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Freeze TensorFlow model

nnf_tf_freezer is a tool that can freeze a tensorflow model into a protobuf file. It can run tensorflow constant folding the frozen graph. To compare the performance of tensorflow with nnfusion, you could also use this tool to feed the frozen graph (a protobuf file) to tensorflow.

If you want to use PyTorch model, please refer to Freeze PyTorch Model.


  • python >= 3.6
  • tensorflow-gpu == 1.14.0

Use nnf_tf_freezer to freeze a tensorflow model


Download, and import nnf_tf_freezer.


Construct your model, and define the inputs : List[tf.placeholder] and outputs : List[tf.identity] of the model graph. For training model, we use tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=1e-4) as our default optimizer. You may also pass other optimizer :tf.train.Optimizer to nnf_tf_freezer.


Pass parameter to nnf_tf_freezer and begin to freeze.

freezer = nnf_tf_freezer(args.frozen_graph, args.const_folding, args.run_graph, args.xla, args.parallel, 
        args.warmup, args.num_iter, args.run_const_folded_graph, args.debug, args.is_training)
freezer.execute(inputs, outputs, optimizer)

Quick Start

First you need to download the folder nnf_tf_freezer.

Inside the folder, gives an example on how to use tf_feezer to freeze tensorflow models. It supports freezing bert, nasnet_cifar, alexnet, deepspeech2, inception3, lstm, resnet, seq2seq and vgg models.

If you want to freeze a bert inference model, run constant folding to the frozen graph, and see the performance of tensorflow on this frozen constant-folded graph, just type the following code to your terminal:

python3 --model_name=bert --frozen_graph=bert.pb --const_folding --run_graph --run_const_folded_graph

If you want to try low precision model, you can add --to_fp16 option when freezing model in above example. NNFusion will generate low precision kernel accordingly when compiling. For now, only alexnet and vgg11 models are tested.

It will generate two files under current directory: bert.pb (the original version) and bert.const_folded.pb (the constant-folded version). And you will see the output of this model and a summary of tensorflow performance which looks like:

[0.00113481 0.00113616 0.00070336 0.00122646 0.00129572 0.00110195
 0.00107207 0.00162248 0.00052593 0.00071608] ...(size= 1001 end with 0.00069333427 )
Iteration time 2.840042 ms
Iteration time 2.985239 ms
Iteration time 3.128767 ms
Iteration time 2.961397 ms
Iteration time 3.027201 ms
Iteration time 2.962351 ms
Iteration time 2.971411 ms
Iteration time 3.184080 ms
Iteration time 2.899170 ms
Iteration time 3.120422 ms
Summary: [min, max, mean] = [2.840042, 3.184080, 3.008008] ms