- some compat nc17
- ignore live index on cron
- live can be run as a service
- simple queries
- some improvement in the index comparison
- adding a key to the list of indexes for old version of NC
- no crash on missing provider
- --no-readline can be passed with empty options
- issue with some providers.
- Chunks (NC 16)
- fixing issue with tests.
- adding IndexService->createIndex() (NC 15.0.1)
- cleaning
- initiating some vars
- adding the and: option
- Compat NC15 + full php7.
- breaking index on Ctrl-C.
- non interactive mode available during :index and :live
- improvement: display process advancement during compareWithCurrentIndex
- improvement: long process while indexing should not timeout (Force Quit).
- misc: removing compat with NC12.
improvement: some rework on the process wrapper.
First stable release
- bugfix: crashing issue during :live
- database: documentId is now a string
- improvement: tags/metatags/subtags
- improvement: no more chunks, documents are indexed one by one.
- improvement: the :index command allow a navigation between results.
Command Line Interface:
- The indexing process is now embedded in a new graphical wrapper, including an interactive interface for both the fulltextsearch:index and fulltextsearch:live commands.
- Errors are now displayed during index/live execution with navigation. Errors can be managed and deleted while indexing.
- new command: ./occ fulltextsearch:test to test the indexing and search platform.
- new command: ./occ fulltextsearch:document:provider to get info about a document from a provider.
- new command: ./occ fulltextsearch:document:platform to get info about a document from the search platform.
- ./occ fulltextsearch:reset can now be done for a specific provider only.
- ./occ fulltextsearch:index now accept users, providers, errors, chunk and paused options.
- fixing some display glitch.
- debug, testing tools
- get document
- multi-host
- navigation app to search within all content from your providers
- better navigation
- content (index and search) can be splited in Parts
- rework on the exchange between platform and providers
- bugfixes
- bugfix: removing reset of the index on migration
- bugfix: do not retrieve access on ignored document
- Nextcloud integration
- Options panel
- bugfixes
- bugfixes
- managing errors from platform
- issues with JS
- fullnextsearch -> fulltextsearch
- Pagination
- settings panel
- UI: remove personal settings
- DB: fill err field on new indexes
- bugfixes.
- First Beta