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Mr.Abdelrahman ItsGithubUser
my NAME is Abdelrahman I.M a web DEV also I love Computer Engineer so much
yunus ozen yunusozen
Academic. IoT, WSN, WMSN, MAC, Routing, VANET, FANET, MANET.

yalova university kocaeli, turkey

the was not me GreeGhost123
A Moroccan bad developer
agent.btw agentBe
Discord Developer
YousifDev Yousif-69
Hey 👋🏻 , My Name is Yousif . I'm 20y.o, from Iraq, Baghdad 🇮🇶. I'm Simple Front-End developer , DevOPS Engineer

Baghdad iraq

Ahmed Falih Al-kraidi z7pz
Enjoys writing Typescript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Rust.

Freelance Iraq, Baghdad

Arty ArtyTheDev
I'm indie Python developer.

Iraq, Baghdad

51L3N7 51L3N7-X
Allah, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference

Freelance Yemen