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726 lines (413 loc) · 26.4 KB

File metadata and controls

726 lines (413 loc) · 26.4 KB


< 0.31.0

  • Made Rebus - BAM!1


  • Changed batch API to use IEnumerable instead of params object[] because the params thing could easily blur which would actually end up as a logical message.


  • Made Rebus control bus messages [Serializable] because for some reason BinaryFormatter just likes it that way - applying the attribute makes instances of the class MUCH more serializable.


  • Updated RabbitMQ client dependency


  • Fixed handling of exceptions when committing user-provided unit(s) of work


  • IEnumerable/Add API on SagaFixture
  • SQL index on saga_id in saga index table


  • Re-introduced automatic error queue creation when using RabbitMQ


  • Fixed bug in NLogLoggerFactory that would try to use RebusConfigurer as a logger (?!)


  • Added ability to customize max retries for specific exception types


  • Removed (default) transaction scope around message handlers, made it configurable with .Behavior(b => b.HandleMessagesInsideTransactionScope())
  • Added hybrid saga persister that can use different concrete persisters depending on the type of saga data


  • Added (finally!) an icon for NuGet to display along with all Rebus packages
  • New and improved Azure Service Bus topic-based transport implementation


  • Better error handling when deferring messages
  • Fixed bug with RabbitMQ transport that would result in exchange and error queue declaration too early, thus not adhering to customizations made by calling on the Rabbit MQ options


  • Fixed bug in SQL saga persister and SQL subscription storage because SqlConnection is not nice enough to set the Transaction property when creating commands


  • Fixed bug in InMemorySagaPersister that would not use the proper JSON serializer settings when deserializing


  • Improved error reporting in case of exceptions while attempting to send all kinds of messages


  • Added ability to let a special correlation ID header automatically flow to all outgoing messages when it is present


  • Added ability to provide correlation ID on all outgoing messages automatically in cases where none was supplied from elsewhere ('elsewhere' being either explicitly specified or flowing from the current message context)


  • Added configuration extension for Log4Net that will automatically set the correlation ID property on the ThreadContext


  • Made JSON serializer handle encoding properly when deserializing messages
  • Added Rebus.Async that extends Rebus with the ability to register reply handlers inline


  • 1st go at implementing a SQL Server-based transport - can be used if you don't have MSMQ available on your machines
  • Fixed glitch in error handling while doing any kind of send that threw an exception without including the inner exception


  • Better handling of errors (i.e. DON'T IGNORE ERRORS) when MSMQ receive fails
  • Optimization of SQL Server transport
  • Fixed hard-to-find bug in how SqlServerMessageQueue would associate commands with the ongoing SqlTransaction


  • Added transport performance showdown


  • Only one SQL roundtrip to receive a message
  • API to configure whether outgoing RabbitMQ messages should be persistent


  • Special username header will flow like correlation ID if it is present


  • Behavior option to allow for impersonating a proper user when the user name header is present on handled messages


  • Updated Mongo stuff to use 1.8.1 driver and no deprecated APIs


  • Update Mongo to 1.8.2 because that's the most recent version of the driver... duh!


  • Added to SqlServerMessageQueue the ability to receive messages in prioritized order.


  • Broke the Log4Net configuration API - sorry! But now it just adds the correlation ID to the thread context by default (i mean, why would you NOT do that?)


  • Fixed constantly generated warning in timeout manager - thx hagbarddenstore


  • Added ability to compress message bodies as well.


  • Timeout manager SQL persistence oddity fixed: Explicit bigint PK instead of compound thing that could potentially lead to missed timeouts - thx krivin
  • IStartableBus API extended with the ability to specify number of workers - thx krivin


  • Added ability to use custom encoding with the built-in JSON serializer


  • Upgraded RabbitMQ client dependency to 3.1


  • Fixed logging when unit of work commit fails - should always be logged as a USER exception
  • Fixed bug where adding custom headers could result in leaking memory in the form of numerous (dead) weak references


  • Updated RabbitMQ dep to 3.1.5


  • Rebus now always adds a unique Rebus Transport ID in the headers upon sending a message. This ID will stay the same when message is deferred, forwarded or sent to error queue.
  • RabbitMQ transport uses the Rebus Transport ID as it's message ID, if it is not set otherwise
  • RabbitMQ transport now initializes the input queue when subscribing - relevant if subscribe is called before receive


  • Updated Log4Net dependency to 2.0.1 (BEWARE: It appears that the Log4Net public key has changed since previous version!!)
  • Azure transport can now be configured in one-way client mode


  • Avoid warning when disposing one-way Azure transport


  • Added ability for RabbitMQ transport to NOT create the error queue. This way, the Rebus errorQueue setting just becomes the topic under which failed messages will be published.


