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Marcel Kloubert edited this page Oct 30, 2017 · 179 revisions

vs-deploy wiki

Table of contents

  1. Settings
  2. Relative paths
  3. Examples
  4. Translations

Settings []

Open (or create) your settings.json in your .vscode subfolder of your workspace.

Add a deploy section:

    "deploy": {
        "packages": [
                "name": "Version 2.3.4",
                "description": "Package version 2.3.4",
                "files": [
                "exclude": [
                "deployOnSave": true
                "name": "Version 2.3.5 (anything)",
                "description": "Package version 2.3.5"

        "targets": [
                "type": "sftp",
                "name": "My SFTP folder",
                "description": "A SFTP folder",
                "dir": "/my_package_files",
                "host": "localhost", "port": 22,
                "user": "tester", "password": "password"

        "host": [
                "dir": "./files_from_remotes"
Name Description
alwaysShowPackageList Indicates if package list is shown, even if there is only one entry. Default: (false)
alwaysShowTargetList Indicates if target list is shown, even if there is only one entry. Default: (false)
alwaysSyncIfNewer Always synchronize a local file with a newer one when using sync when open in a package. Default: (false)
clearOutputOnStartup Clear output on startup or not. Default: (false)
commands A list of one or more script based commands to register to VS Code (s. Commands).
deployOnChange Activate or deactivate 'deploy on change' for all packages (s. Deploy on change). Default: (true)
deployOnSave Activate or deactivate 'deploy on save' for all packages. Default: (true)
disableNewVersionPopups Disables the display of popups that reports for a new version of that extension. Default: (false)
displayLoadedPlugins Display loaded plugins in output window or not. Default: (true)
displayNetworkInfo Display network information in output window or not. Default: (true)
env Settings for the environment of the current process.
events Defines one or more global events. (s. Events)
fastCheckForIgnores If (true) this will use minimatch instead of node-glob for patterns defined in ignore property. Default: (false)
fastCheckOnChange If (true) this will use minimatch instead of node-glob for "deploy on change" for packages by default. Default: (false)
fastCheckOnSave If (true) this will use minimatch instead of node-glob for "deploy on save" for packages by default. Default: (false)
fastCheckOnSync If (true) this will use minimatch instead of node-glob for "sync when open" for packages by default. Default: (false)
globals A list of variables that can be accessed globally (from scripts, e.g.).
host Settings for a host that receives files from a remote machine. (s. host section)
ignore An optional list of one or more glob pattern for files that should ignored, even if they are trying to be deployed.
imports One or more settings to import (s. Imports).
modules An optional list of one or more "external" plugin module files (.js) to load.
name A custom machine name.
open A list of files to open on startup. s. Open on startup
openOutputOnDeploy Open the output window before deploying starts or not. Default: (true)
openOutputOnStartup Open the output window on after settings have been (re)loaded or not. Default: (false)
packages One or more package that describe which files of your workspace should be deployed.
runBuildTaskOnStartup Run build task on startup or define the wait time, in milliseconds, after the build task should be run after startup. Default: (false)
runGitPullOnStartup Run Git pull on startup or define the wait time, in milliseconds, after Git pull should be run after startup. Default: (false)
showDeployResultInStatusBar Show an item in the status bar after deployment or not. Default: (false)
showPopupOnSuccess Indicates if an info popup / notification should be displayed after a successful deployment or not. Default: (true)
showWarningIfIgnored If (true), this will show a warning message for each file that is trying to be deployed. Default: (true)
showWarningsForNonExistingTargets Indicates if a warning popup / notification should be displayed if targets do not exist. Default: (false)
startApi Starts the REST API or not (requires vs-rest-api). Default: (false)
startCronJobs Starts the cron jobs or not (requires vs-cron). Default: (false)
startupCommands A list of one or more Visual Studio Code commands that should be run on startup.
targets One or more target that describe where files can be deployed to.
templates Settings for defining custom template / example repositories.
timeToWaitBeforeActivateDeployOnChange The time (in milliseconds) to wait before activating 'deploy on change' feature.
useGitIgnoreStylePatterns Also check directory patterns, like in .gitignore files, in all packages by default or not. Default: (true)
useTargetListForDeployOnSave Use targets property of a package instead, if its 'deployOnSave' property is set to (true). Default: (false)
useWorkspaceStartTimeForSyncWhenOpen Use workspace start time for sync when open for all packages by default or not. Default: (false)
values Defines one or more values that can be accessed via placeholders, e.g. (s. Values)

Packages []

A package is a description of files of your workspace that should be deployed.

