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This test plan is a description of the test activity for the Sample Spring Microservices POC project.
It identifies the product requirements, assumptions, dependencies and risks.
This test plan will be updated in the earliest possible time to reflect the actual situation of the test implementation.


The Sample Spring Microservices allows the user to run a customer and an account manager service. It does so through two main endpoints: account-service:2222 and customer-service:3333. The services contain multiple accounts by default and have the option to retrieve, delete or add new ones.

Test structure

Based on the requirements, the test plan covers the functional and the performance aspect of the project.
For this test plan, the SUT is black box with described requirements in the section below.
For this POC, because the tests have to validate a REST service API, there are multiple tools to choose from.
Each of them has its pros and cons.

  • Rest Assured with JUnit (Maven)
    • [Pros] It supports a Given/When/Then test notation, human readable
    • [Pros] Easy integration with TestNG/Junit
    • [Pros] Support Data-Driven framework
    • [Pros] jUnit/xUnit Reports
    • [Cons] Knowledge of Java
    • [Cons] No support for SOAP APIs
  • Cucumber with Apache HttpClient (Maven)
    • [Pros] Uses Given/When/Then test notation, human readable
    • [Pros] Support Data-Driven framework
    • [Pros] Stable and proven HTTP Library
    • [Cons] Knowledge of Java
    • [Cons] Forces BDD approach
  • Robot Framework and RequestsLibrary (Python)
    • [Pros] Uses simple language syntax
    • [Pros] Detailed HTML report
    • [Cons] Different platform compared to the project


Common requirements

  1. [Performance] Response time under 1 second for every request.


  1. GET /: shall return a list of elements in JSON format with the following structure
    {id: integer, customerId: integer, number: string}.
  2. GET /{id}: if it exists, it shall return an element with the following structure
    {id: integer, customerId: integer, number: string}. Otherwise, it shall return a 404 HTTP error with the following
    body: {"timestamp": number, "status": number, "error": string, "exception": string, "message": string, "path": string}
  3. GET /number/{number}: if it exists, it shall return an element with the following structure
    {id: integer, customerId: integer, number: string}. Otherwise, it shall return a 404 HTTP error with the following
    body: {"timestamp": number, "status": number, "error": string, "exception": string, "message": string, "path": string}.
  4. GET /customer/{number}: if it exists, it shall return all matching elements with the following structure
    {id: integer, customerId: integer, number: string}. Otherwise, it shall return an empty JSON list.
  5. POST / with BODY: shall add the BODY element into the list of elements if it has the correct structure and
    the "id" is not in use. Otherwise, it shall return an 200 HTTP error with empty body.
  6. DELETE /{id}: shall remove the existing element with id in parameter from the list of elements.
    If the element does not exist in the first place, it will return "false".
    If the parameter is text, it shall return 400 HTTP error with the following
    body: {"timestamp": number, "status": number, "error": string, "exception": string, "message": string, "path": string}.


  1. GET /: shall return a list of elements in JSON format with the following structure
    {id: integer, pesel: string, name: string, type: string, accounts: list of accounts (from account-service)}.
  2. GET /{id}: if it exists, it shall return an element with the following structure
    {id: integer, pesel: string, name: string, type: string, accounts: list of accounts (from account-service)}.
    Otherwise, it shall return a HTML error page.
  3. GET /pesel/{number}: if it exists, it shall return an element with the following structure
    {id: integer, pesel: string, name: string, type: string, accounts: list of accounts (from account-service)}.
    Otherwise, it shall return a 404 HTTP error with the following body:
    {"timestamp": number, "status": number, "error": string, "exception": string, "message": string, "path": string}.
  4. POST / with BODY: shall add the BODY element into the list of elements if it has the correct structure and
    the "id" is not in use. Otherwise, it shall return an 415 HTTP error with the following
    body: {"timestamp": number, "status": number, "error": string, "exception": string, "message": string, "path": string}.
  5. DELETE /{id}: shall remove the existing element with id in parameter from the list of elements.
    If the element does not exist in the first place, it will return "false".
    If the parameter is text, it shall return 400 HTTP error with the following
    body: {"timestamp": number, "status": number, "error": string, "exception": string, "message": string, "path": string}.

Assumptions and dependencies

In the response time for the HTTP requests, we have to assume the whole response time: the network transport
from the client to the server, the server processing time, and the network transport back to the client.

Test cases


ID Test slug Test steps Ref.
01 customer-service response time 1. Start timer
2. Send GET / request to the server
3. Wait Until the response arrives
4. Stop Timer
5. Verify the contents of the response, shall contain a list of elements.
6. Elapsed time shall be less than 1s
02 account-service response time 1. Start timer
2. Send GET / request to the server
3. Wait Until the response arrives
4. Stop Timer
5. Verify the contents of the response, shall contain a list of elements.
6. Elapsed time shall be less than 1s


