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moataz-sabry committed Feb 12, 2023
2 parents 23bca88 + 1a6a462 commit ae7651e
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Showing 13 changed files with 569 additions and 1,197 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "Apophis"
uuid = "cf72b054-1e85-4718-a3f4-02cfdc10a054"
authors = ["moataz-sabry <[email protected]>", "Ahmed Hassan <[email protected]>"]
version = "1.2.4"
version = "1.3.1"

Combinatorics = "861a8166-3701-5b0c-9a16-15d98fcdc6aa"
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/Apophis.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ using Zygote
abstract type AbstractSpecies{N<:Number} end
abstract type AbstractReaction{N<:Number} end

const R = 8.31446261815324e7 # erg/(K*mol)
const Rc = 1.987261815324 # cal/(K*mol)
const kB = 1.380649e-16 # erg/K
const Pa = 1013250.0 # dyn/cm^2
const R = 8.31446261815324e3 # J K⁻¹ kmol⁻¹
const Rc = 1.987261815324 # cal K⁻¹ mol⁻¹
const kB = 1.380649e-23 # J K⁻¹
const Pa = 101325.0 # Pa
const Tᵣ = 300.0 # K
const d = 0.14

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10 changes: 7 additions & 3 deletions src/reactions.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,8 +4,12 @@ struct Arrhenius{N<:Number} ## [A] := M^(∑νᵣ - 1) ⋅ s^-1; where M = cm^3

Arrhenius() = nothing
Arrhenius(itr) = Arrhenius(itr...)
function Arrhenius(itr; order=1, mechunits = chemkin_default_units)
activation_energy_unit, length_unit, quantity_unit = (mechunits[k] for k in ("activation-energy", "length", "quantity"))
isempty(itr) && return nothing
A, β, E = itr
return Arrhenius(unitfy_rate(A, order, length_unit, quantity_unit), β, unitfy_activation_energy(E, activation_energy_unit))

((; A, β, E)::Arrhenius{N})(T::N) where {N<:Number} = A * T^β * exp(-E * inv(Rc * T))
(arrhenius::Arrhenius{N})(::Val{:dg}, T::N) where {N<:Number} = gradient(arrhenius -> arrhenius(T), arrhenius) |> only
Expand All @@ -27,7 +31,7 @@ struct Plog{N<:Number}

Plog(itr...) = isempty(first(itr)) ? nothing : Plog(first(itr), Arrhenius{Float64}[Arrhenius(p) for p in zip(rest(itr, 2)...)])
Plog(itr...; order = 1) = isempty(first(itr)) ? nothing : Plog(first(itr), Arrhenius{Float64}[Arrhenius(p; order) for p in zip(rest(itr, 2)...)])

function isin(p::N, x::Vector{N}) where {N<:Number}
for i in eachindex(x)
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81 changes: 54 additions & 27 deletions src/reader.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
Contains regular expressions for finding data. To-Do: brief explanation.
const regextionary = Dict{Symbol, Union{Regex, Function}}(
:units => r"(?:\G(?!^)|reactions|reac)\s+\K(?:(?!reac|reactions|\n)CAL\/MOLE|KCAL\/MOLE|JOULES\/MOLE|KELVINS|EVOLTS|MOLES|MOLECULES)"i,
:elements => r"(?:\G(?!^)|elements|elem)\s+\K(?:(?!end|elements|elem|thermo|species|spec)\S){1,2}"i,
:species => r"(?:\G(?!^)|species|spec)\s+\K(?:(?!end|species|spec|thermo|reactions|reac)\S){1,16}"i,
:reactions => r"(\s*(.+<?\s*=\s*>?.+?)(?<=\S)(?!\S)(?s:.+?))(?=\g'2'|end|\z)"i,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -33,6 +34,13 @@ const weights = Dict{Symbol, Float64}( ## Reference: Google Search
:He => 4.002602
) ## contains molecular weight of common elements in combustion.

