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Diego Aguilar diegoaguilar
Soy del Real Madrid y estudio a José Alfredo Jiménez Sandoval.

@ciudades-dev @noble-holdings Guadalajara, México

Stefan LeBel stefanlebel
Engineer, scientist, hobby programmer.

Montreal, Canada

Xavier Leonard leonaxa
Leonaxa developers construe a system distintive sequence to drive a narrative forward geopolitically in a World of Banks.

Leonaxa Panama

Kristopher KristopherA
SecOps Geek. Slinging bits to solve problems.
Suraj Gupta suraj6391
Tech Enthusiast

Greater Noida

Ömer Faruk Kuzu omrfrkzu
Siber Güvenlik Analisti | Python Geliştirici | Etik Hacker

42 Kocaeli İstanbul

Philippe Pitz Clairoux PhilippePitzClairoux
Programmer for Université de Sherbrooke

Université de Sherbrooke

Stephen Cull sscull-cse

@CybercentreCanada Ottawa

kal atkallie
while(alive){ kal.code() }
TYA cccs-tya
Crafting Pixels


A.z fan kulukami
Creativity comes with Arts.

ByteDance China

I publish stuff, occasionally.
Adrian Puente Z. ch0ks
Untamable cybersecurity enthusiast focused on DevOps and automatization. Former Pentester, CTFer, Linux fanboy, full time nerd and compulsive SciFy reader.

Hackarandas Inc. San Jose, CA