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Functor, Applicative, and Monad

Let's gather the class descriptions from Data.Functor, Control.Applicative, and Control.Monad in one place.

class Functor f where
  (<$>) :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b      -- operator version of fmap

class Functor f => Applicative f where
  (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
  pure :: a -> f a

class Applicative f => Monad f where
  (=<<) :: (a -> f b) -> f a -> f b    -- flipped bind operator
  return :: a -> f a

The meaning of class Foo x => Bar x where ... is that every Bar is a Foo. So every Monad is an Applicative, and every Applicative is a Functor.

For pedagogy, I am using the operator version of fmap, and the flipped version of the usual "bind" operator. These are equivalent:

(<$>) = fmap
(=<<) = flip (>>=)

This is just to use the most similar versions of all these operators. In actual code, you are free to use whichever version makes sense. For example:

getCaps :: IO [String]
getCaps = fmap toUpper . words <$> getLine

This hypothetical code fragment uses both versions of fmap, because it seems convenient to do so.

A first look

Let's ignore pure and return, and jump straight to the operators:

( $ ) ::   (a ->   b) ->   a ->   b  -- function application
(<$>) ::   (a ->   b) -> f a -> f b  -- Functor f
(<*>) :: f (a ->   b) -> f a -> f b  -- Applicative f
(=<<) ::   (a -> f b) -> f a -> f b  -- Monad f

Look at these types. They are all the same as good old function application, except that there is this f type hanging around.

What is this f?

Various tutorials will tell you it is a burrito (joking), or use some other metaphor. I think of it as a context or a structure of a computation. The quintessential example is Maybe.

data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

Notice that this f is the type, Maybe, not the constructor, e.g., f is not Just. Let's subsitute Maybe into our types:

( $ ) ::       (a -> b)       ->       a ->       b  -- function application
(<$>) ::       (a -> b)       -> Maybe a -> Maybe b  -- Functor Maybe
(<*>) :: Maybe (a -> b)       -> Maybe a -> Maybe b  -- Applicative Maybe
(=<<) ::       (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b  -- Monad Maybe

Let's try some examples:

( (+3)       $       4 ) ==      7
( (+3)      <$> Just 4 ) == Just 7
( Just (+3) <*> Just 4 ) == Just 7
( Just.(+3) =<< Just 4 ) == Just 7

Each of these expressions is True.

The preceeding excerpt was a collection of types. This is a collection of values of the corresponding types:

Just 4 :: Maybe Int

Okay, so all the Functor, Applicative, and Monad fuss is about these f contexts. It's pretty obvious how you construct a value in the Maybe context: you can just wrap it in a Just. But what about IO? I hear that's a Monad, and there's no such thing as an IO constructor...? Read on!

Injecting values into contexts

Now for pure and return:

pure   :: a -> f a    -- Applicative
return :: a -> f a    -- Monad

Not only do these two functions have the same type signature, they are in fact the same function. Remember above where we said that every Monad was an Applicative, and thus also a Functor? That wasn't always true. So there were two functions, which are now the same, and both names live on.

What does this function do? It injects a value into one of those f contexts:

(      (+3)  $       4 ) ==      7
(      (+3) <$> pure 4 ) == Just 7
( pure (+3) <*> pure 4 ) == Just 7
( pure.(+3) =<< pure 4 ) == Just 7

Each of these expressions is also True. Compare with the preceeding example. We replaced the Justs with pures. Yet somehow it's the same result! What happened?

Because of the Just 7 on the right-hand side of the equality, the computation knows that it is in a Maybe context. In other words, pure 4 must be of type Maybe Int, because the left-hand side type must match the right-hand side type. So pure "injects" the 4 into that context, resulting in Just 4.

Now, this might seem like magic. Why is it Just 4 and not something else? The answer is that someone had to create an Applicative instance for Maybe, in which these class operations were defined:

instance Applicative Maybe where
    pure = Just

You can hunt this actual line of code down yourself!

So, how do we inject a value into the IO monad, when there's no IO constructor?

pure 4 :: IO Int


More about context

Tutorials often start with Maybe. Let's branch out into other contexts:

instance             Functor     ((,) a) where
instance Monoid a => Applicative ((,) a) where
instance Monoid a => Monad       ((,) a) where

Two-element tuples (a,b) are constructed from two types. These declarations say that a two-element tuple is a Functor, Applicative, or Monad in its second type.

Here's an example.

(         length   $       "ok!"  ) ==      3
(         length  <$> ("b","ok!") ) == ("b",3)
( ("",    length) <*> ("b","ok!") ) == ("b",3)
( ((,)"").length  =<< ("b","ok!") ) == ("b",3)

Notice that the first element of the tuple didn't change. What happens if we change those empty strings in the applicative and monad cases?

( ("a",    length) <*> ("b","ok!") ) == ("ab",3)
( ((,)"a").length  =<< ("b","ok!") ) == ("ba",3)

Whoa! The first element did change! Wat!

The issue here is that there is information in the context that needs to be preserved. The Monoid a constraint on the Applicative and Monad instance definitions says that this information should be combined "monoidally". In the case of Strings, this means appending them together.

(Notice the order is different for the two cases. Also recall we are using the reversed "bind" operator.)

The structure of a computation

Let's go back to our types:

( $ ) ::   (a ->   b) ->   a ->   b  -- function application
(<$>) ::   (a ->   b) -> f a -> f b  -- Functor f
(<*>) :: f (a ->   b) -> f a -> f b  -- Applicative f
(=<<) ::   (a -> f b) -> f a -> f b  -- Monad f

The extra power of Monad comes from the fact that the f context is on the right-hand side of the function arrow. That means a monadic function can provide whatever context it wants (of type f) as its output. Let me say that again:

A monadic function can provide whatever context it wants (of type f) as its output.

This is YUGE.

fate density :: Float -> IO ()
fate density
    | density > 1 = out "closed"
    | density < 1 = out "open"
    | otherwise   = out "unknown"
  where out = putStrLn.("The geometry of space is " ++)

Each of the three clauses in this code are of type IO (), but they are all different. The fate function can change the future of the computation based on the density parameter.

This is not possible with Functor and Applicative.


Function application transforms one value into another.

Functor allows those transformations to happen inside a context.

Applicative also allows such computations to accumulate that context.

Monad also allows such computations to change the shape of that context.