Releases: nnirror/facet
- Connection for error messaging between browser and node servers is maintained, even if you stop and restart the servers.
- The contents of the text editor are perpetually stored in browser localStorage, so that if the tab is accidentally closed and reopened, the previous command will persist.
- Adds second routine to file() so that it can load a file from anywhere with an absolute path.
- If the BPM is changed after an audio FacetPattern is generated, when that pattern is played back, it will play back at a corresponding slower / faster rate in order to fill up the correct amount of time matching the transport's current bpm
- Added documentation for the variable "i" which is available for use in iter() and slices(), representing the current iteration or slice number, respectively.
- Adds debug() method which prints FacetPattern data to the console
The first argument to log() and pow() functions is now normalized between 0 and 1. Previously its number range was not normalized, which made it difficult to handle the range of values that is interesting, which was from 0 - 10000000000000000000000000000000000000.
Better UX for randsamp(): first try loading directory exactly as supplied, then if that fails, try appending './samples' to the supplied directory name
Fixes issue to allow semicolons in ad hoc js that can be supplied in the sometimes(), slices(), iter() functions.
Fixes a bug with the 100% cpu monitor/safeguard
Incldue the 'angle_phase_offset' param in the spiral() function's documentation
Fixes an issue where commands with errors in them would cascade and duplicate, first rerunning once, then twice, then four times etc.