Release Notes MendeleyKit v0.8.1 Date: October 2014
- Please read the LICENCE file and
This is the first public alpha release of MendeleyKit, the Objective-C SDK. Its purpose is to provide clients convenience methods and classes to interface with the Mendeley API.
- iOS 7.0 or higher
- for development XCode 5 or higher
(support for Mac OSX will be added in a later stage)
The following APIs are supported in 0.8.1
- /documents
- /folders
- /profiles
- /groups
- /trash
- /profiles
- /annotations
- /catalog: Only GET /catalog (with search params) and GET /catalog/{catalog_id}
- /identifier_types
- /document_types
All supported API calls are defined in MendeleyKit.h
The following APIs are not supported in 0.8.1
- /search/catalog
- /enrichments/entities/{file hash}/systems
- create document from file (POST /documents with file/content-type)
- /enrichments/toc/{file hash}
- /disciplines
- /academic_statuses
We strongly recommend using cocoapods to include MendeleyKit into your project. MendeleyKit comes with a MendeleyKit.podspec file.
Your project needs to create a Podfile with the following line in it
pod 'MendeleyKit', :git => ''
From command line, simply do
pod install
For further information on Cocoapods see Cocoapods.
In order to use MendeleyKit in your client you will need to register your app at the Mendeley API developer portal.
Registering an app will give you
- a client ID
- a client secret
- a redirect URI (this is used during OAuth authentication process)
In your client app, your first call should be to [[MendeleyKitConfiguration sharedInstance] configureOAuthWithParameters:parameters];
where parameters is a dictionary containing the following key/value pairs
- kMendeleyOAuth2ClientIDKey :
- kMendeleyOAuth2ClientSecretKey :
- kMendeleyOAuth2RedirectURLKey :
the Kit comes with example code to help you on your way
Login process: MendeleyKit provides a MendeleyLoginController (UIViewController). This helper class provides users with the necessary web-access to authenticate on Mendeley. An example for this is provided in the ViewController.class in the MendeleyKitExample project
MendeleyKit defines all supported API calls. All client calls should be made through methods defined in MendeleyKit
as is usual these days, most methods in MendeleyKit make use of block based structure.
Examples obtaining a list of documents with specified query parameters
- (void)documentListWithQueryParameters:(MendeleyDocumentParameters *)queryParameters