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Execution State Network

This document is the specification for the sub-protocol that supports on-demand availability of state data from the execution chain.



The execution state network is a Kademlia DHT that uses the Portal Wire Protocol to establish an overlay network on top of the Discovery v5 protocol.

State data from the execution chain consists of all account data from the main storage trie, all contract storage data from all of the individual contract storage tries, and the individul bytecodes for all contracts.


All of the execution layer state data is stored in two different formats.

  • Raw trie nodes
  • Leaf data with merkle proof


The network stores the full execution layer state which emcompases the following:

  • Account leaf nodes with accompanying trie proof.
  • Contract storage leaf nodes with accompanying trie proof.
  • Contract bytecode


  • Account trie leaf data by account address and state root.
  • Contract storage leaf data by account address, state root, and slot number.
  • Contract bytecode by address and code hash.


Distance Function

The state network uses the following "ring geometry" distance function.

MODULO = 2**256
MID = 2**255

def distance(node_id: uint256, content_id: uint256) -> uint256:
    A distance function for determining proximity between a node and content.

    Treats the keyspace as if it wraps around on both ends and
    returns the minimum distance needed to traverse between two
    different keys.


    >>> assert distance(10, 10) == 0
    >>> assert distance(5, 2**256 - 1) == 6
    >>> assert distance(2**256 - 1, 6) == 7
    >>> assert distance(5, 1) == 4
    >>> assert distance(1, 5) == 4
    >>> assert distance(0, 2**255) == 2**255
    >>> assert distance(0, 2**255 + 1) == 2**255 - 1
    if node_id > content_id:
        diff = node_id - content_id
        diff = content_id - node_id

    if diff > MID:
        return MODULO - diff
        return diff

This distance function is designed to preserve locality of leaf data within main account trie and the individual contract storage tries. The term "locality" in this context means that two trie nodes which are adjacent to each other in the trie will also be adjacent to each other in the DHT.

Content ID Derivation Function

The derivation function for Content ID values is defined separately for each data type.

Wire Protocol

Protocol Identifier

As specified in the Protocol identifiers section of the Portal wire protocol, the protocol field in the TALKREQ message MUST contain the value of 0x500A.

Supported Message Types

The execution state network supports the following protocol messages:

  • Ping - Pong
  • Find Nodes - Nodes
  • Find Content - Found Content
  • Offer - Accept

Ping.custom_data & Pong.custom_data

In the execution state network the custom_payload field of the Ping and Pong messages is the serialization of an SSZ Container specified as custom_data:

custom_data = Container(data_radius: uint256)
custom_payload = SSZ.serialize(custom_data)

Routing Table

The execution state network uses the standard routing table structure from the Portal Wire Protocol.

Node State

Data Radius

The execution state network includes one additional piece of node state that should be tracked. Nodes must track the data_radius from the Ping and Pong messages for other nodes in the network. This value is a 256 bit integer and represents the data that a node is "interested" in. We define the following function to determine whether node in the network should be interested in a piece of content.

interested(node, content) = distance(, <= node.radius

A node is expected to maintain radius information for each node in its local node table. A node's radius value may fluctuate as the contents of its local key-value store change.

A node should track their own radius value and provide this value in all Ping or Pong messages it sends to other nodes.

Data Types

Component Data Elements


Merkle Patricia Trie (MPT) proofs consist of a list of witness nodes that correspond to each trie node that consists of various data elements depending on the type of node (e.g.blank, branch, extension, leaf). When serialized, each witness node is represented as an RLP serialized list of the component elements with the largest possible node type being the branch node which when serialized is a list of up to sixteen hashes in Bytes32 (representing the hashes of each of the 16 nodes in that branch and level of the tree) plus the 4 elements of the node's value (balance, nonce, codehash, storageroot) represented as Bytes32. When combined with the RLP prefixes, this yields a possible maximum length of 667 bytes. We specify 1024 as the maximum length due to constraints in the SSZ spec for list lengths being a power of 2 (for easier merkleization.)