Add the subsection packages and add one or more entry:

    "deploy": {
        "packages": [
                "name": "Version 2.3.4",
                "description": "Package version 2.3.4",
                "files": [
                "exclude": [
                "deployOnSave": true
                "name": "Version 2.3.5 (anything)",
                "description": "Package version 2.3.5"
Name Description
alwaysSyncIfNewer Always synchronize a local file with a newer one when using sync when open in that package. Default: (false)
applyValuesTo An object with a list of property names and their values (with optional placeholders), that should be applied to that package.
button If defined, a button is shown in the status bar. Instead of defining properties, you can also use a boolean value, such as (true) or (false).
deployOnChange One or more files to deploy if they change. (true) indicates to deploy to all files of deployOnSave (s. Deploy on change). Default: (false)
deployOnSave Deploy a file of this package on save or not. This can be a list of one or more target name (s. below) to deploy to or (true) for all targets. Default: (false)
description The description of the package.
detail* Additional information that should be shown in the GUI, e.g.
exclude Files to exclude (s. node-glob).
fastCheckOnChange If (true) this will use minimatch instead of node-glob for "deploy on change" for this package. Default: (false)
fastCheckOnSave If (true) this will use minimatch instead of node-glob for "deploy on save" for this package. Default: (false)
fastCheckOnSync If (true) this will use minimatch instead of node-glob for "sync when open" for this package. Default: (false)
files Files to include (s. node-glob). Default: **
if One or more conditions (as JavaScript code) that defines if package is available or not, similar to values.
inheritFrom One or more package name from where to inherit settings from.
isFor An optional list of one or more (host)names that package is visible for.
isHidden Hide package in GUI or not. Default: (false)
loadFrom* The source (file) with the base data for that package. If you choose a relative path, you must keep in mind that (in that case) the path is relative to your settings.json file and NOT to the workspace!
name The name of the package.
noNodeModules Exclude node_modules directory by default or not. Default: (false)
platforms One or more platform names the package is for. s. process.platform
showForDeploy Show this package for deploying or not. Default: (true)
showForPull Show this package for pulling or not. Default: (true)
sortOrder An optional number or object to sort the package elements. If this value is an object, it is searched for a property that contains the name of the current machine, by using its value as sort value. Default: 0
syncWhenOpen Sync files when open. This can be an object with settings, a string with a target name from where to sync from or a boolean value, that indicates to activate the feature for all files of that package. Default: (false)
targets One or more optional and explicit target names to deploy to.
useGitIgnoreStylePatterns Also check directory patterns, like in .gitignore files, in that package or not. Default: (true)
useTargetListForDeployOnSave Use targets property of this package instead, if its deployOnSave property is set to (true). Default: (false)
useWorkspaceStartTimeForSyncWhenOpen Use workspace start time for sync when open for that package or not. Default: (false)

* supports placeholders

Buttons []

You are able to define status bar buttons for each of your packages by setting up the button property:

    "deploy": {
        "packages": [
                "name": "My package",
                "button": {
                    "text": "Deploy to 'My target'",
                    "tooltip": "Click here to deploy to the target...",

                    "targets": [ "My target" ]

        "targets": [
                "name": "My target"
Name Description
command The custom ID for the underlying command.
enabled Enable button or not. Default: (true)
isRight Put button on the right side or not. Default: (false)
priority The priority.
targets A list of one or more explicit target names to deploy to. If not defined, the target list from the underlying package is used.
text* The custom display text.
tooltip* The custom tooltip text.

* supports placeholders

Targets []

A target describes where a file or package should be transfered to.