  • Fixed race condition bug when using RabbitMQ auto-delete input queue and subscribing on another thread after having started the bus


  • Added ability for Azure Service Bus transport to actually use MSMQ when connection string is UseDevelopmentStorage=true


  • Fixed bug where RabbitMQ transport would leak channels when used e.g. in combination with MSMQ in order to "bridge" from a MSMQ bus environment to a RabbitMQ environment


  • Azure Service Bus transport now automatically creates the error queue


  • Changed order of operations in MsmqMessageQueue that could lead to using an invalid transaction in rare circumstances
  • Made all saga persisters treat null as a proper value, thus ensuring that saga data can be inserted, updated, and found with null in a correlation property


  • Use hybrid stash model for transaction context, allowing it to overcome thread discontinuity in ASP.NET and WCF - thanks jasperdk
  • Optimized data structure for attached headers by doing a hash code-based pre-lookup before searching for WeakReference target match


  • Queue transaction failures are now properly caught and will be waited out when possible
  • Increased Azure transport backoff times when throttling is detected


  • When delivery tracking (i.e. the tracking of message IDs across multiple delivery attempts) times out, a WARN used to be logged. That is now an INFO because this scenario will be very common when running a set of workers as competing consumers
  • Catch-and-rethrow TargetInvocationExceptions in message dispatch, and do some trickery to preserve the stack trace.
  • The new catch-and-rethrow strategy allowed for properly including message IDs in the new MessageHandleException which is raised when a message cannot be handled.


  • Sent messages are no longer logged at INFO level. Both sent and received messages are now logged at DEBUG level by calling ToString on the logical message in a logger called MessageLogger
  • Dispose MSMQ messages after use - thanks dev4ce


  • Fix that makes changelog 0.50.0 around ToString actually true


  • Made timeout manager log internal errors properly - first as warnings, and if the problem persists for 1 minute it will be logged as an error
  • Removed useless ON [PRIMARY] file group directives from SQL schema generation scripts


  • Catch exception occurring while attempting to preserve the stack trace of a caught exception inside a TargetInvocationException. This will most likely be caused by the absence of a proper exception serialization constructor, which is really dumb - oh, and thanks to the Unity container crew for making me realize how silly the need for serialization constructors is


  • Updated NLog to 2.1.0


  • Azure Service Bus transport: Set MaxDeliveryCount to 1000 to effectively disable built-in dead-lettering (because Rebus handles poison messages)
  • Azure Service Bus transport: Peek lock defaults to 5 minutes (which is max)
  • Azure Service Bus transport: Make an Action available in the message context under the AzureServiceBusMessageQueue.AzureServiceBusRenewLeaseAction key to allow for renewing the peek lock when performing long-running operations


  • Avoid ending up overflowing the stack if Console.WriteLine fails


  • Change SqlServerSagaPersister and SqlServerSubscriptionStorage to use the same ConnectionHolder as SqlServerMessageQueue
  • Removed the hack that could automatically dig the SqlTransaction out of a SqlConnection (because it did not work all the time)
  • Clean up a few things inside AzureServiceBusMessageQueue
  • Added test to verify a scenario involving AzureServiceBusMessageQueue and SqlServerSagaPersister


  • Nudged order of disposal and logging inside Azure Service Bus transport
  • Warning when sending > 90 messages with Azure Service Bus transport + InvalidOperationException when > 100 (because of a limitation in Azure Service bus)


  • XmlSubscriptionStorage automatically creates directory pointed to by the subscription XML file path - thanks hagbarddenstore
  • Made the Rabbit transport throw out its subscription and underlying model when an end-of-stream is detected


  • Nothing changed - pushed new version because had a seisure the other day and 0.54.3 wasn't properly uploaded


  • Fixed SqlServerSubscriptionStorage to be able to work when publishing within a TransactionScope when it manages the connection by itself - thanks jasperdk


