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NLTK Book House Style: Restructured Text

ReST Inline Markup

Double backquotes are used for code:

e.g., the ``tokenize.whitespace`` function

Double quotes used for quoted speech:

e.g., a noun is "the name of a person, place or thing"

Single quotes used for scare quotes:

e.g., there is no one 'right way' to assign tags

Text Roles

LX: Linguistic eXample -- cited form in running text:

e.g.,  the verb `walks`:lx:

DT: Defined Term -- first or canonical use of technical term:

e.g.,  the process of `parsing`:dt:

GC: Grammatical Category:

e.g., `NP`:gc:  and `verb`:gc:  as technical terms

EM: Emphasis:

e.g., this word is `emphasised`:em: here.

Examples and Cross-references

Write examples using the custom 'example' directive (or 'ex' for short):

.. ex:: John went to the store.
.. ex:: John bought some bread.

The example directive may be nested, to define groups of related examples:

.. ex::
  .. ex:: John went to the store.
  .. ex:: \* John went from the store.

(Note that * must be backslashed when used to indicate grammaticality judgements.)

To refer to an example, mark it with a crossreference target, and refer to it with a crossreference link:

.. _johntostore:
.. ex:: John went to the store.

In example johntostore_, `John`:lx: is the subject.


Section titles and captions should have initial capitals on non-function words.


Write trees using the custom 'tree' directive:

.. tree:: (S (NP John) (VP (V saw) (NP Mary)))

Constituents that should be drawn with a 'roof' (i.e., a triangle between the node & its children, rather than individual lines) are marked using angle brackets:

.. tree:: (S (NP John) <VP saw Mary>)

Subscripting is done using underscore (similar to latex). If the subscripted string is more than one character long, it should be enclosed in brackets:

.. tree:: (S (NP Mary_i) (VP was (VP seen t_i)))

Substrings can be italicized by using '...':

.. tree:: (S (NP *Mary_i*) (VP was (VP seen *t_i*)))

Backslash can be used to escape characters that would otherwise be treated as markup (i.e., any of C{'<>()_* '}). Note that this list includes space:

.. tree:: (S (NP Mary) (VP went (PP to (NP New\ York))))

Typically, trees will be included as the single element of an example:

.. ex::
  .. tree:: (S (NP Mary) (VP went (PP to (NP New\ York))))

Dashes and Hyphens

Use an em-dash between words:

e.g.,   you should try yourself |mdash| in fact, we insist!

Use an en-dash between numerals:

e.g.,  during the persiod 1900\ |ndash|\ 1950