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VADR installation instructions

VADR installation using the script

The file is an executable file for downloading and/or installing VADR and its dependencies. That file is located online at github. To install the latest version of VADR download this file:

To download any specific release/version, for example version 1.0 download the corresponding file for that release/version (prior to version 1.0, the name of the installation script was, not

Copy the file into the directory in which you want to install VADR. A good name for that directory is vadr-install-dir. Then move into that directory and run one of the following three commands depending on whether you are installing on a Linux, Mac/OSX system with Apple silicon chips (M1/M2) or Mac/OSX system with intel chips:

sh ./ linux


sh ./ macosx-silicon


sh ./ macosx-intel

The command will create several directories in the current directory. It will download and install VADR and the required module libraries sequip, Bio-Easel, as well as Infernal, the NCBI BLAST package, William Pearson's FASTA package (for either Linux or Mac/OSX), and Heng Li's (minimap2)[]. (The VADR installation script modifies the FASTA package slightly prior to installing it to allow alignment of long sequences up to 250Kb using the glsearch executable. This is described more here.)

The installation requires that you have the perl Inline module installed on your system. If not, the installation script may fail. If this happens, read this.

When is finished running it will print important instructions to the screen that explain how to modify your environment variables so that you can run the VADR scripts, as discussed next.

Mac installation requires Xcode

Installation on a mac will only work if Xcode has been installed. Xcode is available for download from the Mac app store.

Alternative two step method for installation: download first, then build

Alternatively, you can install VADR in two steps, downloading the dependencies and source code files in step 1, and building packages in step 2. This alternative approach, using the following two commands, may be more convenient for some users. The build step must be run from the same directory that the download step was run in:

sh ./ linux download
sh ./ linux build

These commands should have macosx-silicon or macosx-intel instead of linux if you are installing on Mac/OSX.

If installation or fails because the Inline, LWP or Mozilla::CA perl modules are not installed...

The perl Inline::C, LWP::Simple, LWP::Protocol::https and Mozilla::CA modules must be installed prior to installation. (This page lists three ways to check if a perl module is installed.)

You can install these modules using cpan with these commands:

cpan install Inline::C

cpan install LWP::Simple

cpan install LWP::Protocol::https

cpan install Mozilla::CA

However, for Mac/OSX these commands may not work if you have not installed the "Command line tools for Xcode" or "XCode" packages. You can download Xcode from the Mac App Store for free.

It is possible that you have Inline installed but not for C, if this is the case, you might see an error message like this:

 Error. You have specified 'C' as an Inline programming language.

I currently only know about the following languages:

    Foo, foo

If this is the case, try installing Inline::C with this command:

cpan install Inline::C

Setting VADR environment variables

As mentioned above, when you run, instructions will be output about how to change your environment variables so that you can run the VADR scripts. Those instructions are also included below for reference, but without the actual path to where you ran (below it is replaced with <full path to directory in which you ran>)

Instructions for setting environment variables output by

The final step is to update your environment variables.
(See for more information.)

If you are using the bash or zsh shell (zsh is default in MacOS/X as
of v10.15 (Catalina)), add the following lines to the end of your
'.bashrc' or '.zshrc' file in your home directory:

export VADRINSTALLDIR=<full path to directory in which you ran>
export VADRMODELDIR="$VADRINSTALLDIR/vadr-models-calici"
export VADRINFERNALDIR="$VADRINSTALLDIR/infernal/binaries"
export VADREASELDIR="$VADRINSTALLDIR/infernal/binaries"
export VADRHMMERDIR="$VADRINSTALLDIR/infernal/binaries"
export VADRBLASTDIR="$VADRINSTALLDIR/ncbi-blast/bin"

After adding the export lines to your .bashrc or .zshrc file, source that file
to update your current environment with the command:

source ~/.bashrc


source ~/.zshrc

If you are using the C shell, add the following
lines to the end of your '.cshrc' file in your home

setenv VADRINSTALLDIR "<full path to directory in which you ran>"
setenv VADRMODELDIR "$VADRINSTALLDIR/vadr-models-calici"
setenv VADRINFERNALDIR "$VADRINSTALLDIR/infernal/binaries"
setenv VADRHMMERDIR "$VADRINSTALLDIR/infernal/binaries"
setenv VADREASELDIR "$VADRINSTALLDIR/infernal/binaries"
setenv VADRBLASTDIR "$VADRINSTALLDIR/ncbi-blast/bin"

After adding the setenv lines to your .cshrc file, source that file
to update your current environment with the command:

source ~/.cshrc

(To determine which shell you use, type: 'echo $SHELL')


If you get an error about PERL5LIB being undefined...

If you use bash or zsh, change the PERL5LIB line in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file to:


or if you use C shell, change the PERL5LIB line in your ~/.cshrc file to:


And then execute source ~/.bashrc, source ~/.zshrc, or source ~/.cshrc again.

Verifying successful installation with test runs

The VADR package includes some tests you can run to make sure that your installation was successful and that your environment variables are set-up correctly.

These are several shell scripts for running tests; with respect to the installation directory they are in the directory vadr/testfiles/ and start with do- and end with .sh.

At a minimum, you should run the vadr/testfiles/ script to make sure VADR installed correctly. They should pass, as shown below.

The script vadr/testfiles/ will run all tests, but be warned that script may take up to an hour or so to run. All the tests should pass.

To run all tests, execute:


To run only the script, execute:


This scripts can take up to several minutes to run. If something goes wrong, the script will likely exit quickly.

