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Open Badges Onboarding: Issuers

Sue Smith edited this page Jul 22, 2014 · 13 revisions

In the world of Open Badges, an issuer is an individual or organization who creates and awards badges to earners. If you're looking to get started as a badge issuer, this document will introduce you to the key concepts and technologies involved.


Stakeholders and Participants

Open Badges projects and applications can involve a range of individuals and organizations. The key participants are:

  • earners
  • issuers
  • displayers
  • consumers

Issuers create, publish and award the badges to earners. Displayers present an earner's badges in a digital context. Although not directly involved with the badging lifecycle, consumers are other people who might have an interest in an earner's badges (e.g. an employer or college admin).

What does an Issuer do?

An issuer is a person or organization who awards badges to earners. The issuer is responsible for:

  • creating and defining the badges;
  • deciding who to issue them to;
  • hosting the data for the badges they award.

As an issuer, you can award badges to your community of earners in a variety of ways:

  • directly, to the earner email address
  • via an assessment process
  • defining badge criteria
  • accepting earner applications submitted with supporting evidence
  • reviewing applications against criteria
  • using claim codes

The issuer role can therefore involve a series of tasks - each of which is supported by OBI tools and resources.

Open Badge Infrastructure

The Open Badge Infrastructure (OBI) is a range of specifications, technologies and tools which support the badging ecosystem. It includes APIs and software to aid the process of adopting Open Badges within your own environment. There are many Open Badges projects on GitHub - of particular relevance to issuers is the Mozilla Backpack repo; it includes a range of issuing resources, such the Issuer API, which allows earners to push badges they earned from you to their Mozilla Backpack.


Before we move on, let's make sure we have a clear understanding of a few key concepts you will encounter throughout the Open Badges projects.

Open Badges

An Open Badge is a digital representation of a skill or achievement. Each badge awarded to an earner comprises a digital image file and some metadata. The metadata describes what the badge represents, the identity of the earner and the issuing organization. The metadata conforms to the structure defined within the Open Badges specifications, which you can see on GitHub:

The specifications help to define the standards that dictate Open Badges' creation and use. A range of technology projects support them - developed by Mozilla and a network of partner organizations including those in the Badge Alliance.


As an issuer, one of the key aspects of Open Badges you will be involved with is the assertion. An assertion represents a specific badge awarded to a specific earner. Think about a badge you define as an issuer - it involves a series of data items describing what the badge represents. The badge may potentially be awarded to multiple individual earners - we need a way to represent these badge instances in contrast to the generic representation of the badge: this is where the assertion comes in.

An assertion includes all of the information we need to implement the value of an Open Badge:

  • the earner identity
  • what the badge represents
  • who issued the badge

Each assertion is represented as an image and three JSON metadata files: the badge assertion; the badge class; the issuer organization.

The badge assertion describes the specific instance of the badge awarded to the earner email address - and includes a link to the badge class. The badge class describes the generic badge which may be awarded to multiple earners - and includes a link to the issuer organization. The issuer organization includes data about whoever issued the badge.

The badge metadata can be embedded into the badge image file - this is referred to as a baked badge.

Assertions can be hosted (stored as hosted files) or signed (a JSON Web Signature).

For more on assertions see:


Once an earner has achieved one or more badges, they may naturally want a way to display or communicate these achievements. This is where badge displayers come in. Displayers are responsible for querying and verifying the information about an earner's badges (from the issuer) and presenting them within a digital context. Displayers can use the Displayer API to query for an earner's badges by passing the earner email address, which is converted into a unique internal ID. Earners decide which of their badges are public, determining whether or not a displayer can show them.

Issuers need to include the assertion information for a badge in a way that allows displayers to carry this task out. The OBI tools are designed to give earners total control over where their badges are displayed.

One way for earners to display their badges is within the Mozilla hosted Backpack - you can see the code on GitHub:

A new federated Backpack is also under development:

For more badging concepts, see the Glossary.

Badge Issuing Flow

As an issuer, you can design a badge issuing flow to suit your own organization and community of badge earners. The Open Badges tools and specifications support the creation, validation, publication, assessment, issuing and display of badges. The following is a typical scenario:

  • issuer designs a badge and defines the metadata for it (including criteria for earning the badge)
  • issuer makes the badge available for earner applications via a website
  • earners apply for the badge, attaching evidence in support of their applications
  • issuers review earner applications against criteria, making awarding decisions
  • badge is issued to earner, at which point the issuer creates a badge assertion for the earner (optionally baking the assertion into the badge)
  • earner is offered the opportunity to push their new badge to a Backpack (where they can e.g. manage collections of badges they have made publicly discoverable)

When a badge is awarded to an earner:

  • Issuer creates and hosts a badge assertion at stable URLs
  • 3 JSON files/ optionally a JSON Web Signature describing the badge award
  • Metadata should not change after the badge is awarded
  • Includes the earner identity info and link to badge class
    • Badge class describes what the badge represents and links to issuer organization
      • Issuer organization describes who issued the badge
  • Displayers query the badge assertion info (optionally extracting the data from a baked badge)
  • Displayers can only query for badges the earner has chosen to make public
  • Identity can be verified, as can signatures where appropriate.

