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A declarative API is proposed to request the baremetal operator to reboot a provisioned Host in an atomic step (i.e. without the need to make multiple sequential changes to the spec).


We require a non-destructive way to fence a Kubernetes node. Some nodes cannot be replaced (it is currently not possible for a new controlplane to join a cluster), or are expensive to replace (e.g. if this would require rebalancing Ceph data). A solution to this is for fencing to reboot the Host, thus ensuring that running processes are stopped to avoid a split-brain scenario while still allowing the node to rejoin the cluster with its data intact (albeit stale) after the reboot.

The expected implementation of this on the fencing side is an annotation on the Machine resource that requests that it be remediated. The actual reboot will be effected either by the Machine Actuator itself (if the Cluster-API SIG can be persuaded that this should be part of the API in the long term), or some equivalent of the Machine Actuator limited to just this purpose.


The Machine (Reboot) Actuator will require from the BareMetalHost:

  • A declarative API to perform the reboot
  • The ability to determine a point where all processes running on the Host at the time of the fencing decision are guaranteed to have been stopped
  • A guarantee that the Reboot Actuator can delete any Node associated with the Machine before the Host is able to complete booting (including in testing when the Host is simulated by a VM).
  • Rapid convergence to a state where all running processes are stopped, independent of other happenings in the system


There is no requirement to implement a scheduled reboot. In the Kubernetes context, reboot decisions should generally be made in realtime by some higher level of the Node/Machine hierarchy, to take into account such questions as the overall health of the cluster and the effect of a reboot on that. The best implementation for this would be a RebootSchedule CRD that waits until the appointed time before issuing an immediate reboot request to the BareMetalHost. This allows multiple reboots to be scheduled, scheduled reboots to be manipulated or cancelled, and a record to be left behind of past scheduled reboots. The proposed design could easily be extended to accomodate this requirement should it arise in future.

This API is not responsible for managing unprovisioned hosts, e.g. to recover from state inconsistencies in Ironic prior to provisioning. Any such inconsistencies that are not handled internally by the BareMetalHost will likely need manual intervention to recover anyway.


A new date-time field, lastPoweredOn, will be added to the provisioning section of the BareMetalHost status. This records a time after which the Host was last booted using the current image. Processes running prior to this time may be assumed to have been stopped.

A new date-time field, pendingRebootSince, will be added to the provisioning section of the BareMetalHost status. This records a time before which the Host was last requested to reboot (because we cannot trust any value from the user, who even if well intentioned, may have created the timestamp on a machine that was not synchronised with the cluster or has a different timezone).

Since the user interface requirements are still unclear, we will follow standard practices of using an annotation to trigger reboots.

The basic annotation form ( triggers the controller to power cycle the Host. This form has set-and-forget semantics and the controller removes the annotation once it restores power to the Host.

An advanced form ({key}) instructs the controller hold the Host in a PoweredOff state so that the caller can perform any required actions while the node is in a known safe state. Callers indicate to the controller that they are ready to continue by removing the annotation with their unique {key} suffix.

In the case of multiple clients, the controller will wait for all annotations of the form{key} to be removed before powering on the Host.

If both and{key} forms are in use, the{key} form will take priority.

In all cases, the content of the annotation is ignored but preserved. This ensures that whatever placed the annotation can have a way of tracing it back to its source. In the case of remediation, the content will be the UID of the Machine resource being remediated.

The actual power management will be performed by the Host controller. This is necessary to avoid race conditions by ensuring that the Online flag and any reboot requests are managed in the same place.


  • there is one or more annotations with the prefix present, and
  • the Status.PoweredOn field is true, and
  • the value of pendingRebootSince is empty or earlier than the lastPoweredOn time

then the Host controller will update pendingRebootSince to the current time.

Whenever pendingRebootSince is later than the lastPoweredOn time, the Host controller will attempt to power the host off regardless of the Spec.Online setting.

Once the Host is powered off (Status.PoweredOn is false), if/when

  • the Spec.Online field is true, and
  • the lastPoweredOn time is before the pendingRebootSince time

then the controller should remove the suffixless annotation (if present). Once no reboot annotations are present (i.e. those of the form{key} have been removed by their originators), the existing logic for powering on the Host should execute and update the lastPoweredOn timestamp accordingly.

The controller automatically removes all annotations with the prefix if

  • the Host is deprovisioned

The annotation value should be a JSON map containing a key 'mode' with values of 'hard' or 'soft' to specify the reboot mode. The default reboot mode is 'soft'. These are a few examples of using the reboot API:

  • -- immediate reboot via soft shutdown first, followed by a hard shutdown if the soft shutdown fails.
  • {'mode':'hard'} -- immediate reboot via hard shutdown, potentially allowing for high-availability use-cases.
  •{key} -- phased reboot, issued and managed by the client registered with the key, via soft shutdown first, followed by a hard reboot if the soft reboot fails.
  •{key}: {'mode':'hard'} -- phased reboot, issued and managed by the client registered with the key, via hard shutdown.

It's important to note that as the API supports multiple clients, a hard shutdown request takes priority over a soft shutdown request, allowing workload recovery to take precedence over a graceful shutdown of a node.


This requires clients to be somewhat well-behaved - for example, only deleting their own annotations and never deleting others' annotations.

It would be difficult to apply RBAC to the reboot operation specifically, since it is triggered by simply adding an annotation (that doesn't even have a fixed key).

Future Enhancements

Defining a Formal User Interface

Once we have experience with using this, we will have more information about how to design a formal interface for it (rather than using annotations).


The Machine (Reboot) Actuator could perform the reboot in an imperative, rather than declarative, manner by manipulating the Online spec of the Host in sequence to false and then back to true again once the poweredOn status was seen to be false. However, in the presence of multiple actors this approach is prone to race conditions or controller fights.

We could create a HostRebootRequest CRD and have the existing host controller check for pending reboot requests, perform reboots when necessary, and update the state of the request. This would be easier to apply RBAC to, and indeed does not require clients to co-operate in any way. It would be a flexible jumping off point for adding more advanced features should they become required. However, it adds significant complexity (another CRD to deploy) and would be a permanent, formal interface. It's also not clear how outdated requests should be cleaned up.

The request could simply be a timestamp field in the Host spec. The Host would coalesce multiple requests into one at the time they are received (rather than at the point of action). This would be simpler, but requires the client to provide a meaningful timestamp (i.e. in the recent past), forcing us to make awkward decisions about what to do with bogus data. In contrast, allowing multiple annotations allows the system to record the time at which it first noticed them. Selecting this option would also make it more difficult to add further reboot-related API features in the future.

The request could be made by adding to a list of client-chosen strings in the Host spec. This effectively formalises the annotation-based system proposed here and makes it a permanent part of the interface.