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100 lines (84 loc) · 3.23 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


v2.0 - 2022-02-24


  • GitHub pull request template
  • Dialyzer for type-checking (via dialyxir)


  • Target Elixir v1.13.2
  • Target Erlang v24.2.1
  • Target Node.js v16.13.2
  • Update Phoenix to v1.6.6
  • Update Phoenix LiveView to v0.17.6
  • Update various dependencies to satisfy new Phoenix/LiveView version constraints
    • credo
    • phoenix_ecto
    • phoenix_html
    • phoenix_live_dashboard
    • phoenix_live_reload
    • telemetry_metrics
    • telemetry_poller
  • Update EEx and LEEx templates to the new HEEx templating engine
  • Run tests with --warnings-as-errors in CI
  • Replace Bamboo with Swoosh for emails
  • Update Sobelow skips
  • Parallelize GitHub Actions CI workflow

v1.1 - 2021-05-27


  • Add LICENSE (#48)
  • Add CODE_OF_CONDUCT (#49)
  • Add configuration to allow app to run on AWS ECS Fargate (#74)
  • Add CHANGELOG and version scripts (#83)
  • Add LiveView uploads, refactor User Settings to LiveView (#186)


  • Bump dependencies (various PRs)
  • Update CSP for Alpinejs (#85)
  • Update configuration for deploy (#84)
  • Update GitHub Actions CI Config (#158)
  • Update NodeJS to 16.x (#185)

v1.0 - 2020-11-11


  • Add and configure Oban and setup email job
  • Refactor ContentSecurityPolicy plug
  • Add Plug to check user permissions to protect LiveDashboard
  • Add seeds to create users for testing
  • Add UserRole struct and type for starter authz permission system
  • Add Bamboo for email sending and configure auth emails
  • Add and configure Bamboo for sending emails
  • Add phx_gen_auth for user authentication
  • Remove unused configuration
  • Add alert helpers
  • Remove Phoenix default page content
  • Update phoenix.css to use Tailwind CSS @apply
  • Add custom migration template to specify id and timestamp defaults
  • Enable PG stats in LiveDashboard
  • Configure OS data for PhoenixLiveDashboard
  • Add CSP Plug to set headers correctly (#29)
  • Add template README for apps generated from the starter
  • Add preflight script to check if all system deps are installed
  • Add init script to rename starter app and setup base app
  • Build assets on CI to catch errors
  • Add dependabot config for auto mix, npm, and docker dep updates
  • Update config to use new Elixir 1.11 runtime.exs file
  • Add linters to CI run
  • Add and set up AlpineJS
  • Setup and configure TypeScript
  • Add Tailwind CSS and PostCSS
  • Add and configure ESLint, Stylint, Credo, Sobelow for various linting
  • Add and configure Prettier for JS and CSS formatting
  • Add Sentry for exception tracking and configure
  • Add GitHub CI config
  • Add .editorconfig for universal editor settings
  • Add ExDoc and configure with defaults
  • Add Repo/Schema add-ons
  • Add Dockerfile to build container
  • Remove SASS dependency from Phoenix assets
  • Setup Mix releases for deploying app
  • Remove some comments from generated files
  • Remove username/password from Ecto PG configuration for dev/test
  • Add assert_identity for test helpers
  • Add .tool-versions to manage runtime versions with asdf
  • Initial Phoenix generator skeleton