The project is functionally ready for 1.0. Feel free to try it in non-critical production scenarios and provide feedback in the issues.
The 1.0 release will include the following features:
- ✅ Strings.
- ✅ Lists.
- ✅ Sets.
- ✅ Hashes.
- ✅ Sorted sets.
- ✅ Key management.
- ✅ Transactions.
✅ = done, ⏳ = in progress, ⬜ = next in line
Future versions may include additional data types (such as streams, HyperLogLog or geo), features like publish/subscribe, and more commands for existing types.
Features I'd rather not implement even in future versions:
- Lua scripting.
- Authentication and ACLs.
- Multiple databases.
- Watch/unwatch.
Features I definitely don't want to implement:
- Cluster.
- Sentinel.