All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Alternatives section to (@pboling)
- Signing cert for gem releases (@pboling)
- Mailing List and other metadata URIs (@pboling)
- Checksums for released gems (@pboling)
- policy (@pboling)
- Version methods are now memoized (||=) on initial call for performance (@pboling)
- Gem releases are now cryptographically signed (@pboling)
- to_a uses same type casting as major, minor, patch, and pre (@pboling)
- RSpec Matchers and Shared Example (@pboling)
- Delay loading of library code until after code coverage tool is loaded (@pboling)
- CI Build improvements (@pboling)
- Code coverage reporting (@pboling)
- Documentation improvements (@pboling)
- Badges! (@pboling)
- Initial release, with basic version parsing API (@pboling)