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Aliyun log service Datasource

More documentation about datasource plugins can be found in the Docs.



Clone this project into grafana plugin directory , then restart grafana.

In mac the plugin directory is /usr/local/var/lib/grafana/plugins.

After install the plugin ,restart grafana

brew services start grafana

Add datasource

In datasource management panel, add a datasource with the type "LogService".

In Http settings, set Url = http://${log_service_endpoint} . e.g. Your projectName is accesslog in qingdao region, then the url is

Access : select Server(Default)

log service details:

set Project and logstore

AccessId and AccessKey : it is better to use a sub user accessId and accessKey.

To ensure data security, AK is saved and cleared without echo

Add dashboard

Add a panel, in the datasource option, choose the log service datasource that is just created.

In the query : insert your query , e.g.

*|select count(1) as c,count(1)/2 as c1, __time__- __time__%60  as t  group by t limit 10000

The X column ,insert t (Second timestamp)

The Y column , insert c,c1 (Multiple columns are separated by commas)

Save the dashboard



In the top right corner of the dashboard panel, click dashboard Settings and select Variables.

Reference variables $VariableName

Flow graph

The X-axis is set to the time column

The Y-axis is set to the format col1#:#col2, where col1 is the aggregate column and col2 is the other columns

The Query sample is set to

* | select to_unixtime(time) as time,status,count from (select time_series(__time__, '1m', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i', '0')  as time,status,count(*) as count from log group by status,time order by time limit 10000)


The X-axis is set to pie

The Y-axis is set to categories and numeric columns (example method,pv)

The Query sample is set to

$hostname | select count(1) as pv ,method group by method


The X-axis is set to table or null

The Y-axis is set to columns

World map penel

The X-axis is set to map

The Y-axis is set to country,geo,pv

The Query sample is set to

* | select   count(1) as pv ,geohash(ip_to_geo(arbitrary(remote_addr))) as geo,ip_to_country(remote_addr) as country  from log group by country having geo <>'' limit 1000

Location Data : geohash

Location Name Field : country

Geo_point/Geohash Field :" geo

Metric Field : pv

The query:

Parameter Settings:


Mode of notification

In the alert notification panel, select New channel to add


Attention :Dashboard alert only, not plug-in alert

A sample of:

Add the alert panel:

  • The red line on the chart represents the set threshold. Click on the right side and drag it up and down.
  • Evaluate every 1m for 5m, Is the result calculated every minute, and the threshold is exceeded for five consecutive minutes.
  • After setting for, if the state exceeds the threshold value and changes from Ok to Pending, the alarm will not be triggered. After continuously exceeding the threshold value for a period of time, the alarm will be sent. If the state changes from Pending to Alerting, the alarm will only be notified once.
  • WHEN avg () OF query (B, 5m, now) IS ABOVE 89, That means line B has an average of more than 89 alarms in the last five minutes.
  • Add notification mode and notification information under Notifications.


@WPH95 made a great contribution to this project.

Thanks for the excellent work by @WPH95.