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File metadata and controls

290 lines (220 loc) · 7.97 KB


The Apache mod_magick module provides image filtering for the Apache httpd server.

  • Download:

RPM Packages are available at COPR for EPEL, Fedora and OpenSUSE.

dnf copr enable minfrin/mod_magick
dnf install mod_magick

Ubuntu packages are available through PPA.

  • Basic configuration:
<FilesMatch ".+\.(gif|jpe?g|png)$">
  <If "%{QUERY_STRING} =~ /./">
    SetOutputFilter MAGICK
    AddMagickOption jpeg:preserve-settings true

The MAGICK filter converts a response into a magick bucket, which can be transformed by specific downstream magick filters to modify the image. The first filter that attempts to read the bucket will cause the output image to be rendered.

The AddMagickOption allows the setting of options that affect the operation of GraphicsMagick. The options accepted are those as documented under the -define option in the gm tool.

The MagickMaxSize option sets the largest size the source image is allowed to be. Beyond this size requests will be rejected to prevent the processing of huge images.

  • Examples:

In this example, we generate thumbnails if the width is added to the query string.

We also take into account HTTP Client Hints provided in the DPR, Width and Save-Data headers.

  <FilesMatch ".+\.(gif|jpe?g|png)$">
    AddMagickOption jpeg:preserve-settings true
    MagickResizeModulus 20
    MagickInterlace plane

    <If "%{QUERY_STRING} in { '200', '400', '800', '1600', '3200' }">

      <If "%{req:Width} != ''">
        MagickResizeColumns %{req:Width}
      MagickResizeColumns %{QUERY_STRING}

      <If "%{req:DPR} != ''">
        MagickResizeFactor %{req:DPR}

      <If "%{req:Save-Data} == 'on'">
        MagickResizeFactor 0.5



The Apache mod_magick_colorspace module provides a filter that sets the colorspace type of the image generated by mod_magick.

  • Basic configuration:
<FilesMatch ".+\.(gif|jpe?g|png)$">
  <If "%{QUERY_STRING} =~ /./">
    MagickColorspace srgb

The MagickColorspace directive sets the colorspace to be used by the output image.

Possible values are:


The default value is srgb.


The Apache mod_magick_format module provides a filter that sets the output format of an image read by mod_magick.

  • Basic configuration:
<FilesMatch ".+\.(gif|jpe?g|png)$">
  <If "%{QUERY_STRING} =~ /./">
    MagickFormat PNG

The MagickFormat directive sets the output format to be used. The list of supported formats can be found in the manual of the GraphicsMagick 'gm' command.


The Apache mod_magick_interlace module provides a filter that sets the interlace type of the image generated by mod_magick.

  • Basic configuration:
<FilesMatch ".+\.(gif|jpe?g|png)$">
  <If "%{QUERY_STRING} =~ /./">
    MagickInterlace plane

The MagickInterlace directive takes an expression containing the interlace type to be used. Possible options are: none|line|plane|partition


The Apache mod_magick_quality module provides a filter that sets the quality of the output image processed by mod_magick.

  • Basic configuration:
<FilesMatch ".+\.(gif|jpe?g|png)$">
  <If "%{QUERY_STRING} =~ /./">
    SetOutputFilter MAGICK_QUALITY
    MagickQuality 82

The MagickQuality directive provides an expression that sets the quality of the output image.

In the case of JPEG images, the original quality level can be preserved by setting the following option:

  AddMagickOption jpeg:preserve-settings true


The Apache mod_magick_resize module provides a filter that resizes an image read by mod_magick.

  • Basic configuration:
  <FilesMatch ".+\.(gif|jpe?g|png)$">
    <If "%{QUERY_STRING} =~ /./">
      SetOutputFilter MAGICK;MAGICK_RESIZE
      MagickResizeColumns %{QUERY_STRING}

In the above configuration, if we see any filenames ending in the major graphics formats, and if a query string is present containing the desired width of the image, we add the magick and magick resize filters, and request that the width be set to the value of the query string, falling back to the original width if the query string could not be interpreted as a valid number.

To protect against denial of service, dimensions of the image are automatically capped at the dimensions of the original image. The browser will typically do any resizing up required.

All resize directives take on a list of expressions, the last expression to return a valid value wins. Any expression that renders an invalid value (such as the empty string) is skipped and the previous expression is tried. This allows support for responsive behaviour such as HTTP Client Hints.

For example, here we first take into account the HTTP Client Hint "Width" header, followed by the query string, followed by the default fallback value "100".

  MagickResizeColumns 100 %{QUERY_STRING}
  <If "%{req:Width} != ''">
    MagickResizeColumns %{req:Width}

Note that in the above example, we need to include the If section to ensure the Vary header is has the Width header correctly added. Apache httpd 2.4 has a bug where conditional expressions set the Vary header, but string expressions do not. Without this, caching breaks, and you want caching.

In the absence of the above bug, the above line should look like this:

  #MagickResizeColumns 100 %{QUERY_STRING} %{req:Width}

In the absence of a valid fallback value, or if the fallback value is zero, the original image value is maintained.

The MagickResizeColumns and MagickResizeRows directives control the width and height of the resulting image. If either the width or height is left unspecified it will be calculated based on the aspect ratio of the original image.

The MagickResizeFilterType directive specifies the filter to use while resizing. Possible values are:

  MagickResizeFilterType bessel|blackman|box|catrom|

The MagickResizeBlur directive specifies the amount of blur to add while resizing, where greater than 1 is blurry, and less than 1 is sharp. The default is 1.

The MagickResizeFactor directive can be used to apply a multiplier to the width and height. For example, to use the HTTP Client Hint Save-Data header, falling back to the DPR header, falling back to the default factor of 1:

  MagickResizeWidth 400
  <If "%{req:DPR} != ''">
    # If the DPR is 2, the resulting width will be 800
    MagickResizeFactor %{req:DPR}
  <If "%{req:Save-Data} = 'on'">
    # If the Save-Data is on, the resulting width will be 200
    MagickResizeFactor 0.5

The MagickResizeModulus directive limits the possible image sizes so that caches are not overwhelmed. All requested rows and columns are rounded up to the nearest modulus value. Any calculated rows and columns value will be left unchanged to keep the aspect ratio.

  # Resulting width will be 300
  MagickResizeWidth 201
  MagickResizeModulus 100


The Apache mod_magick_strip module provides a filter that strips all image metadata from an image read by mod_magick.

  • Basic configuration:
<FilesMatch ".+\.(gif|jpe?g|png)$">
  <If "%{QUERY_STRING} =~ /./">

The magick strip filter has no directives, when present metadata is stripped.