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Preparing Your Machine for CollaboRhythm Development

sgilroy edited this page Jan 19, 2012 · 33 revisions

The steps below describe the process for preparing a computer for CollaboRhythm development. The steps assume that you are working with a computer running Windows 7 and that you do already have any of the prerequisites installed. The tools described here should also work on other operating systems, including Mac OS X, but have not been tested or documented for other environments. If you do try this on another OS, please feel free to make appropriate additions/corrections to this page.

  1. Download IntelliJ IDEA 11.0.1 Ultimate Edition. You must install the Ultimate version, because the Community version does not support Flex/ActionScript development. Note that IntelliJIDEA 11.0.1 Ultimate Edition is a commercial product but a 30 day trial is available, so you should use that. There is a free Open Source Project License available for IntelliJ, but they have some qualifications that we do not yet meet. We hope to meet the criteria soon, and so you may be able to apply for a free license in the near future.

  2. Install IntelliJIDEA 11.0.1

  3. Run IntelliJ, It will run an “Initial Configuration Wizard”

    a. VCS - disable all except Git.

    b. Web/JavaEE Technology Plugins - disable all

    c. HTML/JavaScript Dev Plugins - leave them all enabled

    d. Maven - disable

    e. Other - leave them all enabled

  4. Download Git (get whatever version is appropriate for your OS)

  5. Install Git and set up Git by following the official guide here:

  6. In IntelliJ, set the location of the Git executable in the Git page of the Settings dialog box

    a. File -> Settings

    b. Version Control -> VCSs -> Git

    c. Specify your "Path to Git Executable". Typical paths for different operating systems: * Windows 64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\git.exe * Windows 32-bit: C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe * Mac OS: /usr/bin/git

  7. Download the latest Flex SDK version

  8. Create a directory for the Flex SDK named "4.6.0" in an appropriate location:

    • Windows 64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Flex\sdks\4.6.0
    • Windows 32-bit: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex\sdks\4.6.0
    • Mac OS: /Applications/Documents/SDKs/4.6.0
  9. Unzip the SDK file and place the contents (readme.htm, ant, asdoc, frameworks, etc.) in the directory you created. After copying the SDK files you should have the following:

    • Windows 64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\flex\sdks\4.6.0\readme.htm
    • Mac OS: /Applications/Documents/SDKs/4.6.0/readme.htm
  10. Download Java SE Development Kit 1.6 (As of December 2011, this was Update 25 on Windows). The link below is for Windows 64-bit. For other operating systems, find a version of Java SDK 1.6. Apparently version 1.7 will not currently work with the current version of Android, so get 1.6.

    (This is a dependency for the Android SDK)

  11. Install the Java SE Development Kit 1.6

  12. Download Android SDK (the recommended windows installer)

  13. Install the Android SDK – This will automatically open the Android SDK and AVD Manager. Accept All and Install. (Note that if the Android SDK does not detect that the JDK was installed, click back and then forward again or restart the installation.)

    a. Open Android SDK Manager (or just "android" on Mac OS) if it is not already open.

    b. Check "Android 2.2 (API 8)"

    c. Install

  14. In IntelliJ, import settings.

    a. Click File -> Export Settings... and backup your own settings first.

    b. Download the CollaboRhythm settings from

    c. Click File -> Import Settings...

    d. Select the settings JAR file you downloaded from CollaboRhythm and click OK.

    e. Click OK to import all settings.

    f. Click OK to restart IntelliJ.

  15. In IntelliJ, set the location of the Flex sdk in the Path Variable page of the Settings dialog box

    a. Open Settings or Preferences:

    • Windows: Click File -> Settings
    • Mac OS: InjtelliJ IDEA -> Preferences...

    b. Select “Path Variable”

    c. PROJECT_FRAMEWORKS: * Windows 64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Flex\sdks\4.6.0\frameworks * Mac OS: /Applications/Documents/SDKs 4.6.0/frameworks

  16. Ensure that the SDK settings are correct.

    a. Click File -> Project Structure...

    b. Select “SDKs” under “Platform Settings”

    c. Select “4.6.0 AIR”. "AIR SDK home path" should be the Flex SDK directory you created in step 8 above (ending in 4.6.0). If “4.6.0 AIR” does not exist, add it by clicking the Add New SDK button (+) and specifying the correct path.

    d. Select “4.6.0 AIR Mobile”. "AIR SDK home path" should be the Flex SDK directory you created in step 8 above (ending in 4.6.0). If “4.6.0 AIR Mobile” does not exist, add it by clicking the Add New SDK button (+) and specifying the correct path.

    e. Select the Java SDK named "1.6". "JSDK home path" should be the path to the Java SDK you installed in step 11 above. If "1.6" does not exist, add the Java SDK by clicking the Add New SDK button (+) and specifying the correct path. Typical paths:

    • Windows 64-bit: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_25
    • Mac OS: /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/