diff --git a/onadata/apps/logger/management/commands/replace_form_id_root_node.py b/onadata/apps/logger/management/commands/replace_form_id_root_node.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d928ac88a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/onadata/apps/logger/management/commands/replace_form_id_root_node.py
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+Management command used to replace the root node of an Instance when
+the root node is the XForm ID
+Example usage:
+ python manage.py replace_form_id_root_node -c -i 1,2,3
+import re
+from hashlib import sha256
+from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand, CommandError
+from django.utils import timezone
+from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
+from onadata.apps.logger.models import Instance
+from onadata.apps.logger.models.instance import InstanceHistory
+def replace_form_id_with_correct_root_node(
+ inst_id: int, root: str = None, commit: bool = False) -> str:
+ inst: Instance = Instance.objects.get(id=inst_id, deleted_at__isnull=True)
+ initial_xml = inst.xml
+ form_id = re.escape(inst.xform.id_string)
+ if not root:
+ root = inst.xform.survey.name
+ opening_tag_regex = f"<{form_id}"
+ closing_tag_regex = f"{form_id}>"
+ edited_xml = re.sub(opening_tag_regex, f'<{root}', initial_xml)
+ edited_xml = re.sub(closing_tag_regex, f'{root}>', edited_xml)
+ if commit:
+ last_edited = timezone.now()
+ history = InstanceHistory.objects.create(
+ xml=initial_xml,
+ checksum=inst.checksum,
+ xform_instance=inst,
+ )
+ inst.last_edited = last_edited
+ inst.checksum = sha256(edited_xml.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
+ inst.xml = edited_xml
+ inst.save()
+ return f"Modified Instance ID {inst.id} - History object {history.id}"
+ else:
+ return edited_xml
+class Command(BaseCommand):
+ help = _("Replaces form ID String with 'data' for an instances root node")
+ def add_arguments(self, parser):
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--instance-ids',
+ '-i',
+ dest='instance_ids',
+ help='Comma-separated list of instance ids.'
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--commit-changes',
+ '-c',
+ action='store_true',
+ dest='commit',
+ default=False,
+ help='Save XML changes'
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--root-node',
+ '-r',
+ dest='root',
+ default=None,
+ help='Default root node name to replace the form ID with'
+ )
+ def handle(self, *args, **options):
+ instance_ids = options.get('instance_ids').split(',')
+ commit = options.get('commit')
+ root = options.get('root')
+ if not instance_ids:
+ raise CommandError('No instance id provided.')
+ for inst_id in instance_ids:
+ try:
+ msg = replace_form_id_with_correct_root_node(
+ inst_id, root=root, commit=commit)
+ except Instance.DoesNotExist:
+ msg = f"Instance with ID {inst_id} does not exist"
+ self.stdout.write(msg)
diff --git a/onadata/apps/logger/tests/management/commands/test_replace_form_id_root_node.py b/onadata/apps/logger/tests/management/commands/test_replace_form_id_root_node.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d18cd1714d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/onadata/apps/logger/tests/management/commands/test_replace_form_id_root_node.py
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+Module containing the tests for the replace_form_id_root_node
+management command
+from io import BytesIO
+from django.conf import settings
+from onadata.apps.main.tests.test_base import TestBase
+from onadata.apps.logger.import_tools import django_file
+from onadata.apps.logger.management.commands.replace_form_id_root_node \
+ import replace_form_id_with_correct_root_node
+from onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools import create_instance
+class TestReplaceFormIDRootNodeCommand(TestBase):
+ """TestReplaceFormIDRootNodeCommand Class"""
+ def test_replaces_form_id_root_node(self):
+ """
+ Test that the command correctly replaces the form ID
+ """
+ md = """
+ | survey | | | |
+ | | type | name | label |
+ | | file | file | File |
+ | | image | image | Image |
+ """
+ self._create_user_and_login()
+ xform = self._publish_markdown(md, self.user)
+ id_string = xform.id_string
+ xml_string = f"""
+ <{id_string} id="{id_string}">
+ uuid:UJ5jz4EszdgH8uhy8nss1AsKaqBPO5VN7
+ Health_2011_03_13.xml_2011-03-15_20-30-28.xml
+ 1300221157303.jpg
+ {id_string}>
+ """
+ media_root = (f'{settings.PROJECT_ROOT}/apps/logger/tests/Health'
+ '_2011_03_13.xml_2011-03-15_20-30-28/')
+ image_media = django_file(
+ path=f'{media_root}1300221157303.jpg', field_name='image',
+ content_type='image/jpeg')
+ file_media = django_file(
+ path=f'{media_root}Health_2011_03_13.xml_2011-03-15_20-30-28.xml',
+ field_name='file', content_type='text/xml')
+ instance = create_instance(
+ self.user.username,
+ BytesIO(xml_string.strip().encode('utf-8')),
+ media_files=[file_media, image_media])
+ # Attempt replacement of root node name
+ replace_form_id_with_correct_root_node(
+ inst_id=instance.id, root='data', commit=True)
+ instance.refresh_from_db()
+ expected_xml = f"""
+ uuid:UJ5jz4EszdgH8uhy8nss1AsKaqBPO5VN7
+ Health_2011_03_13.xml_2011-03-15_20-30-28.xml
+ 1300221157303.jpg
+ """
+ self.assertEqual(instance.xml, expected_xml)