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Provisioning Kubernetes Service(s)


dklb supports exposing TCP services only. In particular, exposing UDP or SCTP services is NOT supported.


Using dklb to provision a Kubernetes service

To expose a TCP application running on MKE to either inside or outside the DC/OS cluster, a Kubernetes Service resource of type LoadBalancer must be created. dklb will react to this event by provisioning an EdgeLB pool (henceforth referred to as the target EdgeLB pool) for the Service resource. This EdgeLB pool is provisioned using sane default values for its name, its CPU, memory and size requirements, and other options.

After provisioning said EdgeLB pool, dklb will periodically query EdgeLB in order to obtain the list of hostnames and IPs at which the service can be reached. These will eventually be reported on the .status field of the Service resource. It should be noted that, due to the way EdgeLB pool scheduling and metadata reporting works, it may take from a few seconds to several minutes for these hostnames and IPs to be reported.

Customizing the target EdgeLB pool

As mentioned before, dklb uses sane defaults when provisioning EdgeLB pools for Service resources of type LoadBalancer. It is, however, possible to customize the target EdgeLB pool for a given Service resource by using the annotation. This annotation accepts a YAML object (henceforth called the configuration object) with the following structure: |  # NOTE: The "|" character is mandatory.
  name: "dklb-pool-0"
  role: "*"
  network: "dcos"
  size: 3
  cpus: 0.2
  memory: 512
  - port: 18080
    servicePort: 8080
  - port: 19090
    servicePort: 9090

The subsections below provide more insight on each of the fields on the configuration object.


The is OPTIONAL. Whenever said annotation is absent, dklb will generate a sane default configuration for the target EdgeLB pool and automatically inject it on the Service resource.

The cannot be removed after the Service resource is created.

Customizing the name of the EdgeLB pool

By default, dklb uses the MKE cluster’s name and a randomly-generated five-character suffix to compute the name of the target EdgeLB pool. To specify a custom name for said EdgeLB pool, one may use the .name field of the configuration object: |
  name: "<edgelb-pool-name>"

Depending on whether the <edgelb-pool-name> EdgeLB pool exists or not, dklb will create or update it in order to expose all ports defined in the Service resource.

This field cannot be changed or removed after the Service resource is created.

Intra-DC/OS vs external exposure

By default, dklb exposes services to outside the DC/OS cluster by requesting for the target EdgeLB pool to be scheduled onto a public DC/OS agent. However, and in order to accommodate all possible needs, dklb supports explicitly specifying a Mesos role for the target EdgeLB pool using the .role field of the configuration object: |
  role: "<edgelb-pool-role>"

In particular, to expose a service to inside DC/OS only, * should be used as the value of <edgelb-pool-role>. Providing said value will cause dklb to request for the target EdgeLB pool to be scheduled onto a private DC/OS agent.

This field cannot be changed or removed after the Service resource is created.

Customizing the frontend bind ports

dklb provisions the target EdgeLB pool by looking at the service’s ports and creating an EdgeLB backend and an EdgeLB frontend per port. By default, dklb uses the port number that is defined on the Service resource as the frontend’s bind port. In some situations, however, using a different port number as the frontend’s bind port may be required.[1] In order to accommodate more advanced use cases, dklb supports defining custom port mappings via the .frontends field of the configuration object: |
  - port: <frontend-bind-port>
    servicePort: <service-port>

When such an item is provided on the .frontends field, dklb will use <frontend-bind-port> instead of <service-port> as the actual frontend bind port.


Changing the value of a .frontends[*].port field after the Service resource is created is supported, but may cause disruption (as the target EdgeLB pool will most likely be re-deployed).

One should plan port mappings ahead whenever possible in order to prevent changes from being required in the first place.

Customizing the CPU, memory and size of the EdgeLB pool

dklb supports customizing CPU, memory and size requests for the target EdgeLB pool. Custom values for these requests can be specified using the .cpus, .memory and .size fields, respectively: |
  cpus: <edgelb-pool-cpus>
  memory: <edgelb-pool-memory>
  size: <edgelb-pool-size>

In the above representation, <edgelb-pool-cpus> is a floating-point number (e.g. 0.2), and <edgelb-pool-memory> and <edgelb-pool-size> are integers (e.g. 512 and 3, respectively).

Customizing the EdgeLB load balancer instance placement constraints

dklb supports customizing load balancer instance placement for the target EdgeLB Pool. By default, no constraint is specified. A custom value can be specified using the constraints field.

