Microsoft Graph API Design Pattern
A frequent pattern in Microsoft Graph is to model multiple variants of a common concept as a single entity type with common properties and facets for variants.
An API designer needs to model a set of heterogeneous resources that have common properties and behaviors and might express features of multiple variants at a time because variants are not mutually exclusive. For example, a movie clip stored on OneDrive is both a file and a video. There are properties associated to each variant.
API designers create multiple complex types to bundle properties for each variant, and then define an entity type with a property for each complex type to hold the properties of the variant.
In this solution, a child variant is identified by the presence of one or more facets in the parent object.
The facets pattern is useful when there is a number of variants and they are not mutually exclusive. It also makes it syntactically easier to query resources by using the OData $filter
expression because it doesn't require casting.
You can consider related patterns such as type hierarchy and flat bag of properties.
When introducing a new facet, you need to ensure that the new facet doesn't change the semantic of the model with its implicit constraints.
The driveItem resource represents a file, folder, image, or other item stored in a drive and is modeled by using an entity type with multiple facets.
<EntityType Name="driveItem" BaseType="graph.baseItem" OpenType="true" ags:MasterService="Microsoft.FileServices" ags:WorkloadIds="Microsoft.Excel,Microsoft.Powerpoint,Microsoft.Teams.GraphSvc,Microsoft.Word">
<Property Name="audio" Type="" />
<Property Name="bundle" Type="graph.bundle" />
<Property Name="content" Type="Edm.Stream" />
<Property Name="cTag" Type="Edm.String" />
<Property Name="deleted" Type="graph.deleted" />
<Property Name="file" Type="graph.file" />
<Property Name="fileSystemInfo" Type="graph.fileSystemInfo" />
<Property Name="folder" Type="graph.folder" />
<Property Name="image" Type="graph.image" />
<Property Name="location" Type="graph.geoCoordinates" />
<Property Name="malware" Type="graph.malware" />
<Property Name="media" Type="" />
<Property Name="package" Type="graph.package" />
<Property Name="pendingOperations" Type="graph.pendingOperations" />
<Property Name="photo" Type="" />
<Property Name="publication" Type="graph.publicationFacet" />
<Property Name="remoteItem" Type="graph.remoteItem" />
<Property Name="root" Type="graph.root" />
<Property Name="searchResult" Type="graph.searchResult" />
<Property Name="shared" Type="graph.shared" />
<Property Name="sharepointIds" Type="graph.sharepointIds" />
<Property Name="size" Type="Edm.Int64" />
<Property Name="source" Type="graph.driveItemSource" />
<Property Name="specialFolder" Type="graph.specialFolder" />
<Property Name="video" Type="" />
<Property Name="webDavUrl" Type="Edm.String" />
An API request to get all items from a personal OneDrive returns a heterogenous collection with different facets populated. In the following example, there is a folder, a file, and an image in the collection. The image entity has two facets populated: file and image.
Response shortened for readability:
"@odata.context": "$metadata#users('93816c1c-1b19-41de-a322-a1643d7f4d39')/drive/root/children",
"value": [
"createdDateTime": "2021-07-07T13:59:47Z",
"name": "Microsoft Teams Chat Files",
"folder": {
"childCount": 15
"createdDateTime": "2021-12-15T00:07:36Z",
"name": "Versioning and Deprecation.docx",
"file": {
"mimeType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document",
"hashes": {
"quickXorHash": "r2d9uZilW0zEIXwycymsUQzhV+U="
"createdDateTime": "2021-12-21T16:32:51Z",
"name": "WhaleShark.jpg",
"file": {
"mimeType": "image/jpeg",
"hashes": {
"quickXorHash": "2vHpAA7RDZJteIwl1pXR980xuh4="
"image": {}