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Enhancing Robot Communication Capabilities in the SubT Challenge


One of the biggest hurdles in a subterranean environment is degraded communications. Robots often rely on existing communication infrastructure like 3G/4G/5G wireless carriers, satellite communications, and other forms of radio technology that were designed for terrestrial communications, and often require line of sight. Similarly, for navigation, terrestrial robots rely on GPS technology to determine a global position fix. In a subterranean environment, these technologies are not available or perform differently than they would above ground. For these reasons, the SubT Challenge requires a great deal of innovation on the part of robot developers.

In this post, we will discuss how to set up communications between two different robot platforms and show how communication ranges can be increased using breadcrumbs. If you are unfamiliar with communication "breadcrumbs", they are small battery powered communication devices that can be deployed by a robot. We will be using the communications and breadcrumbs sections of the SubT Virtual Testbed API, so please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the content in these sections before continuing this post.


Before we go over communications in greater depth, let's discuss why communications are an important part of the SubT Challenge.

If robots can interact with the base station directly, why should multiple robots communicate with each other?

If multiple robots can communicate with each other, they can share valuable information with one another (maps of areas they have explored, locations of detected artifacts, etc.).

Sharing information between robots allows a team of robots to "divide and conquer" the SubT Challenge task. By sharing information, a team of robots can coordinate their search of the environment to minimize duplicated effort and quickly search more of the underground world.

Another useful case for communication between robots is when a ground vehicle finds a region can only be explored by an aerial vehicle or vice versa.

Why do we need breadcrumbs?

For our purposes, a breadcrumb can be thought of as a communication device that increases the communication range. The API states that a breadcrumb "operates as a static network relay".

Let's work through an example to help understand why breadcrumbs are useful.

First, start a simulation environment in the cave_qual world, using a robot with an RGBD camera (such as the COSTAR_HUSKY_SENSOR_CONFIG_1):

$ cd ~/subt_hello_world/docker/simulation_runner
$ ./run.bash osrf/subt-virtual-testbed:latest cave_circuit.ign worldName:=cave_qual robotName1:=X1 robotConfig1:=COSTAR_HUSKY_SENSOR_CONFIG_1

Now, let's run the detect_and_report_artifacts.launch file that was introduced in the perception post. This will start a neural network that can detect backpack artifacts and also set up communications between the robot and base station:

$ cd ~/subt_hello_world/docker/
$ ./run_dev_container.bash ~/subt_hello_world/subt_solution_launch

# run the following commands in the docker container
$ source ~/setup_solution_ws.bash
$ roslaunch subt_solution_launch detect_and_report_artifacts.launch name:=X1

Let's also keep an eye on the /subt/score topic so we can see if artifacts we detect scored a point or not:

# open a new terminal and connect to the development docker container
$ cd ~/subt_hello_world/docker/
$ ./join.bash

# run the following command in the docker container
$ rostopic echo /subt/score

Last but not least, set up keyboard teleop so that we can drive the robot around the cave_qual environment. Note: you could also choose to run navigation.launch from the navigation post to send waypoints to the robot.

# open a new terminal and connect to the development docker container
$ cd ~/subt_hello_world/docker/
$ ./join.bash

# run the following command in the docker container to run teleop control via keyboard
$ rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard cmd_vel:=/X1/cmd_vel

Let's drive the robot to the nearest backpack artifact in the cave_qual world. The location of this backpack is highlighted in the image below.

Cave qual backpack location

The location of the backpack artifact that is closest to the base station in cave_qual, highlighted in green.

Once the robot has detected the backpack, you'll notice that the output of the /subt/score topic is still 0. This is because the robot is outside of communication range with the base station. In order the base station to receive our artifact report, we need to drive back towards the base station until we are close enough to be in communication range.

Go ahead and drive back towards the base station, and don't stop until the base station has received the robot's artifact report. You can verify that the base station has received the robot's artifact report if you see output similar to the following in the terminal that is running the simulator:

[Msg] SimTime[111 556000000] OnNewArtifact Msg=pose {
  position {
    x: 93.57480970329064
    y: -0.4195383363778829
    z: 1.5163309080640626

[Msg]   [Total]: 1
[Msg] Total score: 1

Take a moment to look at how far back you had to go in order to report the artifact. You should be somewhere near the following area:

Reporting area without breadcrumbs

The approximate edge of the communication range for the base station in the first main hallway of cave_qual, highlighted in blue.

Returning to this point to regain communication can take a significant amount of time, and requires the robot to backtrack through space that it has already navigated through. If we use breadcrumbs, the robot may be able to report the backpack artifact from where the artifact was detected, eliminating the need to backtrack.