ID Test slug Test steps Ref.
03 Account Initial Elements exist 1. Send GET / request to the server
2. The initial list of elements shall be received
04 Account Retrieve existing element on / endpoint 1. Send GET /1 request to the server
2. The JSON object {"id": 1, "customerId": 1,"number": "111111"} shall be received
05 Account Retrieve non-existing element on / endpoint 1. Send GET /0 request to the server
2. The JSON object {"timestamp": 1606130410813, "status": 404, "error": "Not Found", "exception": "pl.piomin.microservices.account.exceptions.AccountNotFoundException", "message": "No such account with id : 0", "path": "/0" } shall be received
06 Account Retrieve existing element on /number endpoint 1. Send GET /number/111111 request to the server
2. The JSON object {"id": 1, "customerId": 1,"number": "111111"} shall be received
07 Account Retrieve non-existing element on /number endpoint 1. Send GET /number/1 request to the server
2. The JSON object {"timestamp": 1606130410813, "status": 404, "error": "Not Found", "exception": "pl.piomin.microservices.account.exceptions.AccountNotFoundException", "message": "No such account with id : 1", "path": "/number/1" } shall be received
08 Account Retrieve one existing element on /customer endpoint 1. Send GET /customer/4 request to the server
2. The JSON object {"id": 4, "customerId": 4,"number": "444444"} shall be received
09 Account Retrieve multiple existing elements on /customer endpoint 1. Send GET /customer/1 request to the server
2. The list of JSON objects [{"id": 1, "customerId": 1,"number": "111111"},{ "id": 5,"customerId": 1, "number": "555555" }] shall be received
10 Account Retrieve non-existing element on /customer endpoint 1. Send GET /customer/0 request to the server
2. An empty JSON list shall be received
11 Account Create new element 1. Send POST / {id: 10, customerId: 10, number: "101010"} request to the server
2. HTTP Status code 200 shall be received and the created structure in body
12 Account Create new element with known ID 1. Send POST / {id: 1, customerId: 1, number: "101010"} request to the server
2. HTTP Status code 200 shall be received and empty body and no new element created
13 Account Delete existing element 1. Send DELETE /5 request to the server
2. HTTP Status code 200 shall be received and body true
14 Account Delete non-existing element 1. Send DELETE /50 request to the server
2. HTTP Status code 200 shall be received and body false
15 Account Delete text element 1. Send DELETE /test request to the server
2. HTTP Status code 400 shall be received and body {"timestamp": 1606155398250, "status": 400, "error": "Bad Request","exception": "org.springframework.web.method.annotation.MethodArgumentTypeMismatchException", "message": "Failed to convert value of type [java.lang.String] to required type [java.lang.Integer]; nested exception is java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: \"test\"", "path": "/test" }


ID Test slug Test steps Ref.
16 Customer Initial Elements exist 1. Send GET / request to the server
2. The initial list of elements shall be received
17 Customer Retrieve existing element on / endpoint 1. Send GET /1 request to the server
2. The JSON object {"id":1,"pesel":"12345","name":"Adam Kowalski","type":"INDIVIDUAL","accounts":[{"id":1,"number":"111111"},{"id":5,"number":"555555"}]} shall be received
18 Customer Retrieve non-existing element on / endpoint 1. Send GET /0 request to the server
2. The JSON object {"timestamp":1606204094576,"status":404,"error":"Not Found","exception":"pl.piomin.microservices.customer.exceptions.CustomerNotFoundException","message":"No such customer with id : 0","path":"/0"} shall be received
19 Customer Retrieve existing element on /pesel endpoint 1. Send GET /pesel/12345 request to the server
2. The JSON object {"id":1,"pesel":"12345","name":"Adam Kowalski","type":"INDIVIDUAL","accounts":[{"id":1,"number":"111111"},{"id":5,"number":"555555"}]} shall be received
20 Customer Retrieve non-existing element on /pesel endpoint 1. Send GET /pesel/1 request to the server
2. The JSON object {"timestamp":1606204248204,"status":404,"error":"Not Found","exception":"pl.piomin.microservices.customer.exceptions.CustomerNotFoundException","message":"No such customer with pesel : 1","path":"/pesel/1"} shall be received
21 Customer Create new element 1. Send POST / {"pesel":"123245","name":"Adam Kowalski","type":"INDIVIDUAL"} request to the server
2. HTTP Status code 200 shall be received and the created structure in body
22 Customer Create new element with known ID 1. Send POST / {id:1, "pesel":"123245","name":"Adam Kowalski","type":"INDIVIDUAL"} request to the server
2. HTTP Status code 200 shall be received and empty body, and no new element created
23 Customer Delete existing element 1. Send DELETE /5 request to the server
2. HTTP Status code 200 shall be received and body true
24 Customer Delete non-existing element 1. Send DELETE /50 request to the server
2. HTTP Status code 200 shall be received and body false
25 Customer Delete text element 1. Send DELETE /test request to the server
2. HTTP Status code 400 shall be received and body {"timestamp":1606208299595,"status":400,"error":"Bad Request","exception":"org.springframework.web.method.annotation.MethodArgumentTypeMismatchException","message":"Failed to convert value of type [java.lang.String] to required type [java.lang.Integer]; nested exception is java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: \"test\"","path":"/test"}


All proposed tools produce reports with similar level of details. All of them can export the data to Jenkins, either by exporting a XML or JSON formated file, or a human-readable HTML report. Also, Jenkins can be configured to push the test results to an Application Lifecycle Management software, like HP ALM, JIRA/XRay, SquashTM, etc.