  • Added load balancer NuGet package


  • Fixed logging in load balancer


  • Made ConsoleLoggerFactory public so it can be used e.g. from processes hosting the load balancer



  • Fixed Rabbit transport nuspec


  • Added ability to configure queue polling backoff strategy to low-latency mode - thanks hagbarddenstore


  • Don't make so many DEBUG logging statements while backing off


  • Tweaked ASB transport so that send batching kicks in only when there's 100 or more messages to send
  • Fixed it so that the error log on a tracked message has the local time (i.e. machine time) as its timestamp, and not UTC


  • Fixed it so that the MarkedAsComplete event is raised also when a piece of saga data was never persisted - before, it was tied to the Deleted event from the persister, which you not be raised if the saga data was not persistent.
  • Made Rebus Timeout Service create a service dependency on local SQL Server/MongoDB if the connection is local. This way, services will be started/stopped in the right order. Thanks caspertdk
  • Fixed it so that headers attached to deferred messages are preserved when roundtripping the timeout manager.


  • Added 'CorrelationId' thread-local context variable to NLog logger, similar to how it's done with the Log4Net logger.


  • Fixed AttachHeader bug in FakeBus.


  • Fixed bug when working with automatic TransactionScope and sagas persisted in SQL Server - thanks jasperdk


  • Made SQL Server saga persister behave more like expected by skipping null-valued properties in the saga index.


  • Fixed but in SQL Server saga persister that could result in malformed SQL when there are no correlation properties at all.


  • Made it configurable whether null-valued correlation properties should be included in the inde with SQL Server saga persister.


  • Added to RavenDB saga persister the ability to obtain the current session from the outside, thereby allowing you to make the saga work part of the same RavenDB transaction that you're working in.


  • Fixed leakage of SQL connections (and other potential issues) when using ambient transactions - thanks mgayeski


  • Added several Subscribe/Unsubscribe overloads to IRebusRouting so you can bus.Advanced.Routing.Subscribe(someMessageType) if you want


  • Added file system-based transport. Please do not use this one for your really important messages.
  • Fixed MSMQ transaction leak - thanks jasperdk


  • Updated MongoDB driver dependency to 1.9


  • Added ability to configure JSON serializer to serialize enums with their string representations - thanks maeserichar


  • Updated StructureMap dependency to 3.0 - thanks fritsduus



  • Fixed it so that inner exceptions are included when a SqlException causes saga persister to not be able to insert.
  • Added Postgres persisters for sagas, subscriptions, and timeouts - thanks hagbarddenstore


  • Added ability for RabbitMQ transport to publish to different exchanges instead of different routing keys - thanks pruiz
  • Limit message body size to 32 MB for RabbitMQ transport because publishing larger messages can destabilize the server.


  • Added additional routing options with RabbitMQ - endpoints can now be adressed on several forms: topic, @exchange, and topic@exchange - thanks pruiz


  • Removed MSMQ error queue existence check when queue is remote (because it can't be done, and because it doesn't make sense for remote queues)
  • Added ability for saga persisters to provide the ability to update more than one saga instance for an incoming message, by implementing ICanUpdateMultipleSagaDatasAtomically - thanks PeteProgrammer


  • Made all batch operations obsolete so that you'll get a compiler warning if you use them.


  • Added container adapter for SimpleInjector - thanks oguzhaneren


  • Fix problem when trying to send Multicast message to error queue - thanks maeserichar


  • Fixed vulnerability that could lead to executing arbitrary SQL statements by injecting it in a correlation property on a saga message when using SQL Server and PostgreSQL saga persisters.


  • Fixed bug that could result in not automatically binding the error queue topic to the error queue when using RabbitMQ
  • Update MongoDB driver dependency to 1.9.2
  • Fixed error in build script that did not build the Serilog project. Also fixed it so that Rebus.Serilog is .NET 4 like the rest of Rebus.