Now that we have discussed why robot to robot communication and breadcrumbs are important, let's go over how we will use each of these concepts to enhance our solution.

We will spawn 2 robots: reporter and relay.

  • reporter will navigate through the environment, looking for artifacts.
  • relay will stay put in the robot's starting area.
  • once reporter detects an artifact, it will send an artifact report to relay.
  • relay will then pass this message along to the base station for scoring. Once the base station has received this artifact report, it will let relay know whether this report scored a point or not.
  • relay will then pass the base station's message along to reporter, letting reporter know that the artifact report was received by the base station.

The diagram below reflects the configuration that was just outlined. The next two sections will go into the methods for reporter and relay in greater depth.

Diagram of reporter, relay and base station infrastructure

A diagram depicting how the reporter, relay, and base station communicate with one another. The colored boxes represent a method that handles communications (blue for reporter and green for relay). Dotted lines reflect the fact that every time a message is sent between two different components, it may be lost/dropped with some probability.

Reporter Robot

Let's take a look at ~/subt_hello_world/subt_solution_launch/artifact_reporter_comms.cpp, which is the source code for the reporter robot. A lot of this code is similar to ~/subt_hello_world/subt_solution_launch/artifact_reporter.cpp, which was introduced in the perception post. Since the perception post explains a lot of the code for detecting an artifact, we'll focus on the code that reports an artifact to the relay robot. First, let's discuss the main:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  ros::init(argc, argv, "artifact_reporter");
  ros::NodeHandle nh;

  ros::NodeHandle private_nh("~");
  private_nh.param("robot_name", robot_name, std::string("X1"));
  private_nh.param("camera_frame", camera_frame, robot_name + "/base_link/camera_front");
  private_nh.param("artifact_origin_frame", artifact_origin_frame, std::string("artifact_origin"));
  private_nh.param("rgbd_pc_topic", rgbd_pc_topic, "/" + robot_name + "/rgbd_camera/depth/points");
  private_nh.param("darknet_bb_topic", darknet_bb_topic, std::string("/darknet_ros/bounding_boxes"));
  private_nh.param("destination_address", dst_address, std::string(subt::kBaseStationName));

  tf2_ros::Buffer tf_buffer;
  tf2_ros::TransformListener tf_listener(tf_buffer);

  // set up communications for artifact reporting
  subt::CommsClient commsClient(robot_name);
  commsClient.Bind(&IncomingMsgCallback, robot_name);

  // found artifacts will be attempted to be sent periodically through a timer
  ros::Timer timer = nh.createTimer(ros::Duration(1.0), boost::bind(&RelayArtifact, _1, boost::ref(commsClient)));

  // when darknet detects an object, we need the corresponding point cloud data from the RGBD camera
  // so that we can determine the location of this object
  message_filters::Subscriber<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2> pc_sub(nh, rgbd_pc_topic, 1);
  message_filters::Subscriber<darknet_ros_msgs::BoundingBoxes> bb_sub(nh, darknet_bb_topic, 1);
  message_filters::TimeSynchronizer<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2, darknet_ros_msgs::BoundingBoxes> sync(pc_sub, bb_sub, 10);
  sync.registerCallback(boost::bind(&ProcessDetection, _1, _2, boost::ref(tf_buffer)));


A lot of this code should be familiar from the perception post: initialize the node, read in any parameters, and set up communications and perception. There's one key difference in main that allows this robot to communicate with another robot:

private_nh.param("destination_address", dst_address, std::string(subt::kBaseStationName));

We are now allowing the destination address to be configured as a parameter. This address will default to the base station if no parameter is given, but we can also set this parameter to the name of the relay robot if we wish.

// set up communications for artifact reporting
subt::CommsClient commsClient(robot_name);
commsClient.Bind(&IncomingMsgCallback, robot_name);

// found artifacts will be attempted to be sent periodically through a timer
ros::Timer timer = nh.createTimer(ros::Duration(1.0), boost::bind(&RelayArtifact, _1, boost::ref(commsClient)));

A lot of this code is based on the communications section of the SubT Virtual Testbed API. First, we initialize a commsClient object with the address being the name of the reporter robot. Then, we use subt::CommsClient::Bind to set the reporter's communications callback function to IncomingMsgCallback. This means that whenever the reporter robot receives a message, IncomingMsgCallback will be called. Lastly, we use a ros::Timer to call the RelayArtifact method every second.

