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pwn, medium difficulty, 1 solve, 500 points

This utility allows you to convert the shellcode to an ELF executable file. Hurry up to check it out. All code is compiled to WebAssembly for an extra layer of security.

nc 31337

TL;DR / links


WebAssembly (wasm) is a 32-bit stack-based virtual machine for usage in browsers, which can be targeted by many languages thanks to the LLVM backend. Wasmtime allows running WebAssembly code outside a browser using a Cranelift-powered JIT - quite similar to the Node.js / Javascript / V8 combo.

If a wasm runtime implements the WebAssembly System Interface (WASI), which Wasmtime does, it can be used by the wasm code to interact with the world. wasi-libc - a mostly POSIX-compatible libc implementation - is built on top of WASI and provides a customary programming experience.

The most usual wasm memory layout is: executable, stack (grows to 0), heap (grows from 0); no ASLR, no write protection, no execute protection.

WebAssembly Binary Toolkit (WABT) is basically binutils of the wasm world. In addition to the usual assembler (wat2wasm) and dumpers (wasm2wat, wasm-objdump), it provides a relatively simplistic decompiler ( wasm-decompile).

Reversing - static analysis

Having wasm-decompile obviates the need to figure out the wasm bytecode, so fortunately we can skip that part. While decompiled code is miles better than bytecode, it's still hard to read: every single constant is loaded into a separate variable, the control flow is obscured by gotos, the stack frames are managed manually. Since each variable has a unique name, the first problem is easy to fix with an improvised text-based inliner script. There is not too much code, so manually identifying ifs/loops, the frame pointer and the local variable offsets in each function is not that exhausting.

The code works with the following structure:

struct config {
  int header_len;
  void *header_buf;
  int shellcode_len;
  void *shellcode;
  int result_len;
  void *result;

It is initialized by the init_config function: the initial header length is 84, the initial shellcode length is 160, the initial result length is 244 and all three buffers are allocated with malloc.

set_shellcode parses the base16 input (up to 1k) into a dynamically allocated buffer (base16_decode) and then copies it into the shellcode buffer. Ditto set_header. get_result concatenates the header buffer and the shellcode buffer into the result buffer, which it then prints. If the header buffer does not start with b'\x7fELF', its contents are replaced with the contents of the tmpl/elf.tmpl file.

Reversing - dynamic analysis

GDB provides an interface that can be used by JITs to describe the code they generate. Wasmtime implements this interface and provides symbol addresses through it when called with -g option.

So one can put breakpoints on JITed functions and inspect their arguments (the ABI uses %edx as the first argument and %ecx as the second one). Single-stepping is quite painful though, since the provided line numbers correspond to the Wasmtime bytecode disassembly, which does not seem to be saved anywhere.

Furthermore, pointers obtained this way cannot be dereferenced directly. There actually exists a machinery that can be invoked from a debugger to do this, but I found it pretty abstract and arcane compared to the following shortcut: many functions contain a hidden __vmctx variable with a single memory member. This member points to a byte array containing the entire wasm memory (it's not sparse at the moment, but, of course, this can change at any time). Only JITed functions have this variable, so if the debugger is interrupted during a syscall, then one needs to change the frame to e.g. original_main before doing e.g. x/w __vmctx->memory+0x780.


While set_header requires the input to be exactly 84 bytes long, set_shellcode has neither such check nor buffer reallocation logic. Therefore, we have a classic heap overflow. The initial heap chunks are always allocated in the same order: header, shellcode, result. So we can overwrite the result chunk header and the result buffer itself this way.

get_result reallocates the result buffer based on the header and the shellcode sizes. However, it just discards the resulting pointer. This is not a big deal if the size didn't change, because malloc will simply get the old pointer from a smallbin. However, if the size does change, then we have a classic use-after-free: get_result will write the concatenated blob into the freed chunk. set_shellcode overflow will affect the freed chunk as well.

get_result contains another small, but important bug: when the header data is read from a file, it does not call fclose, causing a leak of a FILE object.