The extension supports the following target types:

Type Can pull / download files from target?
Amazon AWS S3 buckets ✔️
Apps / executables / scripts (bash, batch, e.g.)
Azure blob storages ✔️
DropBox ✔️
External Node.js based scripts ✔️
FTP ✔️
Local or shared network folders inside a LAN ✔️
Mail (SMTP)
Remote machines like other VS Code instances
REST APIs like vs-rest-api ✔️
ZIP files ✔️

There also some special target types you can use:

Name Description Can pull?
batch Deploys to one or more other target.
each Iterates over a list of values and deploys for each of them.
list Lets the user select an entry with settings for one or more targets.
map Iterates over a list of object that contains properties (and their values) and deploys for each of them.
pipeline Pipes a list of sources files to a new destination, by using a script and sends the new file list to a target.
prompt Asks the user for a list of settings that will be applied to one or more other targets.
test A mock deployer, which is a good tool to check package configuration(s). ✔️

Add the subsection targets in your .vscode/settings.json file and add one or more entry:

    "deploy": {
        "targets": [
                "type": "sftp",
                "name": "My SFTP folder",
                "description": "A SFTP folder",

                "mappings": [
                        "source": "dir/of/files/that/should/be/mapped",
                        "target": "dir/on/target"

                "dir": "/my_package_files",
                "host": "localhost", "port": 22,
                "user": "tester", "password": "password",

                "checkBeforeDeploy": true
                "type": "ftp",
                "name": "My FTP folder",
                "description": "A FTP folder",

                "dir": "/my_package_files",
                "host": "localhost", "port": 21,
                "user": "anonymous", "password": "",
                "deployed": [
                        "type": "sql",
                        "engine": "mysql",

                        "queries": [
                            "TRUNCATE TABLE `debug`",
                            "TRUNCATE TABLE `logs`"
                        "target": ""
                "type": "local",
                "name": "My local folder",
                "description": "A local folder",

                "dir": "E:/test/my_package_files"
                "type": "local",
                "name": "My network folder",
                "description": "A SMB shared network folder",

                "dir": "\\\\MyServer\\my_package_files"
                "type": "zip",
                "name": "My ZIP file",
                "description": "Create a ZIP file in a target directory",

                "target": "E:/test"
                "type": "mail",
                "name": "My mail server",
                "description": "An email deployer",

                "host": "", "port": 465,
                "secure": true, "requireTLS": true,
                "user": "[email protected]", "password": "P@assword123!",
                "from": "[email protected]",
                "to": "[email protected], [email protected]"
                "type": "script",
                "name": "My script",
                "description": "A deploy script",

                "script": "E:/test/deploy.js",
                "options": {
                    "TM": 5979,
                    "MK": "23979"
                "type": "http",
                "name": "My HTTP service",
                "description": "A HTTP service on a HTTP server, e.g.",

                "url": "${VSDeploy-File}",
                "user": "mkloubert", "password": "P@ssword123!"
                "type": "remote",
                "name": "My remote target",
                "description": "Some remote VS Code instances to deploy to",

                "hosts": ["localhost", "", ""]
                "type": "app",
                "name": "My App",
                "description": "An app to call",

                "app": "E:/test/deploy.cmd",
                "arguments": ["a", "b", "c"]
                "type": "batch",
                "name": "My Batch",
                "description": "A batch operation",

                "targets": ["My mail server", "My ZIP file"]
                "type": "azureblob",
                "name": "My Azure blob storage",
                "description": "An container in an Azure blob storage",

                "container": "my-container",
                "account": "my-storage-account",
                "accessKey": "<ACCESS-KEY-FROM-AZURE-PORTAL>"
                "type": "s3bucket",
                "name": "My Amazon Bucket",
                "description": "An Amazon AWS S3 bucket",

                "bucket": "my-bucket"
                "type": "dropbox",
                "name": "My DropBox folder",
                "description": "Deploy to my DropBox folder",

                "token": "<ACCESS-TOKEN>"
                "type": "api",
                "name": "My REST API",
                "description": "Deploys to a vs-rest-api",