Take special care to escape strings in the placement constraint. |
  contraints: "<Marathon style constraints for load balancer instance placement>"
Example |
  contraints: "[[\"hostname\",\"MAX_PER\",\"1\"],[\"@zone\",\"GROUP_BY\",\"3\"]]"

Advanced topics

Customizing the DC/OS virtual network to join

By design, pools exposing Kubernetes services to outside the DC/OS cluster (i.e. pools using the slave_public role) will run atop the DC/OS agents' host network.

Also by design, pools exposing Kubernetes services to inside the DC/OS cluster will run atop the dcos virtual network. It is, however, possible to override this and pick any [custom DC/OS virtual network] for these pools by using the .network field of the configuration object: |
  network: "<edgelb-pool-network>"
This field cannot be changed or removed after the Service resource is created.

Using a pre-existing pool to expose a Kubernetes service

In certain scenarios, it may be desirable to use a pre-existing EdgeLB pool to expose a Kubernetes service (instead of having dklb creating one). This can easily be achieved by providing the name of the pre-existing EdgeLB pool as the value of the .name field of the configuration object.

Sharing an EdgeLB pool between Kubernetes services

To share an EdgeLB pool between two or more Kubernetes services, it is enough to provide the name of said pool as the value of the .name field of the configuration object in all of the corresponding Service resources. When an EdgeLB pool is shared between two or more Kubernetes services, the following aspects should be taken into consideration:

  • The .role, .network, .cpus, .memory and .size fields must have the exact same value across all Service resources sharing an EdgeLB pool.

  • Sharing an EdgeLB pool between services in different MKE clusters is allowed, but should be avoided whenever possible.

  • Changing or deleting one of the Service resources exposed on a shared EdgeLB pool may cause disruption in all applications exposed on said EdgeLB pool.


Exposing a Redis instance

This example illustrates how to expose a Redis instance to outside the DC/OS cluster. To start with, a simple redis pod will be created:

$ cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
    app: redis
  name: redis
  - name: redis
    image: redis:5.0.3
    - name: redis
      containerPort: 6379
      protocol: TCP
pod/redis created
$ kubectl get pod --selector "app=redis"
redis   1/1     Running   0          100s

Then, a Service resource of type LoadBalancer targeting the specified pod will also be created:

$ cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  annotations: |
      name: dklb-redis
      - port: 16379
        servicePort: 6379
    app: redis
  name: redis
  type: LoadBalancer
    app: redis
  - protocol: TCP
    port: 6379
    targetPort: 6379
service/redis created
$ kubectl get svc --selector "app=redis"
NAME    TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
redis   LoadBalancer   <pending>     6379:32213/TCP   2m42s

The defined on this Service resource will cause dklb to expose the service using an EdgeLB pool called dklb-redis, mapping the service’s 6379 port to the EdgeLB pool’s 16379 port. At this point, querying the EdgeLB API should confirm the existence of a pool called dklb-redis exposing said port:

$ dcos edgelb list
  dklb-redis  V2          1      slave_public  9090, 16379

This means that dklb has successfully created and provisioned the target EdgeLB pool based on the spec of the redis service.

Connecting to the Redis instance

To test connectivity, it is necessary to determine the public IP at which the target EdgeLB pool can be reached. This IP will eventually be reported in the .status field of the Service resource:

$ kubectl get svc --selector "app=redis"

NAME    TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP              PORT(S)          AGE
redis   LoadBalancer   <public-dcos-agent-ip>   6379:32213/TCP   2m42s

telnet may then be used to confirm that the Redis instance is correctly exposed to outside the DC/OS cluster:

$ telnet <public-dcos-agent-ip> 16379
Trying <public-dcos-agent-ip>...
Connected to <public-dcos-agent-ip>.
Escape character is '^]'.
Depending on the firewall rules in place for the DC/OS cluster, it may be necessary to manually allow traffic to port 16379 in order to allow connectivity.

This means that the Redis instance is indeed reachable at <public-dcos-agent-ip>:16379 (i.e., from outside the DC/OS cluster). Additional commands may be run inside telnet in order to verify that everything is working as expected:

$ telnet <public-dcos-agent-ip> 16379
SET foo bar
GET foo
Connection closed by foreign host.

Cleaning up

After testing finishes, cleanup of the Kubernetes service and of the target EdgeLB pool can be done by running the following commands:

$ kubectl delete svc redis
$ kubectl delete pod redis

The dklb-redis EdgeLB pool will be automatically deleted.

1. This may happen, for example, in scenarios where there are "port clashes" between services in the same or different MKE clusters.