Before serving an assertion, issuers can use the Validator to check that the structure is correctly formed - the tool works for both signed and hosted assertions.

Creating Badges

The process of creating a badge will depend on the nature of the badge and on your own organization. How you make badges available to earners and decide whether to award them should also be tailored to your own community.

Creating Assertions

Issuing a badge essentially means serving an image plus the three parts of the assertion from your server. Depending on the nature of your badge, this may involve relatively complex and lengthy JSON structures. You may also wish to bake your badges - embedding the metadata into the image file, which potentially allows the badge to be used outside of the OBI. If you plan on using the Issuer API to give earners the ability to push their badges to the Mozilla Backpack, your assertions do not need to be baked.

The Badge Lab tutorial walks you through the process of creating a badge assertion, including the image file and the three sets of JSON data:

This tutorial shows you how to create a signed badge assertion:

If you do plan on baking your badges, see the current documentation:


To act as an issuer, you need:

  • a Web server you can serve your assertions from at stable URLs
  • the ability to make a POST request and read a JSON response
  • earner email addresses (each assertion describes a badge issued to an email address)
  • correctly structured assertions hosted on your server

Additionally, for signed assertions, you need to:

  • generate a public/ private key pair and host the public key
  • sign the badge assertions

The Mozilla Backpack APIs for issuers use JavaScript.

Issuers should consider the following guidelines on badge images:

  • Images should be PNGs.
  • Images should be square and not exceed 256kb. They should have dimensions not smaller that 90 x 90.
  • Images are linked to in assertions via URL to the image on the issuer server, stored within the metadata.
  • For the Mozilla Backpack, image will be cached in at least two sizes.
  • When a Mozilla Backpack badge is displayed, it will be loaded from the Mozilla cache to avoid extra burden on the issuer servers. This also helps if the issuer is not available or the link is broken.
  • When using BadgeKit, issuers can design badges inside the Web app using a graphical tool, or can upload images prepared elsewhere.


Although as an issuer you may not be displaying earned badges, you will still need to include information for displayers in your badge assertions. This is so that displayers can verify the information regarding the badges you have awarded - displayers are expected to only display badges they have verified as belonging to the earner, using the data included in the assertion.

One of the key features making Open Badges valuable as a method of representing achievements is the ability to verify that a user did indeed earn a particular badge. Badges can also have expiry dates built into them, after which an awarded badge can be considered invalid.

The identity section of a badge assertion includes a hash of the earner email address. A displayer can compare this value to the hashed email of the earner claiming the badge to establish authenticity. This facilitates verification, while preventing the need to store the earner email explicitly within the badge assertion. For signed assertions, the displayer can also use the public key to check for verification. Issuers can also revoke badges, in which case a revocation list is created including the UIDs for revoked badges - displayers can check this list in case a displayed badge has been revoked - see Revoking Issued Badges.


If you plan on issuing multiple badges within your organization, you may benefit from BadgeKit. BadgeKit is an API and Web app issuers can use to automate several parts of the badge issuing process. The API manages the data for published and earned badges, as well as applications and reviews. The Web app aids the badge creation and assessment process. If you host both the API and an instance of the Web app, you can focus on plugging your own earner-facing site into these resources. The only parts of the badging process not handled by BadgeKit relate to earner interaction, so that issuers can design this to suit their own communities.

The BadgeKit tools are built in node.js - see the installation guide

You can see an overview of what BadgeKit does in the tutorial

Resources and Next Steps

If you want to get started issuing badges straight away, head for the Badge Lab tutorial or BadgeKit

For additional support:

  • Post general questions in our Community Google Groups and post technical questions in our Dev Google Group.
  • Reach members of the Open Badges team directly on IRC ( on the #badges channel.
  • Email questions directly to [email protected] and a member of the team will follow-up.
  • Follow or tweet the Open Badges team @OpenBadges.
  • Get involved or submit issues via the GitHub repos - feedback is always appreciated!
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