                "host": "",
                "user": "rgrimes", "password": "lori"
Name Description
applyValuesTo An object with a list of property names and their values (with optional [[placeholders
beforeDeploy List of operations that should be invoked BEFORE target is being deployed. s. [[Operations
deployed The operations that should be invoked AFTER ALL files have been deployed successfully. s. [[Operations
description The description of the target.
detail* Additional information that should be shown in the GUI, e.g.
diffBeforeDeploy Start a diff before deploy file(s) or not. Default: (false)
hideIf A list of one or more package names that indicates if that target is hidden from GUI if one of the package(s) has been selected.
if One or more conditions (as JavaScript code) that defines if target is available or not, similar to [[values
inheritFrom One or more target name from where to inherit settings from.
isFor An optional list of one or more (host)names that target is visible for.
isHidden Hide target in GUI or not. Default: (false)
loadFrom* The source (file) with the base data for that target. If you choose a relative path, you must keep in mind that (in that case) the path is relative to your settings.json file and NOT to the workspace!
mappings The optional list of one or more [[folder mappings
name The name of the target.
platforms One or more platform names the target is for. s. process.platform
showIf A list of one or more package names that indicates if that target is only shown in GUI if one of the package(s) has been selected.
sortOrder An optional number or object to sort the target elements. If this value is an object, it is searched for a property that contains the name of the current machine, by using its value as sort value. Default: 0
type The type.

* supports placeholders

beforeDeploy []

The operations that should be invoked BEFORE target starts being deployed.

Name Description
type The type. Default: open

For more information about supported types, see Operations.

deployed []

The operations that should be invoked AFTER ALL files have been deployed successfully.

    "deploy": {
        "targets": [
                "type": "ftp",
                "name": "My FTP folder",
                "description": "A FTP folder",
                "dir": "/my_package_files",
                "host": "localhost", "port": 21,
                "user": "anonymous", "password": "",

                "deployed": [
                        "target": ""
Name Description
type The type. Default: open

For more information about supported types, see Operations.

Host []

You can run your VS Code instance into a host mode, what means that you are able to receive files from a remote machine via a TCP network connection.

Demo Remote

    "deploy": {
        "host": {
            "dir": "./files_from_remotes",
            "maxMessageSize": 134217727,
            "port": 5979,
            "showPopupOnSuccess": false
Name Description
autoStart Run on startup or not. Default: (false)
dir* The directory where incoming files should be stored. Default: ./
maxMessageSize Maximum size of one remote file message. Default: 16777215
messageTransformer* The path to a module that UNtransforms received message data. s. [[Transform data
messageTransformerOptions The data for the "message data transformation", if needed.
password An optional password to use for decrypting received data.
passwordAlgorithm The algorithm for the password to use (s. crypto.createDecipher). Default: aes-256-ctr
port The TCP port the host should be listen on. Default: 23979
showPopupOnSuccess Show popup if host has been started or stopped successfully. Default: (true)
transformer* The optional path to the script that transforms the data of a file AFTER it has been received. s. [[Transform data
transformerOptions The data for the "file data transformation", if needed.
validator* The optional path to the script that validates received files. s. Validation
validatorOptions The data for the 'validator', if needed.

* supports placeholders

Validation []

Each received file can be validated before it is saved, by using a script.

An example of a "validator script":

exports.validate = function(args) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        // take all, but "wwwroot/lib/jquery/LICENSE.txt"
        resolve('wwwroot/lib/jquery/LICENSE.txt' !=;

        // TIP: you can overwrite the '' property
        //      if you want to define a new target path
        //      for the file

s. ValidatorArguments

The value property uses the RemoteFile interface.

The context property uses the ValidatorContext interface.

Quick deployment []

You can enable a button in the status bar at the bottom for "quick deployments".


    "deploy": {
        "button": {
            "enabled": true,
            "text": "Deploy my stuff!",
            "packages": [ "Project 1" ]

        "packages": [
                "name": "Project 1",

                "targets": [
                    "My website"

        "targets": [
                "name": "My website",
                "type": "ftp",
                "host": ""

Relative paths []

Unless otherwise stated: Relative paths are relative to the workspace directory.

Examples []

Translations []

s. Translations

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