If the script fails immediately with a warning like:

Can't locate LWP/ in @INC (you may need to install the LWP::Simple module)

Or something similar but with Inline or Mozilla::CA instead of LWP, then you will need to install the perl LWP, Mozilla::CA and/or Inline modules as described here.

Below is an example of the expected output for

# :: test VADR scripts [TEST SCRIPT]
# VADR 1.6.2 (Dec 2023)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# date:    Mon Dec  4 10:29:11 2023
# test file:                                                         /net/intdev/oblast01/infernal/notebook/23_0925_vadr_1p6_and_1p6p1_and_1p6p2_releases/test-install13/vadr/testfiles/noro.r10.local.testin
# output directory:                                                  vt-n10-local
# forcing directory overwrite:                                       yes [-f]
# if output files listed in testin file already exist, remove them:  yes [--rmout]
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Parsing test file                                  ... done. [    0.0 seconds]
##teamcity[testStarted name='annotate-noro-10-local' captureStandardOutput='true']
# Running command  1 [annotate-noro-10-local]        ... done. [   35.4 seconds]
#	checking va-noro.r10/va-noro.r10.vadr.pass.tbl                                                                ... pass
#	checking va-noro.r10/                                                                ... pass
#	checking va-noro.r10/va-noro.r10.vadr.sqa                                                                     ... pass
#	checking va-noro.r10/va-noro.r10.vadr.sqc                                                                     ... pass
#	checking va-noro.r10/                                                                     ... pass
#	checking va-noro.r10/va-noro.r10.vadr.sgm                                                                     ... pass
#	checking va-noro.r10/va-noro.r10.vadr.mdl                                                                     ... pass
#	checking va-noro.r10/va-noro.r10.vadr.alt                                                                     ... pass
#	checking va-noro.r10/va-noro.r10.vadr.alc                                                                     ... pass
#	removing directory va-noro.r10                               ... done
##teamcity[testFinished name='annotate-noro-10-local']
# PASS: all 9 files were created correctly.
# Output printed to screen saved in:                   vt-n10-local.vadr.log
# List of executed commands saved in:                  vt-n10-local.vadr.cmd
# List and description of all output files saved in:   vt-n10-local.vadr.list
# All output files created in directory ./vt-n10-local/
# Elapsed time:  00:00:36.05
#                hh:mm:ss
# :: test VADR scripts [TEST SCRIPT]
# VADR 1.6.2 (Dec 2023)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# date:    Mon Dec  4 10:29:48 2023
# test file:                                                         /net/intdev/oblast01/infernal/notebook/23_0925_vadr_1p6_and_1p6p1_and_1p6p2_releases/test-install13/vadr/testfiles/dengue.r5.local.testin
# output directory:                                                  vt-d5-local
# forcing directory overwrite:                                       yes [-f]
# if output files listed in testin file already exist, remove them:  yes [--rmout]
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Parsing test file                                  ... done. [    0.0 seconds]
##teamcity[testStarted name='annotate-dengue-5-local' captureStandardOutput='true']
# Running command  1 [annotate-dengue-5-local]       ... done. [   78.5 seconds]
#	checking va-dengue.r5/va-dengue.r5.vadr.pass.tbl                                                              ... pass
#	checking va-dengue.r5/                                                              ... pass
#	checking va-dengue.r5/va-dengue.r5.vadr.sqa                                                                   ... pass
#	checking va-dengue.r5/va-dengue.r5.vadr.sqc                                                                   ... pass
#	checking va-dengue.r5/                                                                   ... pass
#	checking va-dengue.r5/va-dengue.r5.vadr.sgm                                                                   ... pass
#	checking va-dengue.r5/va-dengue.r5.vadr.mdl                                                                   ... pass
#	checking va-dengue.r5/va-dengue.r5.vadr.alt                                                                   ... pass
#	checking va-dengue.r5/va-dengue.r5.vadr.alc                                                                   ... pass
#	removing directory va-dengue.r5                              ... done
##teamcity[testFinished name='annotate-dengue-5-local']
# PASS: all 9 files were created correctly.
# Output printed to screen saved in:                   vt-d5-local.vadr.log
# List of executed commands saved in:                  vt-d5-local.vadr.cmd
# List and description of all output files saved in:   vt-d5-local.vadr.list
# All output files created in directory ./vt-d5-local/
# Elapsed time:  00:01:19.16
#                hh:mm:ss
Success: all tests passed []

The most important line is the final line:

Success: all tests passed []

This means that the test has passed. You should see similar lines if you run the other tests. If you do not and need help figuring out why, email me at [email protected].

VADR-specific modifications to the FASTA package

To enable alignment of long sequences (up to 250Kb) with the glsearch program of FASTA, some changes are made to the src/defs.h file by the script prior to compilation of FASTA. These changes can be seen in the patch file vadr/fasta-mods/vadr-fasta-defs.patch patch file. Additionally, to avoid possible numerical overflow issues with glsearch scores when aligning long sequences, the FASTA Makefile is modified so that the non-vectorized version of glsearch is used. These changes can be seen in the patch files vadr/fasta-mods/vadr-fasta-Makefile.linux.patch and vadr/fasta-mods/vadr-fasta-Makefile.os_x86_64.patch. See the vadr/fasta-mods/README.txt for more information on how these patch files were created.

When aligning very long sequences (more than 30Kb), it is recommended to not build a CM with (i.e. use the --skipbuild option), and it is recommended to use the -s and --glsearch options with

Further information

Questions, comments or feature requests? Send a mail to [email protected].