We're using es6-plato to analyze code complexity. VoTT first has to be transpiled to ES6, as es6-plato won't work direcly on TypeScript.
We're also using the eslint-plugin-react eslint plugin for React-specific linting rules.
The VoTT coverage report is updated on each merged PR, to reflect complexity analysis over time.
For posterity, a copy of the V1 coverage report is also available. This report represents a snapshot of the v1 codebase (v1 branch) and can be generated by running:
git checkout v1
npm i plato --no-save
plato -r -d report -t 'VoTT v1 Complexity Analysis' -x 'public/js|test_|main.js' src
The following command will generate a
directory.npm run plato
in your browser to see the report locally.
npm run plato
is not working for you, try running the script manually:-
Make sure you have
installed locally:npm install -g typescript npm install -g es6-plato
Run following command from the root of the repository:
./scripts/generate-report.sh -o report -v $(node -pe "require('./package.json').version") -c $(git rev-parse --short HEAD)