const chemkin_default_units = Dict{String, String}(
"length" => "cm",
"time" => "s",
"activation-energy" => "cal/mol",
"quantity" => "mol"

without_spaces(text::AbstractString) = replace(text, r"\s+" => "")
Reads a file data located at `file_path` as String. Filters out any exclamation marks `!` and the text following it.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,6 +126,12 @@ Finds the properties of the species found in the given kinetics `data`. Return t
find_species(kinetics::T, thermo::T, transport::Maybe{T}, N::Type{<:Number}) where {T<:String} = Species{N}[_find_species(k, Symbol(m.match), thermo, transport, N) for (k, m) in enumerate(eachmatch(:species, kinetics))]
find_species(species::Vector{<:Dict}, N::Type{<:Number}) = Species{N}[_find_species(k, s, N) for (k, s) in enumerate(species)]

function find_mechanism_units(data::String)
units_found = Tuple(s for s in eachmatch(:units, data))
mechanism_units = Dict{String, String}(contains(u, r"^MOLES|MOLECULES$") ? "activation-energy" => u : "quantity" => u for u in units_found)
return mechanism_units

Finds index of the given `species` in a species list.
Expand All @@ -144,7 +158,7 @@ end
Parses the number of moles for the given reactant or product pair. A pair means ...
function parse_moles(s::Int, pair::AbstractString, species_list::Vector{Species{N}}) where {N<:Number}
moles_string, species_string = match(regextionary[:moles], pair)
moles_string, species_string = match(:moles, pair)
species = assign(species_list, species_string)
moles = (-1)^s * (isnothing(moles_string) ? one(N) : parse(N, moles_string))
return species, moles
Expand All @@ -171,19 +185,19 @@ function decompose(reaction::AbstractString, species_list::Vector{Species{N}}) w
return species_moles

get_arrhenius(arrhenius::Dict) = Arrhenius(arrhenius[p] for p in ("A", "b", "Ea"))
get_arrhenius(arrhenius::Dict, order::Int, mechunits::Dict) = Arrhenius(arrhenius[p] for p in ("A", "b", "Ea"); order, mechunits)

Finds the auxillary parameters in the given reaction `data`. Auxillary parameters could be `LOW`, `TROE` or `REV` parameters.
Returns the found parameters as object of type `Arrhenius` or `Troe`
find_auxillaries(type::Symbol, data::AbstractString, N::Type{<:Number}) = (isequal(type, :troe) ? Troe : Arrhenius)(parse(N, p.match) for p in eachmatch(regextionary[type], data))
find_auxillaries(type::Symbol, data::AbstractString, N::Type{<:Number}) = (isequal(type, :troe) ? Troe : Arrhenius)(parse(N, p.match) for p in eachmatch(type, data))

Finds the `PLOG` parameters of an `ElementaryReaction` in the given reaction `data`. Returns a `Plog` object with the found parameters.
find_plog(data::AbstractString, N::Type{<:Number}) = Plog(([parse(N, m[p].match) for m in partition(eachmatch(regextionary[:plog], data), 4)] for p in OneTo(4))...)
find_plog(plogs::Vector{<:Dict}, N::Type{<:Number}) = Plog{N}([plogs[p]["P"] |> without_spaces |> uparse |> Fix1(ustrip, u"dyn/cm^2") for p in eachindex(plogs)], [plogs[p] |> get_arrhenius for p in eachindex(plogs)])
find_plog(data::AbstractString, order::Int, N::Type{<:Number}) = Plog(([parse(N, m[p].match) for m in partition(eachmatch(:plog, data), 4)] for p in OneTo(4))...; order)
find_plog(plogs::Vector{<:Dict}, order::Int, N::Type{<:Number}) = Plog{N}([plogs[p]["P"] |> without_spaces |> uparse |> Fix1(ustrip, u"Pa") for p in eachindex(plogs)], [plogs[p] |> Fix2(get_arrhenius, order) for p in eachindex(plogs)])

Finds the enhancement factors in the given reaction `data`. Returns vector of pairs with species index as keys and enhancement factors as values.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -215,52 +229,63 @@ function find_enhancements(data::Union{AbstractString, Dict}, species_list::Vect
return enhancements

