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Settlement Objective

manny kung edited this page Jul 22, 2020 · 9 revisions

Settlement Objective

Revised : 21 Jul 2020

Development Objective

Each settlement should be able to declare some well-defined goal(s).

These stated goals will affect how a settlement will develop and expand and may even affect some of the design of a settlement such as building placement patterns and construction priority.

Since 3.1.0, we have introduced choosing an overarching objective for each settlement.

There are 6 types of Development Objectives available :

Development Objectives
Crop Farm
Research Center
Transportation Hub
Trade Town

Each settlement may pick only 1 objective at a time.

Changing a settlement objective will affect how GoodsManager calculates the VP of various resources, thereby affecting the priority of manufacturing, food production and crop farming in that settlement.

Categories of Operation

Also, there are 3 Categories of Operations that has a certain Level of Effort associated with it.

Categories of Operations
Outstanding Repair
Outstanding Maintenance
EVA Suit Production

At the beginning of a simulation, the level of effort of each operation is set to 1 by default.

You can change it to between 0 to 5 (0 being minimal effort, 5 being maximum effort). Internally, the level of effort is converted to a modifier value.

The higher the modifier value of an operation more resources the settlement will be devoted toward its effort.

Future considerations

We plan to explore the following concepts :

  • Operational objectives - Add more operations and allow players to adjust the level of effort on them : EVA Ops, Vehicle Ops, Malfunction/Maintenance Ops, Greenhouse Ops, etc.

  • Economic objectives - measure the economic output of a settlement by the frequency and the amount of manufacturing and even trading transaction with other settlements.

  • Voting or Feedback - commander or chiefs may weight in deciding/approving the direction of where the settlement is going.

  • Bias - if the commander and the majority of folks in that settlement are researchers, they would be more inclined to have the settlement growing into a research park or district, etc.

  • A Diversity of Objectives - If a simulation has numerous settlements, they should have somewhat diverse objectives so that they may complement one another. A diversity of objectives would promote trading between settlements. These settlements will help out one another in some tangible ways (such as exchanging experts in certain fields to get passed a research or manufacturing hurdle) as each settlement becomes uniquely qualified in what it offers on Mars.

  • Construction - tweak how starting a new "Construction Missions" be affected by the development objective. Any plans should be brought to a town hall meeting for discussions. Once these these plans are "approved", the settlers will work together to re-configure the settlement to fulfill its stated purpose.

  • Resupply - re-purpose the Resupply Tool to allow users to re-configure the settlement in such a way that more user design elements on how a settlement's development planning is captured.

  • Settlement's Look and Feel - how a settlement looks should be naturally evolved from its objective or the path taken in its strategic planning and development.

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