  • Ensure declaration of exchange when using OneExchangePerType - thanks maeserichar


  • Fixed SQL Server schema creation issue where querying sys.tables would give an error if the database's current collation results in case sensitive table names - thanks tiipe


  • Made SQL Server subscription storage & saga persister API accept connection string names (just like the SQL transport config) - thanks tiipe


  • Allow for specifying the messages table name on the SQL Server transport - thanks tiipe
  • Modified SQL server-based persistence things to accept connection string names as well - thanks tiipe
  • Fixed subtle bug that would not remove the saga context from the current message context's items - thanks dimajanzen


  • Added auditing capability - endpoints can now send a copy of the transport message to an audit queue whenever they have been successfully handled or published (which is the only two times when messages "disappear" - when handling a message, it "disappears", and when publishing to 0 subscribers, it also "disappears"). This can provide the basis for advanced tooling later on, e.g. for tracking correlation across systems, for gathering statistics etc. For now, go audit your messages - more tools will follow :)


  • Updated RabbitMQ dependency - thanks maxx1337
  • This version DOES NOT WORK because of the merge bug fixed in 0.75.0


  • Upgraded to .NET 4.5 !!
  • IHandleMessagesAsync introduced - allows for having async message handlers
  • Fixed container adapters to correctly handle resolving async message handlers - thanks arneeiri
  • This version DOES NOT WORK because of the merge bug fixed in 0.75.0


  • Fixed bug that would not allow for configuring and starting a bus without an XML configuration section.
  • This version DOES NOT WORK because of the merge bug fixed in 0.75.0


  • Fixed merge bug that made published Rebus core assembly unusable!


  • Fixed container adapter registration bug that would make it impossible to have IMessageContext injected into more than one handler in the pipeline. Also ensures that the container does not dispose the message context.


  • Change SQL Server subscription storage command to be truly idempotent - thanks tobiaxor


  • Auto-subscribing extension on IBus - thanks seankearon
  • Updated Azure Service Bus dependency to 2.5.4


  • Improved Serilog integration


  • Made PoisonMessageInfo ctor public so that the IErrorTracker can actually be implemented outside of Rebus - thanks bchavez


  • Added extension that allows for composing a chain-of-responsiblity-like way of determining message ownership - thanks DixonD-git
  • Introduced a little bit of structure in the Rebus.Extensions package - might not be the final way, but it should do for now



  • Fixed DryIoc nuget package


  • Changed IStoreTimeouts API to return a DueTimeoutsResult instead of an IEnumerable<DueTimeout>
  • Made SqlServerTimeoutStorage grab row locks on found due timeouts, allowing for "competing timeout consumers"


  • Changed default encoding of outgoing messages to be UTF8 instead of UTF7 when using the built-in JSON serializer
  • Added NewtonsoftJsonMessageSerializer that is honest about its dependency on Newtonsoft JSON.NET and thus lets you customize the serialization settings - thanks joshua5822


  • Support async initiation of sagas via IAmInitiatedByAsync<> - thanks AndreaCuneo


  • Support for idempotent sagas via the Rebus.IdempotentSagas packages - thanks pruiz


  • Updated MongoDB stuff to work with MongoDB 3/WiredTiger - thanks caspertdk


  • Updated Serilog dep - thanks tiipe


  • Fixed concurrent message send in file system transport - thanks mgibas


  • Made Azure Service Bus transport stop the peek lock renewal timer when the transaction context goes into the commit/rollback/cleanup phase. Seems more right, and it avoids a pesky race that could result in confusing MessageLockLostExceptions if the message would happen to be successfully completed right before attempting to renew the peek lock.


  • Refactored most of Rebus! NOTE: (very) breaking change!! - 0.90.0 version series will function as ALPHA and BETA of what will become Rebus 2.0.0
  • Introduced pipelines for message send and receive
  • New configuration API based on Injectionist
  • Simpler transaction handling, simpler ITransport abstration
  • Idempotent sagas
  • Several new integrations: Jil, Azure Storage Queues, Amazon SQS
  • Async to the core! (i.e. remember to bus.Send(yourMessage).Wait() if you cannot await bus.Send(yourMessage))
  • Routing based on topics - type-based routing ("Rebus Classic") is just a subset of this
  • Batching features completely removed
  • In-memory transport can be used for in-process communication and testing
  • Ground laid for more advanced control of Rebus internals, e.g. to implement auto-scaling of number of workers, diagnostics, etc.
  • Tests refactored to make it much much easier to introduce new implementations based on contract tests


  • Added TransactionScope support via the Rebus.TransactionScope package (note: requires at least .NET 4.5.1 for TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled to be there)


  • Added ability to storage subscriptions in a JSON file


  • Added RavenDB persistence for subscriptions and timeouts - thanks mclausen


  • Added experimental legacy compatility option (.Options(o => o.EnableLegacyCompatibility()))


