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FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


Tony Kipkemboi tonykipkemboi
Senior Developer Advocate 🥑

@crewAIInc Earth

GLOW_ glows
keep coding

Somewhere Out in Space

Arda Aras ardaaras99
Natural Language Processing & Graph Representation Learning

Bilkent University Turkey, Ankara

Nawaz Khan nawazkhan
Founder @devpartyhq

Devparty New York

MOSKANOR moskanoro

Nanjing, China

Stodeo stodeo

Stodeo France

Karl zook111
University Bristol (physics / maths) Charing Cross Westminster medical school Institute of neurology Imperial college London



Ashland, KY

Given Kibanza givenkiban1
Link to my youtube channel is below. Like, comment and Subscribe.

@GintecSolutions Cape Town, ZA

AlexVplle AlexVplle
42 and ESIEE Paris's student

42 & ESIEE Paris

Shashi Kumar Nagulakonda iamsingularity
AI Solutions Architect. Cloud Architect. Solopreneur. Technology Aficionado. Amateur Photographer. Gadget Geek.

Working from home...

warlockD warlockdn
Part of this universe


Elly Okello eoyugi
Learning web 3 at BlockMagic Hackathon , Chainlink Bootcamp . Learning all stuff Datascience at Datacamp


Jaydip Dey jaydip1235
SDE-1 @Optum | Ex- SDE Intern @Mercor-io , @Optum | Ex-Instructor @placewit | Ex-TA


Maria Torrente mariatorrentedev
I like challenges, people and music.

Miami, FL

Stream Projects StreamProjectsPeter
Multimedia development for exhibitions / e-learning / training Video / VR / AI Web app development

Stream Projects Ltd Cambridge, UK

id-2 id-2


Famofo Oluwaseun seun104

Temlio Solution Ltd Nigeria

Fred von Graf fvongraf
Co-founder & CTO - 🚀 « « « « Co-founder & CEO - « « « « I help ventures kick ass! Palo Alto, CA

Rafael brinhosa
Kolapo Oshodi Kolaposki
Fullstack Developer. Tech geek, through and through.

Shopriqa | Onebooky | Woocontacts Toronto, CA

Tuan-Vu Trinh trinhtuanvubk
Data Scientist | AI Engineer

PennyPilots Hanoi, Vietnam