Samples for the restore to intellisense demo
<Reference Include="$(SpecialProp)" />
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<!-- Insert tasks to run before build here -->
- The original NuGet package management style.
- Built on basic MSBuild concepts such as
. Build
process is unaware of NuGet.
- PackageReference has an assets file, instead of hardcoding the assemblies in the project file.
<PackageReference Include="NuGet.Common" Version="5.8.0" />
The project system is the interface between the project file and Visual Studio features.
Design time builds are minimal builds that gather enough information to populate:
- Language service (roslyn)
- Solution explorer
- NuGet restore nomination !!!!!
CPS CPS Intro .NET Project System .NET Project System general docs .NET Project System design time build details
Getting intellisense in packages.config requires a manual restore.
PackageReference, solution load, automatic restore and intellisense stage
in .NET Managed languages project system
Getting intellisense in SDK based PackageReference is automatic.
- Project load, evaluation
- Design time build #1 (leads to nomination)
- Restore
- Design time build #2 if necessary.