  • Made MSMQ transport work better in legacy mode


  • Added ability to use external timeout manager


  • Added some more headers to audited messages
  • Added PostgreSQL persistence


  • Added pub/sub support to legacy compatibility mode
  • Changed AzureServiceBusTransport to work with topics when doing pub/sub which then avoids having to configure subscription storage when working with Azure Service Bus


  • Separated error tracking out behind IErrorTracker interface, allowing for e.g. keeping error counts in a database somewhere, thus allowing for multiple parallel workers to not exceed maximum delivery attempts
  • Added ability to auto-add headers to outgoing messages by using [Header("some_headers", "some_value")]


  • Changed SQL persistence to work with IDbConnectionProvider as originally intended - thanks MrMDavidson
  • Made Azure Service Bus transport use the native message deferral mechanism
  • Made Azure Storage Queues transport use the native message deferral mechanism


  • Made SQL Server transport use a visible field in the database to implement message deferral (warning: schema change)


  • Fixed RabbitMQ NuGet dependency to explicitly depend on 3.5.4 because silly NuGet will default to the lowest version and that does not play well with strong naming and actually having versions on assemblies


  • Fixed RabbitMQ transport bug that would create wrong queue bindings - please update to this version :)


  • Changed SqlTransport to use the cryptic DELETE OUTPUT style query yielding ~ 10 times performance improvement - thanks MrMDavidson for a very well-documented PR :)


  • Added one-way client mode + appropriate configuration extensions for all transports but Amazon SQS (it requires some more work)


  • Updated MongoDB driver dependency to 2.0.1 and rewrote MongoDB persistence to take advantage of async/await - thanks kevbite


  • Made the type-based pub/sub API default and moved the raw string-based topic API into bus.Advanced.Topics


  • Re-introduced the previous Azure Service Bus implementation that relied only on queues to work - can be used with the Azure Service Bus Basic tier


  • Moved the explicit routing function to an advanced routing API
  • Added saga data snapshotting + snapshot storages for SQL Server and MongoDB
  • Updated Newtonsoft JSON.NET dep to 7.0.1
  • Added file system-based saga snapshot storage


  • Change RabbitMQ transport to allow for using Rabbit's native pub/sub capabilities, thus removing the need for a subscription storage


  • Updated SimpleInjector dependency to 3.0.1
  • Added saga auditing mechanism that can output mutations to the log
  • Added file system transport
  • Updated Azure Service Bus dependency to 3.0.1
  • Updated Azure Storage dep to 5.0.0


  • Set message label on sent MSMQ messages (is shown in MSMQ tools like Rebus Snoop etc.)


  • Added transport message routing capability


  • Made disposal of resources more consistent (still not entirely consistent though, depends on importance)


  • Added IsNew property to Saga base class allowing saga handlers to easily determine whether the instance is new


  • Added one-way client mode for Amazon SQS transport


  • Added "per Rebus message" lifestyle to Windsor container configuration extensions


  • Added simple 2nd level retries mechanism
  • Added ability to forward the current transport message (optionally supplying some extra headers)
  • Added configurable idle time backoff strategy


  • Fixed bug that could result in double-resolving handler instances with Ninject, Castle Windsor, and Unity because of a lazy-evaluated IEnumerable


  • Fixed MSMQ remote queue path formatting


  • Extended built-in handler activator with Register overloads that allow for registering handler factory functions that accept IMessageContext and (IBus, IMessageContext) as arguments


  • Added IMessageContext.AbortDispatch() which aborts dispatch of the current message to any handlers following the one currently being executed.


  • Added ability to mark saga data as unchanged by calling MarkAsUnchanged() on the saga handler.


  • Inject loggers. Will remove static logging things later.
  • Allow for enabling partitioning with Azure Service Bus transports
  • Changed Azure Service Bus transports to use streams as the message body to avoid silly XML-wrapping - thanks meyce
  • Updated WindowsAzure.ServiceBus dependency to 3.0.4
  • Updated WindowsAzure.Storage dependency to 6.0.0


  • Added Serilog log event enricher + configuration extension for including Rebus' correlation ID in log events
  • Added custom NLog layout renderer that outputs the correlation ID of the message currently being handled in the ${rebus-correlation-id} variable


  • Fixed NLog nuget dependency