order(part::Vector{<:Pair}) = sum(Int abs last, part)
unitfy_rate(A::Number, order::Int, l::String, q::String) = uparse("(m^3/kmol)^($order-1)/s") |> Fix2(ustrip, A * uparse("($l^3/$q)^($order-1)/s"))
unitfy_activation_energy(E::Number, e::String) = ustrip(uparse("cal/mol"), E * uparse("$e"))
Finds the kinetic parameters of an `ElementaryReaction` in the given reaction `data`.
function find_kinetics(::Type{ElementaryReaction}, data::AbstractString, species::Vector{Species{N}}, components) where {N<:Number}## extra, input
forward_parameters = Arrhenius(parse(N, p.match) for p in eachmatch(regextionary[:high], data))
reverse_paramters = find_auxillaries(:rev, data, N)
plog_parameters = find_plog(data, N)
function find_kinetics(::Type{ElementaryReaction}, data::AbstractString, species::Vector{Species{N}}, components::NTuple{2, Vector{<:Pair}}) where {N<:Number}
forward_order, reverse_order = Tuple(order(p) for p in components)
forward_parameters = Arrhenius(parse(N, p.match) for p in eachmatch(:high, data); order = forward_order)
reverse_paramters = Arrhenius(parse(N, p.match) for p in eachmatch(:rev, data); order = reverse_order)
plog_parameters = find_plog(data, forward_order, N)
return forward_parameters, reverse_paramters, plog_parameters

function find_kinetics(::Type{ElementaryReaction}, reaction::Dict, species::Vector{Species{N}}, components) where {N<:Number}## extra, input
forward_parameters, plog_parameters = haskey(reaction, "rate-constants") ? (nothing, find_plog(reaction["rate-constants"], N)) : (get_arrhenius(reaction["rate-constant"]), nothing)
function find_kinetics(::Type{ElementaryReaction}, reaction::Dict, species::Vector{Species{N}}, components::NTuple{2, Vector{<:Pair}}, mechunits::Dict) where {N<:Number}
forward_order = first(components) |> order
forward_parameters, plog_parameters = haskey(reaction, "rate-constants") ? (nothing, find_plog(reaction["rate-constants"], forward_order, N)) : (get_arrhenius(reaction["rate-constant"], forward_order, mechunits), nothing)
return forward_parameters, nothing, plog_parameters

Finds the kinetic parameters of a `ThreeBodyReaction` in the given reaction `data`.
function find_kinetics(::Type{ThreeBodyReaction}, data::AbstractString, species::Vector{Species{N}}, components) where {N<:Number}
forward_parameters = Arrhenius(parse(N, p.match) for p in eachmatch(regextionary[:high], data))
reverse_paramters = find_auxillaries(:rev, data, N)
function find_kinetics(::Type{ThreeBodyReaction}, data::AbstractString, species::Vector{Species{N}}, components::NTuple{2, Vector{<:Pair}}) where {N<:Number}
enhancements = find_enhancements(data, species, components)
forward_order, reverse_order = Tuple(order(p) for p in components)
forward_parameters = Arrhenius(parse(N, p.match) for p in eachmatch(:high, data); order = forward_order + 1)
reverse_paramters = Arrhenius(parse(N, p.match) for p in eachmatch(:rev, data); order = reverse_order + 1)
return forward_parameters, reverse_paramters, enhancements

function find_kinetics(::Type{ThreeBodyReaction}, reaction::Dict, species::Vector{Species{N}}, components::NTuple{2, Vector{<:Pair}}) where {N<:Number}## extra, input
forward_parameters = reaction["rate-constant"] |> get_arrhenius
function find_kinetics(::Type{ThreeBodyReaction}, reaction::Dict, species::Vector{Species{N}}, components::NTuple{2, Vector{<:Pair}}, mechunits::Dict) where {N<:Number}
enhancements = find_enhancements(reaction, species, components)
forward_order = first(components) |> order
forward_parameters = reaction["rate-constant"] |> params -> get_arrhenius(params, forward_order + 1, mechunits)
return forward_parameters, nothing, enhancements

Finds the kinetic parameters of a `FallOffReaction` in the given reaction `data`.
function find_kinetics(::Type{FallOffReaction}, data::AbstractString, species_list::Vector{Species{N}}, components::NTuple{2, Vector{<:Pair}}) where {N<:Number}
high_parameters = Arrhenius(parse(N, p.match) for p in eachmatch(regextionary[:high], data))
low_troe_rev_parameters = Tuple(find_auxillaries(p, data, N) for p in (:low, :troe, :rev))
enhancements = find_enhancements(data, species_list, components)
return high_parameters, low_troe_rev_parameters..., enhancements
forward_order, reverse_order = Tuple(order(p) for p in components)
high_parameters = Arrhenius(parse(N, p.match) for p in eachmatch(:high, data); order = forward_order)
low_parameters = Arrhenius(parse(N, p.match) for p in eachmatch(:low, data); order = forward_order + 1)
troe_parameters = Troe(parse(N, p.match) for p in eachmatch(:troe, data))
reverse_paramters = Arrhenius(parse(N, p.match) for p in eachmatch(:rev, data); order = reverse_order)
return high_parameters, low_parameters, troe_parameters, reverse_paramters, enhancements

