A Python-based application for listening to a pubsub subscription for GKE cluster messages and sending notifications to slack.
GKE offers the option to send to a PubSub topic the following notification types:
- Version upgrade available (UpgradeAvailableEvent)
- Version upgrade started (UpgradeEvent)
- Security bulletin issued (SecurityBulletinEvent)
The aim of this tool is to provide a gke-notification-handler, which listen to a pubsub subscription and send notifications to a slack channel.
Read more details on GCP documentation.
This is the list of prerequisites required for an existing GCP project:
- a PubSub topic and subscription
- a GKE cluster with Notifications feature enabled and declaring the Topic ID
- a Service Account with roles/pubsub.subscriber role to the subscription
You'll need also a Slack application with an incoming Webhook URL for the channel you'd like to receive these notifications. You can get more information at https://api.slack.com/messaging/webhooks.
You will have to set the env variables below
Variable | Description |
GCP_PROJECT_ID | The project ID on GCP |
PUBSUB_SUBSCRIPTION_ID | The PubSub Subscription ID |
SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL | The Webhook URL of the slack channel |
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS | A credentials file path for the json key of Service Account |
PUBSUB_TIMEOUT | Optionally set a timeout on subscription listening (in sec) |
For run - test locally set the vars in deploy.sh and run the following:
# run directly the python script by using the "app" as param
./deploy.sh app
# run locally as docker container by using an IMAGE_TAG value as param (this will build the image first)
deploy.sh IMAGE_TAG
Use the following in order to deploy the application to a Kubernetes cluster:
# create a secret for the Service Account json key
kubectl create secret generic gcp-pubsub-sa-key --from-file=PATH_TO_GCP_PUBSUB_SA_KEY_FILE
# then update the environment variables and the image on deployment.yaml file and run the command:
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
data: 'Master is upgrading to version 1.23.8-gke.1900.'
ordering_key: ''
attributes: {
"cluster_location": "us-east1",
"cluster_name": "CLUSTER_NAME",
"payload": "{\"resourceType\":\"MASTER\", \"operation\":\"operation-1662536672793-9f8f675f\", \"operationStartTime\":\"2022-09-07T07:44:32.793341429Z\", \"currentVersion\":\"1.23.7-gke.1400\", \"targetVersion\":\"1.23.8-gke.1900\"}",
"project_id": "PROJECT_ID",
"type_url": "type.googleapis.com/google.container.v1beta1.UpgradeEvent"