- Kapil Thangavelu (@kapilt) project lead (bdfl)
- Darren Dao (@darrendao)
- Todd Stansell (@tjstansell)
- John Hillegass (@JohnHillegass)
- Sonny Shi (@thisisshi)
- David Filiatrault (@FireballDWF)
- Jamison Roberts (@jtroberts83)
- Karol Lassak (@ingwarsw)
- Stefan Gordon (@stefangordon)
- Andy Luong (@aluong)
- Kiril Logachev (@logachev)
Administrative duties on behalf of the maintainers, used for governance/CNCF contact, no code rights
- Jorge Castro (@castrojo)
Since the opensource inception of Cloud Custodian in April 2016, we have had numerous maintainers who over the course of years are no longer current contributors, but we still celebrate their contributions and they are listed here.
- Kit Ewbank (@ewbankkit)
- Mandeep Bal (@mandeepbal)
- Erin Welch (@erwelch)
- Darcy Laylock (@Sutto)