function find_kinetics(::Type{FallOffReaction}, reaction::Dict, species::Vector{Species{N}}, components) where {N<:Number} ## extra, input
high_parameters = reaction["high-P-rate-constant"] |> get_arrhenius
low_parameters = reaction["low-P-rate-constant"] |> get_arrhenius
troe_parameters = get(reaction, "Troe", nothing) |> troe -> isnothing(troe) ? Troe() : Troe(get(troe, p, nothing) for p in ("A", "T3", "T1", "T2"))
function find_kinetics(::Type{FallOffReaction}, reaction::Dict, species::Vector{Species{N}}, components::NTuple{2, Vector{<:Pair}}, mechunits::Dict) where {N<:Number}
enhancements = find_enhancements(reaction, species, components)
forward_order = first(components) |> order
high_parameters = reaction["high-P-rate-constant"] |> params -> get_arrhenius(params, forward_order, mechunits)
low_parameters = reaction["low-P-rate-constant"] |> params -> get_arrhenius(params, forward_order + 1, mechunits)
troe_parameters = get(reaction, "Troe", nothing) |> troe -> isnothing(troe) ? Troe() : Troe(get(troe, p, nothing) for p in ("A", "T3", "T1", "T2"))
return high_parameters, low_parameters, troe_parameters, nothing, enhancements

Expand All @@ -286,7 +311,7 @@ function _find_reaction(i::Int, data::RegexMatch, species::Vector{Species{N}}) w
return reaction

function _find_reaction(i::Int, reaction::Dict, species::Vector{Species{N}}) where {N<:Number}
function _find_reaction(i::Int, reaction::Dict, species::Vector{Species{N}}, mechunits::Dict) where {N<:Number}
K = length(species)
duals = (; zip((:kf, :kr, :q), ((; zip((:val, :dT, :dC), (zeros(N, 1), zeros(N, 1), zeros(N, K)))...) for _ in OneTo(3)))...)

Expand All @@ -299,7 +324,7 @@ function _find_reaction(i::Int, reaction::Dict, species::Vector{Species{N}}) whe

Type = find_type(reaction_string, components)

kinetics = find_kinetics(Type, reaction, species, components)
kinetics = find_kinetics(Type, reaction, species, components, mechunits)
reaction = Type(i, equation, isreversible, components..., order, kinetics..., duals)
foreach(i -> push!(i.first.inreactions, Pair{Reaction{N, Species{N}}, N}(reaction, i.second)), flatten(components))
return reaction
Expand All @@ -309,7 +334,7 @@ end
Finds the reactions of the given kinetics `data`. Returns a vector of the reactions.
find_reaction(data::String, species::Vector{Species{N}}) where {N<:Number} = Reaction{N, Species{N}}[_find_reaction(i, r, species) for (i, r) in enumerate(eachmatch(:reactions, data))]
find_reaction(reactions::Vector{<:Dict}, species::Vector{Species{N}}) where {N<:Number} = Reaction{N, Species{N}}[_find_reaction(i, r, species) for (i, r) in enumerate(reactions)]
find_reaction(reactions::Vector{<:Dict}, species::Vector{Species{N}}, mechunits::Dict) where {N<:Number} = Reaction{N, Species{N}}[_find_reaction(i, r, species, mechunits) for (i, r) in enumerate(reactions)]

function get_stoichiometry_matrix(species::Vector{<:Species}) ## fail in case a species doesn't appear in any reaction
K = [s.k for s in species for _ in s.inreactions]
Expand All @@ -335,7 +360,9 @@ function _read_mechanism(mechanism::Dict, N::Type{<:Number})
species = find_species(mechanism["species"], N)
K = length(species)
foreach(s -> append!(s.rates.ω̇.dC, zeros(N, K)), species)
reactions = find_reaction(mechanism["reactions"], species)

mechunits = mechanism["units"]
reactions = find_reaction(mechanism["reactions"], species, mechunits)
stoichiometry_matrix = get_stoichiometry_matrix(species)
return (; species, reactions, stoichiometry_matrix)
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