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i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Ark Sol Jedi McRoyJedi
Cosmic Tree Rainbow Laser
Jishnu N. Thekkeppattu jnthek
Radio astronomer, electronics engineer, radio amateur - callsigns VK6JN and VU3VWB. PhD in radio astronomy, but that does not mean I'm an expert ...

ICRAR-Curtin, WA Perth, WA

Boris Bolliet borisbolliet
Cosmology with AI

Cavendish Laboratory and KICC, University of Cambridge Cambridge

FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Olivier Leblanc olivierleblanc

UCLouvain Louvain-la-Neuve

Alberto Acuto A-acuto
Data scientist at @UoL-SignalProcessingGroup , @ariHPC and Liv.DAT alumnus

University of Livepool Liverpool

Jelmar Gerritsen Pocket-titan
Aerospace eng grad student, way less official (and b&w) than my profile picture implies

The Hague, the Netherlands

Daisuke Kawata kawatadaisuke
Professor of Astronomy at MSSL, UCL.

Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London Dorking, Surrey, UK

Zhen-Qi Liu liuzhenqi77
neuroscience, machine learning, python and more

@netneurolab Montreal, Canada

Micah Bowles mb010
Self-supervised and multimodal learning | AI for Science | AI x Astro

University of Oxford UK

Alec Thomson AlecThomson
Research scientist


Henry Aldridge henry-ald
Ph.D. Student at UCL

UCL London

Talk is cheap. Show me the CODE.

Wuhan University Wuhan

Sergei Surovtsev stillonearth
AI, RL, Quantum, Indie Games
Bogdan Dinu badu
Senior Go Language Developer

Endava Brașov, Romania

Tobías Liaudat tobias-liaudat
Research scientist at CEA Saclay, France. Working on inverse problems in imaging and machine learning.

CEA Saclay Paris, France

Alicja Polanska alicjapolanska
PhD Student @ UCL Data Intensive Science CDT

UCL London

Michael J. Williams mj-will
Research Fellow at the Institute of Cosmology & Gravitation, University of Portsmouth

University of Portsmouth

Matt Price CosmoMatt
UCL Research Fellow in Artificial Intelligence and Imaging

University College London University College London

alicematthews AliceEMaffs
Extra-galactic galaxy formation and cosmology at MSSL

UCL London

Irene :) irene-left
2nd year PhD candidate at UCL Mullard Space Science Laboratory, working on weak lensing

UCL London

Yunkun Han hanyk
Associate research fellow,Yunnan Astronomical Observatories (YNAO), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).
Lucas Cassiano lucascassiano
MS - MIT - Media, Arts and Science BS - Science and Technology - UFRN Brazil

Artificial inc. / MIT - Media Lab Palo Alto, CA

benearnthof benearnthof

LMU Munich Munich