- Fix links to Darcy software in README and in documentation.
- Format code with black + apply some ruff suggestions.
- Skip points with null / empty geometry when creating layer of 'image' points (fixes a bug occurring when the layer of 'source' points contains empty geometries).
- Fixes the displacement of source point when the image point is very distant.
- Fix some numpy deprecation warning.
- Slightly change strategy for activating the OK button in the dialog.
- Use __geo_interface__ instead of asJson when extracting coordinates of source / image points.
- Fix bug with displacement in some conditions
- Fix bug with argument of progressBar setMaximum (which expects integer value).
- Ensure the background layer and the point layer are in the same projected CRS.
- Allow to use non-squared distance matrix as input (#3).
- Enhance the reference feature selection by sorting the list alphabetically (#4).
- Ensure the "sample dataset" dialog is put on top of the current Qgis window.
- First Release.