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Emmanuel Odeke edited this page Aug 11, 2015 · 34 revisions

Welcome to the drive wiki!

System pre-requisites for Drive:

  • An installation of Go with version >= 1.3

    To check your go version:

    $> go version

  • Your gopath should have been set in your e.g

    Sample set up:

    vi ~/.bashrc or vi ~/.bash_profile

    export GOPATH=~/gopath

    export PATH=$GOPATH:$GOPATH/bin:${PATH}

Installing drive, the program:

$> go get -u && drive-gen

Initializing a drive:

To setup/mount your Google Drive directory to path ~/GDRIVE

drive init

Env variables:

To manage the number of concurrent pulls/pushes in your env make sure to set variable DRIVE_GOMAXPROCS e.g:

$ cat << ! >> ~/.bashrc
> !
$ source ~/.bashrc