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Mina go-libp2p Helper


After changing the go.mod or go.sum please run the nix build mina#libp2p_helper and follow the instructions in order to resolve possible hash mismatch.



$ make
$ make clean


$ bazel build src:codanet
$ bazel build src/libp2p_helper

Using as an external repo

Add a repository rule to your root WORKSPACE(.bazel) file to import this repo. For example, if you embed this repo as a git submodule:

    name = "libp2p_helper",
    path = "path/to/libp2p_helper"

Copy the contents of WORKSPACE.bazel to your root WORKSPACE(.bazel) file. Change the line: load("//bzl/libp2p:deps.bzl", "libp2p_bootstrap") to use the fully-qualified label, e.g. load("@libp2p_helper//bzl/libp2p:deps.bzl", "libp2p_bootstrap").


Install Gazelle.

Update the bootstrap code responsible for loading Go deps:

$ bazel run //:gazelle -- update-repos -from_file=src/go.mod -to_macro bzl/libp2p/deps.bzl%libp2p_bootstrap

Update the build files: $ bazel run //:gazelle update

Go libs containing protobuf stuff: add build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global" to the go_library rule in //bzl/deps.bzl. Also add # gazelle:proto disable_global to the root WORKSPACE.bazel file. See Go Protocol buffers - avoiding conflicts: Option 2: Use pre-generated .pb.go files. for more info.

How it works

libp2p_helper serves as a middleware between libp2p and Ocaml process. They communicate using a number of internal messages. Below we enumerate all message types along with description of how Helper handles the message.


Messages serving to configure libp2p helper.

  • beginAdvertising
    • Connects to all added peers
    • Launches a subroutine to "report discovery peers" (TODO: write in more details)
  • configure
    • Accept configuration, launch p2p manager and metrics server (if configured).
    • Among other things, start listening to peers on the ListenOn list. TODO: really!?
  • generateKeypair
    • Generates a new key pair, along with peer id
    • Returns the generated key pair
  • getListeningAddrs
    • Returns set of addresses (external and internal) of the libp2p node (something like a self-portait)
  • listen
    • Start listening to the new peers.
  • setGatingConfig
    • Sets a new gating config (banned and trusted ids/ips)
  • setNodeStatus
    • Sets a node status
    • Node status is a bytestring without particular structure (as of the libp2p_helper's view)


Messages to add a new peer or get information about existing peers.

  • addPeer
    • Adds a peer
    • Makes the peer trusted
    • If Seed flag is specified, also adds it to the seeds
    • Runs p2p's connect for the peer
  • findPeer
    • If there is a connection to the specified peer, return its information
    • Error is returned otherwise
  • getPeerNodeStatus
    • Opens a stream to the other node, retrieves its status, closes the stream and returns the status to the OCaml process
  • listPeers
    • Return a list of peer information for each open connection


Messages to interact with pubsub protocol.

  • publish
    • Message consists of topic t and data d
    • Join a topic t
    • Publish a message d
  • subscribe
    • Join a topic
    • Setup a handler on topic messages to process each message though validator
      • To validate a message a gossipReceived call is made to the OCaml process
      • Validation time is capped by validationTimeout, timeout is treated as the signal that message is invalid, unless UnsafeNoTrustIP flag is set.
      • Unsatisfied validations are kept in a map, always accessed under mutex.
    • Subscrube to a topic (this is different from joining)
    • Launch a subroutine that reads each message and logs an error if a message fails to be read
  • unsubscribe
    • Cancel the subscription, clean up associated resources
  • validation
    • Fullfill the validation initiated by earlier gossipReceived with the result
    • Performs the action under app-global ValidatorMutex
    • Logs an error if validation has already timed out


Messages to open, maintain and send messages to streams towards other peers (connected directly to our node).

  • openStream
    • Initiates a new stream to a given peer over the given protocol (specified by protocol id)
    • Launches a subroutine that reads the stream:
      • Read the length length of an incoming message
      • On EOF, send a streamComplete message to the Ocaml process
      • On any other issue with receiving the length message, send streamLost message to the Ocaml process
      • Set stream to state STREAM_DATA_UNEXPECTED (setting is performed under StreamsMutex)
      • Update metrics with the length
      • Read all of the chunks of data on the stream (total of length bytes), send each chunk with the streamMessageReceived message to the OCaml process
      • If any of the chunks is not read, send a streamLost exception
      • Send each chunk with streamMessageReceived to the Ocaml process immediately after reading it (not waiting for the other chunks)
      • Note that the stream is left in STREAM_DATA_UNEXPECTED state (until the reply to the received message is sent via sendStreamMsg message)
  • closeStream
    • Takes StreamsMutex mutex (releases on the end of processing of the message)
    • Close the specified stream and clean up the resources
  • resetStream
    • Calls Reset method on a specified stream
    • It "cancels" the stream, making all of its readers error out.
  • sendStream
    • Takes StreamsMutex mutex (releases on the end of processing of the message)
    • Send length
    • Send data of the message
    • Important: global mutex is taken for the whole duration of message sending
  • addStreamHandler
    • Sets a handler for the incoming streams on a given protocol (specified by the protocol id)
    • On stream open, allocates a new stream id and sends an incomingStream message to the Ocaml process
    • Takes StreamsMutex mutex (releases on the end of processing of the message)
    • Important: mutex is not released until a message to the Ocaml process is sent
    • Launches a subroutine that reads the stream with same behaviour as one described for openStream
  • removeStreamHandler
    • Removes the stream handler for the given protocol