3.3

07 Dec 11:23
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This is a correction release.

Main corrections :

major :

  • CONJ-225 : ResultSet.getString correction for prepareStatement
  • CONJ-226 : PreparedStatement return NULL When TIME column value=00:00:00
  • CONJ-227 : Mariadb alias in url connection string wasn't working in HA mode
  • CONJ-228 : Handle unsigned numeric data
  • CONJ-179 : Statement.getMoreResults() was always returning true

minor :

  • CONJ-224 : Metadata driver version
  • CONJ-229 : Host is not mandatory for named pipe connection

MariaDB connector/J 1.3.2

23 Nov 09:36
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This is a correction release.

Main corrections :

  • CONJ-220 : prepareStatement : setCharacterStream and setBlob possible IndexOutOfBoundsException depending on stream length.
  • CONJ-221 : preparedStatement : Error when using statement setObject(int, object, sqlType) with object with Long type and sql type Types.BIGINT
  • CONJ-219 : Correcting Datasource parameter handling.
  • CONJ-222 : INSERT ... SELECT are now not rewritten when option rewriteBatchedStatements is set.
  • CONJ-223 : MetaData.getParameterCount() on prepareStatement now return correct result.
  • Code cleaned to avoid connection leak

MariaDB connector/J 1.3.1

18 Nov 15:17
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This is a correction release.

Main correction :

  • SQLException correction when using Resultset.getDate on a Timestamp field