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File metadata and controls

180 lines (143 loc) · 4.81 KB
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With Playwright you can record videos for your tests.

Record video

  • langs: js

Playwright Test can record videos for your tests, controlled by the video option in your Playwright config. By default videos are off.

  • 'off' - Do not record video.
  • 'on' - Record video for each test.
  • 'retain-on-failure' - Record video for each test, but remove all videos from successful test runs.
  • 'on-first-retry' - Record video only when retrying a test for the first time.

Video files will appear in the test output directory, typically test-results. See [property:] for advanced video configuration.

Videos are saved upon browser context closure at the end of a test. If you create a browser context manually, make sure to await [method: BrowserContext.close].

import { defineConfig } from '@playwright/test';
export default defineConfig({
  use: {
    video: 'on-first-retry',
const context = await browser.newContext({ recordVideo: { dir: 'videos/' } });
// Make sure to await close, so that videos are saved.
await context.close();

You can also specify video size. The video size defaults to the viewport size scaled down to fit 800x800. The video of the viewport is placed in the top-left corner of the output video, scaled down to fit if necessary. You may need to set the viewport size to match your desired video size.

import { defineConfig } from '@playwright/test';
export default defineConfig({
  use: {
    video: {
      mode: 'on-first-retry',
      size: { width: 640, height: 480 }
const context = await browser.newContext({
  recordVideo: {
    dir: 'videos/',
    size: { width: 640, height: 480 },

For multi-page scenarios, you can access the video file associated with the page via the [method:].

const path = await;

:::note Note that the video is only available after the page or browser context is closed. :::

Record video

  • langs: python, java, csharp

Videos are saved upon browser context closure at the end of a test. If you create a browser context manually, make sure to await [method: BrowserContext.close].

const context = await browser.newContext({ recordVideo: { dir: 'videos/' } });
// Make sure to await close, so that videos are saved.
await context.close();
context = browser.newContext(new Browser.NewContextOptions().setRecordVideoDir(Paths.get("videos/")));
// Make sure to close, so that videos are saved.
context = await browser.new_context(record_video_dir="videos/")
# Make sure to await close, so that videos are saved.
await context.close()
context = browser.new_context(record_video_dir="videos/")
# Make sure to close, so that videos are saved.
var context = await browser.NewContextAsync(new()
    RecordVideoDir = "videos/"
// Make sure to close, so that videos are saved.
await context.CloseAsync();

You can also specify video size. The video size defaults to the viewport size scaled down to fit 800x800. The video of the viewport is placed in the top-left corner of the output video, scaled down to fit if necessary. You may need to set the viewport size to match your desired video size.

const context = await browser.newContext({
  recordVideo: {
    dir: 'videos/',
    size: { width: 640, height: 480 },
BrowserContext context = browser.newContext(new Browser.NewContextOptions()
  .setRecordVideoSize(640, 480));
context = await browser.new_context(
    record_video_size={"width": 640, "height": 480}
context = browser.new_context(
    record_video_size={"width": 640, "height": 480}
var context = await browser.NewContextAsync(new()
    RecordVideoDir = "videos/",
    RecordVideoSize = new RecordVideoSize() { Width = 640, Height = 480 }
// Make sure to close, so that videos are saved.
await context.CloseAsync();

Saved video files will appear in the specified folder. They all have generated unique names. For the multi-page scenarios, you can access the video file associated with the page via the [method:].

const path = await;
path =;
path = await
path =
var path = await page.Video.PathAsync();

:::note Note that the video is only available after the page or browser context is closed. :::