WitnessNode            := ByteList(1024)
MPTWitness             := List(witness: WitnessNode, max_length=32)

Account Trie Proof

A leaf node from the main account trie and accompanying merkle proof against a recent Header.state_root

account_trie_proof_key := Container(address: Bytes20, state_root: Bytes32)
selector               := 0x00

content                := Container(witness: MPTWitness)
content_id             := keccak(address)
content_key            := selector + SSZ.serialize(account_trie_proof_key)

Contract Storage Trie Proof

A leaf node from a contract storage trie and accompanying merkle proof against the Account.storage_root.

storage_trie_proof_key := Container(address: Bytes20, slot: uint256, state_root: Bytes32)
selector               := 0x01

content                := Container(witness: MPTWitness)
content_id             := (keccak(address) + keccak(slot)) % 2**256
content_key            := selector + SSZ.serialize(storage_trie_proof_key)

Contract Bytecode

The bytecode for a specific contract as referenced by Account.code_hash

contract_bytecode_key := Container(address: Bytes20, code_hash: Bytes32)
selector              := 0x02

content               := ByteList(24756)  // Represents maximum possible size of contract bytecode
content_id            := sha256(address + code_hash)
content_key           := selector + SSZ.serialize(contract_bytecode_key)



A bridge node composes proofs for altered (i.e. created/modified/deleted) state data based on the latest block. These proofs are tied to the latest block by the state root. The bridge node gossips each proof to some (bounded-size) subset of its peers who are closest to the data based on the distance metric.


We define the following terms when referring to state data.

The diagrams below use a binary trie for visual simplicity. The same definitions naturally extend to the hexary patricia trie.

0:                           X
                            / \
                          /     \
                        /         \
                      /             \
                    /                 \
                  /                     \
                /                         \
1:             0                           1
             /   \                       /   \
           /       \                   /       \
         /           \               /           \
2:      0             1             0             1
       / \           / \           / \           / \
      /   \         /   \         /   \         /   \
3:   0     1       0     1       0     1       0     1
    / \   / \     / \   / \     / \   / \     / \   / \
4: 0   1 0   1   0   1 0   1   0   1 0   1   0   1 0   1

"state root"

The node labeled X in the diagram.

"trie node"

Any of the individual nodes in the trie.

"intermediate node"

Any of the nodes in the trie which are computed from other nodes in the trie. The nodes in the diagram at levels 0, 1, 2, and 3 are all intermediate.

"leaf node"

Any node in the trie that represents a value stored in the trie. The nodes in the diagram at level 4 are leaf nodes.

"leaf proof"

The merkle proof which contains a leaf node and the intermediate trie nodes necessary to compute the state root of the trie.


Each time a new block is added to their view of the chain, a set of merkle proofs which are all anchored to Header.state_root is generated which contains:

  • Account trie Data:
    • All of the intermediate and leaf trie nodes from the account trie necessary to prove new and modified accounts.
  • Contract Storage trie data:
    • All of the intermediate and leaf trie nodes from each contract storage trie necessary to prove new and modified storage slots.
  • All contract bytecode for newly created contracts

TODO: Figure out language for defining which trie nodes from this proof the bridge node must initialize gossip.

TODO: Determine mechanism for contract code.

The receiving DHT node will propagate the data to nearby nodes from their routing table.

Updating cold Leaf Proofs

Anytime the state root changes for either the main account trie or a contract storage trie, every leaf proof under that root will need to be updated. The primary gossip mechanism will ensure that leaf data that was added, modified, or removed will receive and updated proof. However, we need a mechanism for updating the leaf proofs for "cold" data that has not been changed.

Each time a new block is added to the chain, the DHT nodes storing leaf proof data will need to perform a walk of the trie starting at the state root. This walk of the trie will be directed towards the slice of the trie dictated by the set of leaves that the node is storing. As the trie is walked it should be compared to the previous proof from the previous state root. This walk concludes once all of the in-range leaves can be proven with the new state root.

TODO: reverse diffs and storing only the latest proof.

TODO: gossiping proof updates to neighbors to reduce duplicate work.