Let's go over the IncomingMsgCallback and RelayArtifact methods in greater detail.

void IncomingMsgCallback(
  const std::string & srcAddress,
  const std::string & dstAddress,
  const uint32_t dstPort,
  const std::string & data)
  // since the artifact we saved has been reported, we no longer have an artifact to report
  // until we detect another one
  have_an_artifact_to_report = false;

As we previously mentioned, IncomingMsgCallback is called whenever the reporter robot receives a message. Since we are only passing around messages that pertain to detected artifact reports, we know that if this method is called, it means that the reporter's latest artifact report was received by the base station. So, if this method is ever called, all we need to do is make a note that we don't have an artifact to report, since our last reported artifact was received successfully.

void RelayArtifact(const ros::TimerEvent &, subt::CommsClient & commsClient)
  if (!have_an_artifact_to_report)

  auto location = artifact_to_report.location;
  ignition::msgs::Pose pose;

  // fill the type and pose
  subt::msgs::Artifact artifact;

  // serialize the artifact
  std::string serializedData;
  if (!artifact.SerializeToString(&serializedData))
    ROS_ERROR_STREAM("ArtifactReporter::ReportArtifact(): Error serializing message\n" << artifact.DebugString());

  // share the artifact
  commsClient.SendTo(serializedData, dst_address);

In RelayArtifact, we only send an artifact report if we have a detection to share. In order to share a detection, we need to extract the artifact's type and location. Let's take a closer look at the last line:

commsClient.SendTo(serializedData, dst_address);

We send the artifact report (serialized as a string) to dst_address, which was defined earlier as a parameter. This means that the robot can either send this information to another robot or the base station. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will show what happens when dst_address is the address of another robot (relay).

It's important to note that calling SendTo doesn't guarantee that the message sent by the reporter was received by relay. The only way for the reporter to know if a sent message was received is by getting a response through IncomingMsgCallback. The method presented here functions similarly to UDP. This means that messages sent by the reporter and acknowledgements/responses meant for the reporter may be lost in transit. Messages can always be re-sent if a connection is temporarily lost.

Relay Robot

Now that we have discussed how communications work for the reporter robot, let's take a look at how the relay robot works. Open up ~/subt_hello_world/subt_solution_launch/report_relay.cpp. Let's start off by taking a look at main:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  ros::init(argc, argv, "artifact_report_relay");
  ros::NodeHandle nh;

  ros::NodeHandle private_nh("~");
  private_nh.param("robot_name", robot_name, std::string("X1"));
  private_nh.param("other_robot", other_robot, std::string("X2"));

  // set up communications for artifact reporting
  commsClient = new subt::CommsClient(robot_name);
  commsClient->Bind(&IncomingMsgCallback, robot_name);


A lot of the communications setup for the relay robot is similar to the reporter robot - this time, however, robot_name is the name of the relay robot. The relay robot also has a callback that is triggered whenever this robot receives a message (IncomingMsgCallback). Let's take a look at how the relay robot handles new messages:

void IncomingMsgCallback(
  const std::string & srcAddress,
  const std::string & dstAddress,
  const uint32_t dstPort,
  const std::string & data)
  if (srcAddress == other_robot)
    // we received an artifact from the other robot,
    // so we need to send this artifact message to the base station
    commsClient->SendTo(data, subt::kBaseStationName);
  else if (srcAddress == subt::kBaseStationName);
    // the base station has received the artifact we relayed from the other robot,
    // so we need to let the other robot know that the relay succeeded
    commsClient->SendTo(data, other_robot);

As we can see in the code above, the method first checks who sent the message. If the reporter (other_robot) was the sender of the message, then the relay robot forwards this message to the base station. If the base station (subt::kBaseStationName) was the sender of the message, then the relay robot forwards this message to let the reporter knows its original message was received by the base station.

Using the Reporter and Relay in a Launch File

Now that we understand how the reporter and relay robots work, we need a way to run the two robots together. We can do this through a launch file. Take a look at ~/subt_hello_world/subt_solution_launch/launch/communications.launch:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

  <arg name="reporter_name"/>
  <arg name="relay_name"/>

  <group ns="$(arg reporter_name)">
    <!-- Cartographer setup -->
    <include file="$(find subt_solution_launch)/launch/cartographer.launch">
      <arg name="name" value="$(arg reporter_name)"/>
      <arg name="mode" value="3d"/>
      <arg name="type" value="x1"/>

    <node pkg="subt_solution_launch" type="artifact_origin_finder" name="artifact_origin_finder">
      <param name="robot_name" value="$(arg reporter_name)" />

