- color picker not hidden when group is selected
- button positions not updated on windows resize
- moving symbol out of canvas causes symbol not to show up and mouseup event is never triggered while mouse is off canvas
- color picker color selecting screen not hidden onblur
- color picker color selecting screen does not select color when clicked, only onmousemove
- layer priority is inverted (top layer is decided on a descending fashion)
- last selected symbol can still be moved when a group is selected (it should not be interactive)
- when layer is moved, it loses interactivity (should re-activate it)
- moving symbols by group not implemented
- vertices not rounded to nearest integer
- display at top on space press and hold
- highlighting layers by group does not work for groups containing subgroups
- symbol art BGE implementation
- fix vertex orientation of quads (orientation is horizontally inverted)
- moving elem into a subgroup and removing it apparently removes element from its previous group
- deleting groups with nested subgroups is malfunctioning (does not delete some quads)
- alpha not implemented (bug detected on the third party .SAML to .SAR converter application that impedes itself from interpreting alpha values correctly. This application then chose to apply 0-7 scale on SAML alpha output)
- do not let user move a group inside itself
- rename context menu access key value should not be passed to input tag
- SHOULD NOT rename if name is unchanged
- disable undo/redo buttons after loading a valid .saml file
- moving last layer in group into another group causes bug (currLayerInSrc is incorrrect = undefined) when undoing
- missing symbol resources (not added yet)
- correct layer name validation (regex for all char but special ones) in list and samlloader
- saml load without name in span (span is from the new DOM design)
- click hideUI button after loading saml
- select mainfolder after loading saml
- undo/redo GROUP move (for moving group of symbols)
- update edit box position after resetting pan
- fix jagged movement of group of symbolls at first time moving a group
- select group, then right click layer doesnt select layer when it should (right click should select)
- rename input tag should blur on click out
- spacebar highlight on group, then move the group causes bug
- list of symbols not implemented
- list buttons do not display the symbol type preview
- include chosen BGE in SAML output
- layer color correction is not 100% correct (color in application does not always match color in game)
- only close group after second click while it is the selected element
- adding new layer in list view does not correctly highlight and select the newly created layer
- highlighting layer/group does not work correctly in various cases
- when adding, moving, removing, undo/redoing . . .
- hide/show layer/group
- disable all interaction when hidden
- change color then select another layer while color picker is open causes newly selected layer to change color as well
- check file format
- hide symbol edit box while user is moving a layer in editor
- on resize, change UI of toolbar to the best fit for given resolution. Create more rows to reduce row length
- max number of layers (225 as per specs)
- layer manager header displays layer count (for instance: 100 / 225)
- symbol limits (medium priority)
- max symbol side length (impacts stretches, resizes)
- canvas bounding box (impacts stretches, resizes, moves, rotations)
- quick alert of number of errors/warnings after loading .saml
- comfirm exit when unsaved changes (medium priority)
- spacing bug on output .saml. Nested groups keep increasing amount of prespacing as the number of groups increases.
- add option to output result to image file
- undo add when elem added is hidden and is the only child in group causes group to remain hidden (low priority - not harmful)
- up/down arrows change active elem on same group (low priority)
- right/left arrows go in and out of groups (low priority)
- actionManager class for managing calls to perform functions and push actions to history. Every class that calls to perform some action will use this class as medium instead.
- group edit box (rethink)