After stories before a release marker in the backlog have been accepted by the PM and the next task in tracker is a release marker, it's time to create a release.
Here's the brief checklist for creating a new release version of PivotalCoreKit.
to include major new features, bug fixes, and API changes. -
to advance the version number for the pod and the git tag it points to on github. -
When you've made those commits and are ready to tag, tag the project thusly:
git tag -a vx.x.x -m 'Refer to CHANGES.markdown for a list of changes in this release'
git push origin head
git push origin --tags
pod spec lint
to ensure that there is no problem with the podspec. If there are problems, you'll need to delete the tag from origin, fix the issue, and try again. -
Make a release in github that points to the tag
pod trunk push
to send the new version to cocoapods