    <node pkg="subt_solution_launch" type="artifact_reporter_comms" name="artifact_reporter_comms" output="screen">
      <param name="robot_name" value="$(arg reporter_name)" />
      <param name="destination_address" value="$(arg relay_name)" />

  <include file="$(find subt_solution_launch)/launch/yolo_v3-tiny.launch" />

  <node pkg="subt_solution_launch" type="report_relay" name="report_relay" output="screen">
    <param name="robot_name" value="$(arg relay_name)"/>
    <param name="other_robot" value="$(arg reporter_name)" />

This launch file takes two arguments:

  1. The name of the reporter robot (reporter_name)
  2. The name of the relay robot (relay_name).

This launch file will run several nodes:

  1. cartographer (SLAM). This is needed in order to dertermine artifact locations in a "global frame". For more information about Cartographer and SLAM, take a look at the docker and slam post.
  2. artifact_origin_finder. This node finds the artifact origin, which serves as the "global frame" mentioned above. For more information about the artifact origin frame, take a look at the perception post and/or the API.
  3. artifact_reporter_comms (the reporter robot). For more information about how this executable was generated, take a look at ~/subt_hello_world/subt_solution_launch/CMakeLists.txt.
  4. darknet_ros (image detection). For more information about darknet_ros, take a look at the perception post.
  5. report_relay (the relay robot). For more information about how this executable was generated, take a look at ~/subt_hello_world/subt_solution_launch/CMakeLists.txt.

Before we run this launch file, we'll try dropping a breadcrumb so our robots can relay messages from even deeper in the environment.

How to Drop a Breadcrumb

We've gone over how to relay information through robots. Let's also take a moment to go through how to drop a breadcrumb.

Start a simulator that spawns a robot with breadcrumb capabilities (you can see which robots have breadcrumbs by taking a look at the robots page of the SubT Virtual Testbed wiki). In this example, we're using COSTAR_HUSKY_SENSOR_CONFIG_2:

$ cd ~/subt_hello_world/docker/simulation_runner
$ ./run.bash osrf/subt-virtual-testbed:latest cave_circuit.ign worldName:=cave_qual robotName1:=X1 robotConfig1:=COSTAR_HUSKY_SENSOR_CONFIG_2

In order to drop a breadcrumb, we need to publish a message the the /ROBOT_NAME/breadcrumb/deploy topic. Since the name of the robot in the simulator is X1, we'll need to publish a message to the /X1/breadcrumb/deploy topic. Open another terminal that connects to the simulation container and run the following command to drop a breadcrumb (we use --once so that the publish call returns once the breadcrumb has been dropped):

# you can open another terminal that gives you a shell in the simulation container using this command
$ docker exec -it `docker ps --filter ancestor=osrf/subt-virtual-testbed --format {{.ID}}` /bin/bash

# now, run the following command in the connected terminal instance to drop a breadcrumb
$ rostopic pub /X1/breadcrumb/deploy std_msgs/Empty "{}" --once

In the simulator, you should now see a breadcrumb behind the robot:

Breadcrumb dropped by robot

A breadcrumb dropped by a robot.

Running the Reporter and Relay Robots With Breadcrumbs

Now, let's test our robot relay and breadcrumbs together to see if we can achieve long-range communication. We'll need to start a simulator with two robots this time:

$ cd ~/subt_hello_world/docker/simulation_runner
$ ./run.bash osrf/subt-virtual-testbed:latest cave_circuit.ign worldName:=cave_qual robotName1:=X1 robotConfig1:=COSTAR_HUSKY_SENSOR_CONFIG_2 robotName2:=X2 robotConfig2:=X2_SENSOR_CONFIG_1

Once everything loads, you should see two robots in the starting area.

In this example, robotConfig1 is the reporter, and robotConfig2 is the relay. We chose robotConfig1 to be COSTAR_HUSKY_SENSOR_CONFIG_2 because this robot has an RGBD camera (for perception) and breadcrumbs. Since robotConfig2 is the relay robot, you can set this robot to any configuration you'd like (it doesn't need a camera for perception or breadcrumb capabilities for this example). We chose X2_SENSOR_CONFIG_1 to be robotConfig2 since it has a low cost. For more information about the different robot configurations that are available, take a look at the robots page of the wiki.

After starting a simulator, run communications.launch in our development Docker container:

$ cd ~/subt_hello_world/docker/
$ ./run_dev_container.bash ~/subt_hello_world/subt_solution_launch

# run the following commands in the docker container
$ source ~/setup_solution_ws.bash
$ roslaunch subt_solution_launch communications.launch reporter_name:=X1 relay_name:=X2

Notice that reporter_name matches robotName1 (from the simulator command), and relay_name matches robotName2.