There are no RCE gadgets, but we just need to read the flag. Since there is no ASLR and no write protection, let's try to overwrite the tmpl/elf.tmpl string in the executable's .data with the flag.txt string. For that we need to convince malloc to return a controlled pointer.

wasi-libc uses dlmalloc, which is what glibc malloc is based on. Since it's much older, there are no tcache, no fastbins and no unsorted bin. Smallbins are up to 236 bytes large and have the usual layout, however there is also a bitmap, which indicates which of them are non-empty. Chunk metadata is also similar to that of glibc, though instead of arena/mmapped/prev-in-use flags we have current-in-use/prev-in-use. Large chunks are linked into a tree structure.

The default size of the result buffer is 244 bytes, which is slightly larger than 236, which brings us into the large bin tree domain. Figuring this out is a hassle, so as a first step let's use the shellcode overflow to replace the large result chunk with two forged small chunks.

wasi-libc allocator sanity checks are different from those of glibc. On the one hand, there are less of them. But, more importantly, there is the least_addr variable, which tracks the smallest heap address. The heap pointers are frequently compared with this value, which should prevent poisoning using executable and stack addresses. However, the challenge executable ignores the results of these checks, possibly because wasi-libc was built with the INSECURE define (this does not explain why they are still there though, since INSECURE should remove them on the C preprocessor level).

One other obstacle that stands in the way of poisoning is the linking code. First, let's recap how the smallbin poisoning works. We start with a smallbin chunk, and let's assume for simplicity it's the only one in the corresponding smallbin:

chunk->fd == bin;
chunk->bk == bin;
bin->fd == chunk;
bin->bk == chunk;

Using some vulnerability, we overwrite its links with a controlled address:

chunk->fd == poison;
chunk->bk == poison;
bin->fd == chunk;
bin->bk == chunk;

and then trigger a malloc in order to poison the smallbin through unlinking:

#define unlink_first_small_chunk(M, B, P, I) {\
  mchunkptr F = P->fd;\
  else if (RTCHECK(ok_address(M, F) && F->bk == P)) {\
    F->bk = B;\
    B->fd = F;\

The chunk links become irrelevant at this point, the fd field of the smallbin is updated:

bin->fd == poison;
bin->bk == chunk;
poison->bk == bin;

Note that we also write to the address we poisoned the smallbin with, which is not a problem, since it's a valid one. The next malloc will return the poison address, but it will also try to unlink it:

bin->fd == poison->fd;
bin->bk == chunk;
poison->fd->bk = bin;

This is now problematic, since poison->fd comes from the executable image and is most likely part of some string. Fortunately, there is a string ending with b'\n\0' nearby, which in little endian corresponds to 0x000a????. The initial heap addresses are like 0x0001????, so it's possible to abuse the get_result memory leak to expand the heap until 0x000a???? becomes a valid address. This requires about 500 calls, which is definitely on the slow side, but is still acceptable.

The last step is to figure out where the two mallocs should be triggered from. Using get_result would not work, because its return value is discarded, so we won't be able to write the path flag into it. The one in base16_decode looks more promising: we can write anything into it, and its size is limited by its callers (set_shellcode and set_header) to be no more than 1k, which is enough. The problem is that base16_decode calls are matched with base16_free, which does a memset, so whatever we write there will be erased.

Fortunately, when base16_decode encounters a non-base16 character, it immediately exits with an error, keeping all the data that it decoded so far. A caller is still expected to free the buffer that it allocated, but neither set_shellcode nor set_header do that.

All this combined allows to overwrite the ELF template path, so that the next get_result call leaks the flag.

Conclusion / venting

This was the first WebAssembly task I ever looked at. It took me about 10 hours to solve it, in large part because the reversing and especially the debugging (even with function names) were a pain. Hopefully someone will come up with a wasm Ghidra plugin and a debuginfo exporter some day.

Another time sink was trying to use LLDB instead of GDB - while in theory it's way more streamlined, I found its command system to be way too verbose (even when using short command and subcommand names), and it tends to hang surprisingly often. It's also missing the pwntools integration at the moment.

While mitigation-wise the wasm ecosystem looks fairly bleak (no ASLR / 32-bit address space is prone to brute-forcing anyway, no page protections, way fewer sanity checks in the libc allocator), without the deactivated least_addr check the challenge might have been significantly harder.

So overall for a wasm newbie like myself I found this challenge to be quite educational and fair. Someone in the Telegram chat mentioned that they were put off by the initial decompiler output, but actually inlining the variables and beautifying the code in the text editor was an easier part.