We also need to start teleop control so that we can drive the reporter through the cave, looking for artifacts. Connect to the docker container in another terminal to accomplish this:

# start another shell session in the docker container
$ cd ~/subt_hello_world/docker/
$ ./join.bash

# run the following in the docker container
$ rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard cmd_vel:=/X1/cmd_vel

Let's also echo the /subt/score topic:

$ rostopic echo /subt/score

This will give us a way to tell when a detection from the reporter robot has been received by the base station. Once the base station receives the reporter's backpack artifact report, we should see the output of /subt/score change from 0 to 1 (indicating that our report was not only received, but that our report was also correct).

We now have all of the necessary programs running in order to test our communication framework. Before we discuss how to use breadcrumbs as we drive the reporter robot around the cave, let's discuss how you can visualize the communication range between multiple robots.

Visualizing Communication Range

There's a tutorial on the SubT Virtual Testbed Wiki that goes through how to visualize the communication range between two robots. In order to follow this tutorial, you need to install ignition-dome. Since it takes a bit of work to get this tutorial working, we've gathered some example visualizations for you later in this tutorial.

If you're interested in testing out communications visualization yourself, you'll need to use the files provided in ~/subt_hello_world/docker/subt_catkin_install. This directory contains a Docker setup that allows you to follow the Catkin Installation instructions.

Using Breadcrumbs

At this point, you should have started a simulator that spawned two robots in the cave_qual world. We will now re-visit the backpack in cave_qual from earlier in this post, dropping breadcrumbs along the way. Dropping breadcrumbs will extend the communication range between the reporter and relay robots so that we don't need to drive the reporter back towards the base station once the backpack has been detected.

Cave qual communications approach

Breadcrumbs will be dropped by the reporter robot in order to increase the communication range between the two robots.

Before we start driving the reporter robot towards the backpack, let's take a look at the initial communication range for the relay robot.

Initial communication range for the relay robot

The communication range for the relay robot if no breadcrumbs are used.

As we can see in the diagram, the backpack location is outside of the default communication range. Let's drive the reporter robot to the first 3-way intersection (the one that branches to the right) and drop a breadcrumb there. Once you're at the intersection, run the following command in another shell to drop a breadcrumb:

$ rostopic pub /X1/breadcrumb/deploy std_msgs/Empty "{}" --once

Now, if you take a look at the reporter robot in the simulator, you should see a breadcrumb that has been dropped just behind it. Now that we've dropped a breadcrumb, let's take a look at the communications range for the relay robot again:

Communication range for the relay robot, 1 breadcrumb

The communication range for the relay robot, using 1 breadcrumb which is highlighted in purple.

Our communication range has increased, but the artifact still seems to be just out of range. If we drive to the next 3-way intersection (with a branch to the left) and drop a breadcrumb there, then we should be good to go!

Take a moment to drive to the next intersection, and drop another breadcrumb there (run the same command that was used to drop a breadcrumb at the other intersection). The communication range would now look something like this:

Communication range for the relay robot, 2 breadcrumbs

The communication range for the relay robot, using 2 breadcrumbs, highlighted in purple.

Great! The artifact should now be within communication range of the relay robot. All that's left is driving the reporter to the backpack artifact. Once the reporter detects this artifact, the reporter will attempt to send this artifact report to the relay periodically until the reporter is notified that this detection has been received.

Now that we have a way to know if the reporter's artifact report has been received or not, drive the reporter to the backpack artifact. You'll know that the robot has detected the backpack when you see blue boxes around the backpack in the Yolo V3 GUI, labelled "suitcase" (if you're wondering why the boxes are labeled "suitcase" instead of "backpack", you can read the section called So Why Are We Using Pre-Trained Neural Networks? in the perception post).

An example output of a detected backpack artifact

An example output from darknet_ros, indicating that a backpack has been detected.

Once you've detected the backpack, there's a chance that the /subt/score topic is still outputting 0, since communications are probabilistic. If that's the case, try dropping another breadcrumb near the backpack, and then move the reporter robot to the top of the hill by the backpack artifact. You should see the output of /subt/score change to 1.


Now that you have finished going through this post, you should have all of the necessary resources to incorporate robot to robot communication in your solution! As a follow-on, you can try sharing other types of data (for example, robot maps or goal locations) between robots to allow cooperative exploration.

In the next blog post, we'll learn more about multi-robot coordination.